Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

For LA7 class rest of this week through 12/5

Due - Detail

12/4 - Wednesday
Bring Non-Fiction Reading selection to class
Bring SG costumes and scripts (we will film non-gym scenes in class on W and F)

12/5 - Thursday
Film SG Basketball Court scenes

Monday, November 25, 2013

HW week of 112513

Due - Details

11/26 -
In class - scenery, props, extras practice
Finish Country Historical Map
SG Script group - work on your script for your two assigned chapters

11/27 -
Complete any late or missing work
In class - video tape movie scenes

SG Script group -
print out and highlight scenes on your script
practice your lines

Poetry Guide for Bards here

Poetry Guide for Bards here

Friday, November 22, 2013

Medieval Guilds Level Two

Each Guild member that has completed Level One is now at Level Two.
Second Level titles and quests

Squire - Country Pledge of activities contract (Sample by *Dean Watson*). Target Shoot Tournament

Poet - Perform a medieval source poem for the entire class

Journeyman - A portrait of a couple in any medium (besides computer)

Protege - Write a short report about an important scientific or medical theory of the time period. Present a summary of your findings to class.

Those that have not progressed must still pass their level one quest - so practice or complete the task.
Even though you have not completed the first task, you MUST start working on the second level task.

All level for each class can be found here: Medieval Level Spreadsheet

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Current Event due Friday

11/15 - Current Event -  Find an article that takes place in your country - politics, economics, military - Write up due AND article printed out. Follow the form here. (Make a copy of the form so you can edit it).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekly HW: Medieval Groups and Quests, Current Events, Research Topic

Each student was assigned a Medieval country and a profession in class today.

Due - Detail

11/13 - Final Draft of your Good Deeds essay. Will be edited by Mr. Rodgers.

11/13 - Research your Medieval Short Report topic: type your notes in G-docs. Save each internet link and explain each link in a sentence. Gather a 1/2 page of typed notes about your topic.

- Find your topic number here. Look up topic list here.

11/14 - First Level of each quest:

Page (Knight) - Create a coat of arms or crest. Rough draft due.

Jester (Bard) - Write a 30 to 60 second comedy routine that consists of a series of jokes, a story, or a combination of humor that gets people to laugh. Draft due.

Artisan - Find a medieval map of your country or related medieval topic map that you would like to draw that shows your talent. Print out your map and share your link.

Sage - Find a Medieval quote from the time period that you would like to write in calligraphy and be able to explain it to the class.

Medieval Short Report Assignment - Due Nov 19 - First draft

Medieval – Short Report Assignments

To be assigned on November 12 in class.

Three paragraphs
1. Explain and define the title topic
2. Give significant timeline details or technical details
3. Explain the significance of the topic to Medieval history - 
3a. nearby regions, effects on daily life, art, politics, etc.
3b. what were some long term effects of this topic

Typed in Google Docs
300 - 500 words

Must have bibliography with three references from the internet

Topics List here - these are chosen and confirmed in class with each student

Take this survey to help get a topic of interest

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Stargirl's important chapters - how a book becomes a movie (11/6 class activity)

In class activity: Students selected the most important twenty chapters. In small groups they debated and discussed which 16 chapters were essential. As a class we continued these discussions until we decided which 16 chapters would be used to make our movie.

Our goal as a class is to narrow down Stargirl to the most important chapters, scenes, and details so that we can make a Stargirl movie. As many of our favorite novels and book series have been made into movies, it is our hope that the Stargirl movie will capture the spirit of the book, while allowing the class to retell the story in order to make it meaningful for the students.

The top ten chapters:

The next six:

The last four:

Chapters that did not make the cut:

Schedule for drafts - Good Deed's essay - This week

11/5 -
In class -  mark for
<Great Sentences>, ((Confusing sentences)), (star) Topic sentences of each paragraph

HW - due, print at home
Second draft, resolving confusing sentences, and confusion about topic sentences. Write better supporting sentences (evidence and details) for your great sentences.

11/6 -
In class - mark for
(star) Topic sentence of each paragraph,
(1,2,3,4) number each supporting detail for each topic sentence per paragraph (starting at 1 for each new paragraph's set of supporting sentences).
Underline any sentences that needs more details or specifics - then in the side margin write a note or make a list of suggestions you would like to see for more details for each underlined sentence.

Lastly, at the end of the selection, write any general comments or suggestions you have for the piece.

You MAY decide to have your parents edit only using the strategies that we conducted in class so far.

HW - due Thursday, print at home
Third Draft resolving for missing or needed details and explanations necessary to support the topic sentences of each paragraph.

Monday, November 4, 2013

HW due Tuesday - Finish typing Good Deeds Essay and Take notes on SS7 Ch2; Crash Course Dark Ages link

Good Deeds essay - due Tuesday, beginning of class completed and printed:
1. Finish typing your Good Deeds Essay, first draft.
2. Print out the essay, double spaced.
3. Don't forget the word count range is at least 300 words. It may be more than 500 words, but that word count is a suggested limit.

Read and take notes on SS7 Ch2 - Click here for details

Link for Crash Course Dark Ages as shown in class...

Notes from Introduction to the Middle Ages here

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finish writing first draft of your Good Deeds essay

Here is a brief (general) outline of paragraphs, as discussed in class:

1. Thesis and Intro (what is this essay covering, topic wise per paragraph)
2. A good deed that was meaningful for you - explain details and personal meaning
3. A good deed that was meaningful for Stargirl - explain details and SG's personal meaning
4. Why do people do good events - what are the short-term and long term effects of your personal AND SG's good deeds
5. What would the world be without good deeds
6. Conclusion - Why do people do good deeds. Include a gem or insight that you were saving until the end that gives the reader a clear understanding of your answer as covered in your essay.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Work due this week 1022 - 1025

Decline of Rome EQ

1. Roman Map
2. Journal - Discuss three good deeds from your project (200 word min)
3. Thesis Statement for SG Good Deeds Essay

1. Write two more EQs for Chapter 1, each about the big idea from other sections. After you write the question, then list three points minimum of explanation or information that you can use to answer the question from the text. (See below for instructions for writing EQ questions)

2. Finish SG and taking all notes

1. Book Jacket for Outside Reading Project

Information: Writing EQs Directions:

EQ question format: Asks a big question about a process, sequence of events, or major idea. Usually starts with 'Explain, why, how..."

4 - 5 sentences.
Explain the concept of the question (decline of Rome)
Give 2 examples or elements of evidence (that explains why Rome declined)

In class activities about Rome...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Roman Empire Map directions and materials

click here for the directions

HW Due Friday

1. Finish inking Roman Empire map - boundaries and labels. Do not color. Bring your map.
2. Bring colored pencils to class.
3. Finish sketch of book jacket started in class.
4. Bring Roman notes to class - we will continue working on the EQ activities in class.

Due Th: EQ Question about Ch 1 pages 8 - 9

Answer the following EQ question based on pages 8-9 in the SS7 Text:
Explain the decline of the Roman Empire.

EQ question format:
4 - 5 sentences.
Explain the concept of the question (decline of Rome)
Give 2 examples or elements of evidence (that explains why Rome declined)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

HW due Wed and Thurs this week

Social Studies due Wed and Thursday:
Read SS7 Ch 1 - due Wednesday.

Here is the SS7 work due Thursday.

LA7 Homework due Wed and Thursday:
Bring your outside reading novel and all Stargirl materials to class - due Wednesday.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Be prepared for the Gladiator games on Monday, where knowledge is your survival.

If you do not feel prepared, this weekend students should study from their Roman Chapter and group notes so that you are prepared to win as a team.

Ascending Events in SG up through Ch 25

Here are the notes from today's discussion.

Spoiler Alert - the Climax to the book is coming up soon. If you want to read to find out what it is, keep reading.

EQ Question - how to write and answer an EQ question from assigned readings

Students will be required to write EQ questions and answer them appropriately for a variety of readings and activities throughout the year. This will help develop conceptual thinking that focuses on evidence from the reading or activity to support student explanations.

EQ (Essential Question) - a question that asks a complex question that requires a detailed answer that include all of the following elements in a paragraph between 4 - 6 sentences.

1. an explanation of the major concept, event, or historical contributions of a person in relation to the question.
2. uses 2 - 3 examples or pieces of evidence found in the reading, text, or activity that supports the explanation of the major idea of the question.
3. uses and defines key terms found in the reading or activity that relate to and add to an understanding of the main concept.
3a - The definitions are not given directly, but instead the term is used in such a way by the writer that it is clear that the writer understands the meaning and appropriate usage of the terms as part of their answer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Survey emails will not be accepted after 9:30 pm 10/7/13. Survey submissions will be counted after 12 am, the beginning of 10/8/13.

Just so you know...

Also, in order to get credit for taking the survey, students MUST give their name in the appropriate field at the end of the survey.

- Mr. R

LASS7 Homework this work and due Tuesday, 10/8

Due - Detail
1008 - Read and take notes on SG Chapter 19-21
1008 - World Maps completed - due at the beginning class
1008 - Bring outside reading novel to class
1009 - Check good deeds (Random Acts Project) for two days complete
1009 - SG Quiz through Ch 21
1010 - Roman Presentations activity
1010 - IN CLASS - writing assessment
1011 - In class Roman assessment - Gladiator

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Random Acts of Kindness Project (related to Stargirl) - Started 10/7 - due Friday, 10/18

This page of directions will be discussed in class on Monday, 10/7.

The Random Acts of Kindness Project takes the idea that other people can do things like Stargirl, from the novel that we are currently reading.

We will keep track of ten days of Random Acts of Kindness.

Here is the form to keep track of your ten days of Kindness (you must be signed in to your lcm account to access):
Page One - start here
Pages two and on - print as many as you need.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness:
There are several ideas that we can glean from the novel itself. There are also plenty of other great ideas found on the Actiontracker website, which was the basis for a middle school wide project in Bristol, England.
Every culture has a set of good deeds that one can do:
1. that require a person to think about others before they think about themselves.
2. that brings people together, individually or collectively as a group.
3. that the doer does not expect to be noticed, rewarded, or acknowledged, doing the act anonymously.
4. that the recipient is not someone that the doer necessarily knows at all.
5. some acts are small, but these should be acts that stretch a person's normal behaviors.
6. some acts are planned out and require considerable effort and time.
7. the acts may be unexpected or a surprise, but make sure that the act does not cross personal boundaries of the recipient as to embarrass or use excess resources that may prove costly.
8. the acts may be something that a person does from time to time, but many of the acts should be acts that the doer does not typically do, stretching the doer's personal boundaries.
9. acts should not be simple planned events that create artificial needs. For example, a doer should not ask someone to drop something so it can be picked it up.

The Actiontracker website has several great ideas to complete this project.

Stargirl’s Actiontracker list (from a class discussion last week):
1. Sings Happy Birthday to people
2. Cheers for all teams
3. Gives holiday favors to people
4. Buys random people birthday gifts
5. She cheers for or praises people
6. She plays the ukelele at lunch
7. She doesn’t lose her temper
8. She remembers people’s names
9. She sympathizes with other peoples’ losses
10. What else might Stargirl do on the website?

Some students are not using the blog... take the survey to help improve this blog

After you read this entry, take this survey to help Mr. Rodgers make this blog a better tool for success. To do this, send Mr. Rodgers an email from your school lcm account, and he will send the survey back to you. Parents can also take the survey if they use a different email account. As part of the survey, your email account will be recorded so that I may follow up if a comment needs clarification.

Just like Powerschool offers a direct way to find out every grade on graded work in a class, the blogs that I post about each class are very important to verify directions and get materials that students have either lost or cannot find.

Why must students use this blog:

To get an answer to the directions, or be able to reread the directions for an assignment.

To use those directions and materials to complete work on time.

To get links to websites or handouts that must be used in order to complete assignments or study for quizzes and tests.

The blog offers many other advantages as well. Without the blog, students will not be able to complete homework from time to time, or get a copy of a reading, or a replacement blank chart or map that is due the next day. Students must use the blog to succeed in class.

If a students is not following the blog, or reading it daily, they are not taking advantage of this line of communication to do well in class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HW for Wed and Thurs Night - all due Friday

Due - Detail
1003 - 1004 - Study for World Map Physical Features (both nights) test on Friday

1003 -
World Map, as in class complete the following by Thursday morning:
1. Ink mountains, rivers as discussed in class or you may follow the printed directions.

1003 -
Bring all Roman and Map materials to class

1003 -
Bring SG notes and book
Bring Story cards and notes from Wednesday's activity

Monday, September 30, 2013

Homework this week, so far...

Here is the homework for LA7 and SS7:

Due - Detail

1001 - SS7 - Inked 11x17 map - continents (all inking with black fine point sharpie)

1001 - SS7 -
If your maps were already inked this morning, (you may use black fine point sharpie, or other colors listed below for rivers or mountains):
1. then trace mountains regions, and rivers in light dotted-line pencil (use today's new source map  and all rivers and mountains from the original geography list.
2. You may ink the rivers in blue ink, with a blue roller ball, or a black or blue sharpie (trace over your pencil lines).
3. For mountains, draw small open bodied triangles inside of the penciled mountain regions. You may use purple, brown, orange, or black ink for the mountains
4. When done inking mountains and rivers let the ink dry. Erase all light pencil after the ink is dry.

1001 - LA7
1. Read SG and take notes for chapter 16 - 18.

1002 and 1003 - SS7/LA7 - work to be announced.

1003 - SS7 - study for geography test in order to take the geography test on the entire list.

1004 - SS7 - Geography Test - know and spell items labeled on the map correctly.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

HW due tomorrow for LA7

Here is the six panel template for the homework below.

Today in class we played with our story cards in order to understand how to effective build effective stories by developing plot structures, character elements, and key details. Students improvised in story telling games with our story card in groups of four.

Tonight, students must draw six final draft story cards. The final cards may resemble the draft cards that students previously created, but after playing the games, students may choose to alter their original designs or generate new cards necessary to help make the games better story telling devices.

Here are some requirements for the final draft:
1. Each card need a picture and a word or phrase that described that picture.
2. Each card should be a successful element of story craft - a hero, a valuable object, an important event, a powerful idea, an action.
3. Fill the space, but don't draw to the edge. Use objects to fill the space, not just background color.
4. Zoom in - showing close up detail is a richer visual and easier to draw.
5. Sketch in light, light pencil.
6. All edges must be in black ink. The lettering must be in black ink.
7. All objects must be lightly, and evenly colored in colored pencil.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guiding questions for LASS7 - this week and next

1. What institutions and elements of Roman history are significant throughout European and modern US history?
2. How do we develop a visual and conceptual understanding of the world in order to process history and current events?

1. How do story events build towards a story climax?
2. What foreshadowing elements help us to predict elements in a novel?
3. How can we read a first person account of a fictional story and effectively communicate personal events in writing?

HW due this week, 9/23-9/27

Due - detail

0924 - SS7 - draw two world maps on 8-1/2 by 11 paper in pencil

0924 - LA7 - Stargirl - read chapters 13 - 15 and take appropriate notes (will be checked 0925)

0925 - SS7
Map -
1. create a good map of good quality for either size of paper you were assigned in class.
2. If you cannot attain a good quality map,
3. then show 3 new attempts at 8-1/2x11 or
4. two attempts at 11x17.
5. Bring ALL map sketches, drafts, and drawings to class everyday.

0926 - SS7
1. Read the assigned Roman chapter passed out in class.
2. Take notes as follows -
A. In the notes, first list each highlighted or difficult terms in the reading as you read, skipping lines between entries in order to later define the term.
B. When the reading is complete, after your last term, make a list of the section headers and subheader, one at a time.
C. Using the book, summarize each header and subheader in a sentence that captures the main idea of that section,
D. Define the terms using references from the book , a dictionary or online resources.

0925 - LA7 - The Good Deeds project - step one - get ideas...
1. Read through the Actiontracker website (link here)
2. Find five social actions you can do that you feel you can do and understand.
3. Write the name of each activity and explain in a sentence or two what each activity means to you or explain how you can accomplish that activity.

0926 - SS7 Complete large map outlines draft in pencil. If you are ahead, then outline the map in ink.

Monday, September 23, 2013

HW due Tuesday

1. Read Stargirl and take notes on Chapters 12 - 15.

2. Show up to class with two hand drawn versions of your world map.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Write your first and last name and label your assignments correctly to avoid processing penalties

Every assignment that is turned in must have the following in order to avoid penalties against the assignments grade (a maximum penalty of 10% total):

1. PRINTED First and Last name -
a. Reasoning: since out of the 130 students I see every day, there may be more than one person with the same first name or nickname. In some cases, there is more than one person with the same first name AND the same last initial.
b. Penalty - no name - 10%; no last name (starting Sept 23) 5%.

2. The period or core label. The teacher's name (to make sure the student turns in the assignment to the right class - you would be surprised).

3. The date - the assignment is DUE. No date at all - 5%.

4. Title of the assignment. Penalty - 5%:
a. page number or handout title.
b. title of student written piece.
c. title of map or chart.

Placement of information:
1. Standard assignments: The Hall Header:
a. top of page.
b. Right top corner: Name above, date due below.
c. Left top corner: Period or Core above, teacher name below.
d. Title of assignment centered on the line below the date and teacher name.

2. Art or graphic assignments:
a. Lower right corner.
b. First and last name dash period number
c. date below the name.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Binder divider tab labels for LASS7 with Mr. Rodgers

Five binder dividers labelled as follows:
Label and descriptions
1. Current work - current assignments and projects due yet
2. Notes - class notes from presentations and research
3. Handouts - Handouts and readings
4. Guidelines  - including  Syllabus
5. Rubrics - Rubrics and general assignment directions

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Here is the class syllabus - due Thursday

Here is the Class Syllabus for LASS7.

1. Students should PRINT this out and read it.
2. Parents must read and sign the syllabus at the top after they have read it.
3. The syllabus should be placed in the section of the class binder.
Due by Thursday at the beginning of class.

HW the rest of the week...

Due Thursday
1. Be ready to take the World Geography quiz worth 10 points. You must be prepared to write and spell correctly all continents, oceans, and lines (listed on the back of the map) by labeling a map.

2. Bring a parent read and signed syllabus to class.

3. Bring to class 5 dividers for your binder.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

FYI - no blocks this week AND HW update

FYI - there are no block classes this week. We will have all periods of instruction this week. Wednesday we get out at the normal time. Thursday we get out at 1 pm Early Release for Back to School Night.

Due Wednesday
1. Finish your questions from the SS7 Scavenger Hunt.
2. SG - read and take notes through Chapter 9.

Study for map quiz on Thursday - continents, oceans, latitude and longitude lines

Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Update - Sept. 16 - 20, 2013

Guiding Questions for the week of 0916 - 0920/13
SS7 - Textbook, Rome, Geography
What are the time frame boundaries, civilizations, and concepts studied in SS7?
What is the legacy of Roman Civilization?
What is the point of the lines on the world map - how do they work?

LA7 - Stargirl and Story Cards
How does someone get to know another person?
What are the important elements of another person?
How is a good story built? What are the elements of story?

Daily Record - 
Activities and Homework due at beginning of class 
(follow updates in future posts for in class activities and any additional HW and due dates)

0916 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 1 - 3 and take appropriate notes - 3 summary details AND three great passages (write start of each passage) and page number

In class -
Pre-read activity SS textbook
SS7 scavenger hunt
Due - Finish Personal History Placard and turn in last week's journal
Share Story Card stories from last week
Story cards assignment discussed (due 092013)
Class Syllabus - brief overview
Start World Map Sequence - drawing strategies in class

0917 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 4 - 6 and take notes (above)
2. Organize Class binder (five dividers and labels needed in class)
3. Map Sequence - study continents, oceans, lines - know how to spell

In class -
Roman Groups formed - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Cards game - 6 components (group story time)

0918 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 7 - 9 and take notes (above)

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game (reverse orders, permutations)
Good Deeds Project - We are what we do...

0919 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 10 - 12 and take notes (above)
2. Class Syllabus - printed and signed with parent signature (in class binder)

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game (reverse orders, permutations)
Good Deeds Project - Assignment details

0920 - Due at beginning of class
1. Stargirl Notes check completed through Ch. 12
2. Story Card Assignment

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game - class wide improv team presentations
Good Deeds Project - Assignment details

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assigned Wed, due Friday: two 6 sentence stories using your story cards

Originally Due Thursday, Sept. 12 (Since we went to the library, now due Friday, Sept. 13):

Write two six sentence stories using your story cards in two different orders. You may substitute one card out to make a better story element for that card. for each story.

Also, finish drawing your cards. Label each card with a simple word description.

HW due Friday, 9/13

Bring all work that we did in class or for homework to class this week.Today we checked out genre novels (sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, horror, suspense, western) from the library.HW due Friday - Read the first 20 pages min or more in order to complete that chapter that may end after page 20.Take notes on what is shown so far:characterssettingtoneother elements

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Journal due Wednesday, Sept. 11

Write a journal that deals with the following description:

Describe an important personal event that changed everything. Explain causes or reasons why  this event occurred. Explain the important details of the event. If you can not complete the page, explain another personal event.

length: a minimum of 170 words, about a full page of college rule notebook paper.

Do not type or edit in any way.

Must be handwritten.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome... Monday night's HW due Tuesday

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address -
b. SS7, period 3 - blog - Mr. Rodgers SS7 - address -
c. SS8, period 5 or 6 - blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address -

2. Send me an email to
a. using your school assigned address.
b. in the subject write your first and last name
c. you may write a message with any concerns you have

3. Get each parent to send an email to
a. the name of each parent
b. the best email to reach each parent at.
c. the best phone number to reach each parent during the day after 3:30 pm
d. an indication which of the parents is the regular primary contact for school calls
e. your parents may write a message with any concerns they have.

Friday, June 7, 2013

School is out and grades are done...

Within a week or so, I will post a couple of class portfolios based on student work, performances, and student photos of class activities. I am looking forward to a great summer. For the last two days I haven't used an alarm clock, but have been working for the district to help wrap up the school year. Taking all the photos this year will help document the arts grant. Have a great summer - I already started. - Mr. Rodgers

PS I will unsubscribe you from the blog by July 1.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The last days of school and your Google Docs...

First - It has been a great year working with each and every student.

a. We ended with the student written theater adaption of Sign of Chrysanthemum. There were several incredible performances by our classroom actors. Thanks to Cooper and Maya for bringing authentic costumes for both classes to use in their productions. The district's theater consultant, Michelle Holdt, led our class through three different visits of acting workshop activities aimed at improving our production.

b.  Preceding our play, we finished off our end of the year Social Studies Group Projects. Students used their individual assignments - 2 maps, timelines, script of a quote, current events and short report - to put together group presentations and write test questions for each of these group presentation. The presentations were exceptional and most student did relatively well on their own test, and the test for two other presentations.

c. So, have a great summer. I'll see you in September.

Second - I will need your LASS7 folder available in order to finish grading. I will post next week when it is safe to unshare me from your LASS7.

Last - When I am finished posting blogs for this school year, I will unsubscribe all current year subscribers.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday night's homework - practice and know your lines for your part in the Sign of Chrysanthemum play

In both cores, we witnessed several incredible performances by our cast of actors in the part one and two ensembles. I am looking forward to, along with our classmates, a great conclusion to our play tomorrow.

Today, Core Two students offered several delicious cultural dishes before we started the play. On Thursday, we will have our Core One cultural dishes towards the end of the play before recess.

Two students still need to bring a copy of Sign of the Chrysanthemum to class tomorrow in order to avoid paying the cost of the book ($6.00 - Amazon, including tax) and not being allowed to attend the picnic. Also, if you still have not returned library books, you will not be allowed to attend the picnic as well.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Try downloading brush painting files again...

Shared Room 601 files to make a copy of OR open with Google Docs here

Try to make a file copy OR download the correct Google Drive app and open the file (which creates a copy).

I uploaded much smaller files, which may be easier to download, or make a file copy of each.

Tell me how it goes.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Finish your digital portfolio now, by next Wednesday or beforehand

Your digital portfolio files must be in the correct folder by Wednesday, May 29. The portfolio is worth 20 points.

Find all of your photographed work (from walls and oversized portfolio pieces) here and these directions...  you may also download (use the menus) the instructional movie here which goes through the process.

From the folder in the link above, 601 walls, find your pics in each of the folder of photos of work on display in the classroom, or the other folder, More portfolio pics.

Select your first picture - check the box by the file name.
Under the more menu that pops up upon selecting a file,
Select "Open With" and
Choose Google Docs.

This will go through a copy routine, and make a copy of the file you selected.
First, rename the file with a name that describes the assignment.
Go to your root level of your Google Drive,
and select the recent option to the left of your files list.

The file you just renamed should appear at the top of your file list.
Select it.
From the more menu,
select move to.
Move it to the scanned work folder (create if necessary)
which is inside your portfolio folder.

CONTENTS of your portfolio:
Your digital portfolio must include the following folders with the correct content:
1. Scanned or photographed portfolio documents - from all year
2. Isearch Final draft with biblio and final outline
3. Litgroup assignments
4. Other pieces that you like
5. Your photographed work and slideshow from your end of year SS7 Project
6. - file: Letter to myself in 10 years.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bring your SS7 textbook to school to turn in ASAP

The sooner the better.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Core Two students that missed either part of the SS7 Test...

Makeups will be on Friday. Be prepared to take both parts of the test if you missed both parts.

Michelle Holdt, District Theater Consultant in class on Thursday, May 23

Michelle Holdt will help students block out their Sign of the Chrysanthemum scenes Thursday for most of each core class.

Sign of C Script.... New copy

Script here.

Download as to your google folder under file menu. Print only the pages that you need for your section.  Chapter 14 - 18 still need more editing, but the pages in this version have significant edits.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Study for next week's test for the SS7 Project

Link to Study Guide and Presentation folders HERE. If either your presentation or COMPLETE study guide is missing from your folder, email me ASAP.

Presentations will be completed by this Friday in class. Do not wait until the night before the test to study!!! This is mandatory study homework from May 13 - May 21.

Here are the Study guides and slideshows that you must study in order to take our SS Project Tests next Tuesday and Wednesday. You must study your own culture plus other presentations from two other cultures starting Monday Night for homework.

Next Tuesday, May 21, we will take the MC and Fill-in parts.
On Wednesday, May 22,  we will take the EQ part.

Both Days:
You must take the MC, Fill-in, and 2 EQs for the Culture you completed your project on.

You must choose TWO other group presentations and take the MC part of the test on Tuesday for each of these cultures. You will take your group's MC and fill-in questions as well.

You must also answer One EQ ONLY from any two other cultures, for a total of two EQ questions. The two cultures are of your choice and must not correspond to the MC parts of the test that you took. You will answer two of the EQ from your group's EQ questions.

More portfolio photos and Homework this week

You will find a photos HERE of several items that are NOT on the walls currently including several Roman timelines, painted world maps, a few Islam booklets (page by page).

Tomorrow, we will assemble physical portfolio materials.

If you have an Islam booklet on the display wall I will take the pictures tomorrow.

The rest of the days this week:

SS7 Project presentations
Sign of Chrysanthemum play practice and revision

This week for homework:
1. Study your SS7 project materials and two other groups materials for the test (which has been moved to next Tuesday and Wednesday.)

2. Practice your lines in the play. These must be memorized by next Friday (we will go through the play everyday from here on out.)

3. Assemble your digital portfolio folder - this will be graded during the week of May 25.

Sign of Chrysanthemum Scripts available

If you need a copy so your group can edit a script:

You must be signed into your student email to view the following:

Save it to your group's Sign of Chrysanthemum folder. This folder must be in your LASS7 folder and shared with your group members and Mr. Rodgers.

I strongly suggest that you work with a double spaced copy while you rehearse and revise the script.

REVISED scripts are due by Friday, May 17. 

The script must be fully memorized by Thursday, May 23.

We will rehearse each day until then...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Digital Portfolio - Round Two

For Tuesday, May 14, here are a couple of things that we need to do for our portfolios since we have the laptop cart tomorrow:

1. Check your scanned work folder - many have had their scanned work imported.

a. eliminate unnecessary scans - usually the blank side of assignments that were also saved as scans.

b. If your folder is empty, let me know at the beginning of class so that I can import these files in class with you.

2. IMPORTANT:  Go to the shared folder here, and copy the photographed images of all of your work that is currently on the class walls. Move these copied photos into your scanned work folder as well.

3. Make sure that your portfolio has the following structure:
a. it IS in your LASS7 folder.
b. The following folder exist with the correct work in each:

i. Writing Portfolio - LG1 and LG2, other poetry, selected writings, journals

SS7 -
i. Isearch - final draft, biblio, final outline

Letter to Future Self

Scanned work - this can be arranged into other folder in your portfolio

You may drag other folders into your portfolio, but it should be a SAMPLING of
1. your best work
2. work that you learned something from
3. work and writing that you think may be interesting in 10 years.
4. and anything of your choice that you find valuable in some way.

How to suggestions - SS7 Project Tests

Here are some useful suggestions for using the online resources to study for the SS7 Project tests:

First, you must sign on to your school Google account to view the study guides and slide shows.

1. Pick a slides show that seems straight forward, but covers all three of the required areas: Medieval events, Modern events, Cultural components, Important figures

2. Examine the study guide for those shows you are interested in studying for. If the study guide is missing several details from the slides show, then decide if you want to study directly from the slides show or not.

3. Remember that the same group that made the slide show, the study guide, as well as the test questions that you must also take.

LASS7 Portfolio Update...

I suggest that you copy items from your LASS7 folder that you would want to have in your digital portfolio.

IF the work is a shared document with other students or with Mr. Rodgers, such as a slide show, you MUST make a copy first before you move the copy into your portfolio.

Friday, May 10, 2013

SS7 Group Project - Grades associated with Presentation

Here are the different parts of the presentation grade that we will finish Tuesday and Wednesday:

Slide Show group process - 10 points
Slide Show - 20 points
Study Guide - 10 points
Test questions and answer key - 10 points
Presentation - 10 points

Each individual will earn points for each assignment based on their contribution to the group work load, and quality of each assignment.

The presentation should:
a. Summarize, not read slides - explain and important points and pictures
b. Poetry performance (one person)
c. Story summary (one person)
d. Smooth transitions between different topics presented in the slide show.
e. Our speaking rubric - volume, pacing, posture, emotional projection

Practice over the weekend.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Culture Test Requirements - due Thursday

As shared in class today:

10 Multiple Choice Questions - each question with four possible answers - a, b, c, d
5 fill-in the blank Questions
3 EQ questions

Typed in Google docs.

Then on the next page - An answer key for the 10 MC, 5 fill-in, 3 bullet points for each EQ

Study Guide:
Also, If your study guide was not turned in today (saved and finished in Google docs during class today), then it is late and must be completed tonight.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Google Folder Organization

Picture - how to organize Google Folders here

Due Wednesday and Thursday

We were lucky to get the computer cart today. We continued to work on our scripts, and SS7 groups had time to start their study guide in class. We also organized our Google Folders for our electronic portfolios that will be completed before school gets out.

Due - Detail (3 items)

0508 - Bring Sign of the Chrysanthemum Book to class to return

0508 - Study Guide based on slide show content (saved in shared folder for SS7 Culture Group)

The study guide must direct students to view the slide show, and offer a solid outline of how to find the important information in the slide show. The following questions must be addressed. Much of the text can be copied straight from the slide show:

The numbers in each question listed below are minimum amounts per category
1. Three important medieval events - details, dates, place, importance of event
2. Three important historical figures from Medieval and Modern time periods - dates, their historical achievement
3. Two Modern historical events - details, dates, place, importance of event
4. Three cultural elements
5.  A poem and its importance, what it means
6. A story or fable - summary and theme

0509 - Letter to future self - Four Paragraphs (saved in LASS7 portfolio folder)

1. Introduction - Hi, 23 year old me....
2. What was 7th grade like for me this year?
3. What was LASS7 with Mr. Rodgers like this year for me?
4. What's in this portfolio - some best pieces, things we did in LASS7?

Monday, May 6, 2013

If you have not spent time on your group slide show tonight, or this past week...

I have received a number of emails from some of your groups that some people feel they have had to do extra work for some members that have not completed their fair share of the work. I must remind students, that if they have not completed their fair share, by tomorrow morning, on Tuesday, May 7, then those students will not receive the same grade as the students in the group that did their fair share or even had to do extra work.

Please give the slide show some time tonight, and do what seems like a fair share compared to others. This has been homework for much of the past four school nights, with plenty of time and computer access in class.

I hope to see amazing slide shows tomorrow!!!

Some notes for Monday Night...

1. As a group, you must work on your SS group slide show. Read my previous blog entry, and the original directions about the slide show. I will scan your slide show tonight after 9 pm to see if progress is being made, and make some additional comments then. The slide show is due tomorrow, Tuesday.

2. Sign of C scripts - if you are the owner/creator of the file for your group script, please do two things this evening, ASAP.
a. make sure you change the name of your script file to: Chapter # - #, Core #
b. make sure your script is in your LASS7 folder, or a folder within that folder. There were a few scripts that I could not view.
c. make sure the name of each member of your group is listed at the top of your script in the text.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Group Slides Show Drafts examined...

I have looked at the slides show drafts. Here some things that everyone must remember to take care, when constructed your slide show

1. 15 - 40 words per minimum. Turn wordy slides into two slides, and edit large blocks of text down to size, to the key points.

2. For each picture you use,
a. it must cover about half of the slide.
b. It should relate to the slide's details in the text.
c. When using a culturally specific image that is not familiar to the general viewer, write a short caption that tells the viewer what the image is.
d. Also, it is not necessary to show the entire student assignment or downloaded image, such as a timeline. I strongly suggest that you crop the image and enlarge the image to show close up details from a map, a graphic, or events on the timeline (same effect as zooming in).
e. Image placement should be moved around from left to right, and top and bottom. Images should not always reside in the same space on each slide. Mix it up a bit.

3. I know there is slide minimum, around 20 slides, but this is not a maximum. Your team must also convey a number of areas about your culture in order to do well on the final assignment:
a. Medieval history - time period, key events, important historical figures
b. Arts, Food, Architecture, Literature and other expressions of traditional culture from the Medieval time period, if possible, or at least what is considered the traditional culture.
c. Modern events from the 20th century.
As a result, some groups may actually develop 30 or 40 slides in order to convey enough information to cover these three areas sufficiently without trying to convey an encyclopedia about your culture.

4. The order of the slides should be grouped together to explore one major idea at a time.

5. Your group must carefully edit and make all corrections in capitalization, grammar, and spelling.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Open House Year in Review - Parent-Student Interview

With Open House on May 16, less than two weeks away, I hope parents can take a few minutes this weekend to ask their son or daughter how things are going in each of their classes this year. I am sure from, time to time throughout the year, students may have shared the love, and sometimes agony, of a piece of writing, a project, a report, or studying for a test in each of their classes, including in LASS7. I am sure that this has not changed from when we went to school. Seventh grade students have busy lives with sports, dance, tutoring, practice for band and plays, and other after school activities that help fill their schedule that makes balancing the demands of doing well in school a bit of a challenge at times. Besides this, many students are becoming more socially aware of the others students in the classroom and during lunch as the whiff of summer starts to fill the school.

Here are few questions to engage your son or daughter in conversation about the year in review that focus on some of the practices and activities in my classroom this year:
1. Do you sit in the same seat most days of the week? How often do you move around in the class, for what activities and why?

2. How have writing, art, and performance been combined to help you learn? Which type of assignments do you do your best in, and which ones are a challenge for you?

3. What type of assignments or projects did you like and not like this year?

4. How has working in groups and with your fellow students helped you learn in class? When does this really work for you, and when does working with others seem to get in the way of doing your best work?

5. What typed of rubrics and standards are used in class for grading writing, art, and performance assignments?

6. What have you learned about this year that you were interested in?

7. What activities have you learned to do, or markedly improved on this year?

I will send out a survey at the beginning of next week for parents to respond to that revolve around these questions. It is not necessary that parents take this survey, but I will encourage students to engage in this discussion with their parents.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, May 2, 2013

For Friday - May 3

1. Your group slide show should have 15 slides with text and pictures for each slide, 15 - 40 words each slide at the beginning of the day.

2. You must bring a copy of Sign of Chrysanthemum to class for reference when you are working WITH your scripts today if you need to refer to the text. Do not leave your book at home, in your locker, and do not leave it in the classroom after class either.

3. You must bring your typed script to class so that your group can start to read the script and work out different parts and how to block out, place people on stage for each scene.

4. Bring the normal paper and writing implements. We will watch a movie clip about the way of the Samurai - notes required.

5. We will write a journal at the beginning of class and share out.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Today through Friday...

Here are our Essential Questions for this week's curriculum:

For the SS Project Slide Show:
Summarize - How do we find key details and effectively summarize this information into a concise presentation?

For the Sign of Chrysanthemum Script writing activity:
How do we dramatize a novel, by summarizing key plot points, while showing important character and tonal elements of the story?

Today -
Sign of C - Each class converted assigned Sign of C chapters into a script format with inline directions for each actor. The recorder in each group must typed up the scripts and share it with Mr. Rodgers and the members in their group.

In core one, we had our first Haiku, Tanka, Renga lesson...

Thursday -
Short Report - Don't forget to bring your typed second draft short reports to class to turn in.

Sign of C - We will continue working on our scripts, and have some time work on our SS group presentations.

Core Two will receive the first Haiku lesson.

Friday -
SS Group - A major portion, about 14 slides minimum should be completed in each SS group.

Sign of C - We will try to finish our scripts for Sign of C. The secretary should type up the script for that day and share it will all group and Mr. Rodgers.

We may engage in the second Haiku activity.

We will watch film clips from Japanese movies to get costume and movement ideas for our play.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This week's schedule AND Group Presentation Directions

Group Presentation Directions here!

Due - Details (HW from class activity)
0430 - Short Report typed draft
0430 - Portfolio pieces selected in class
0501 - Short report final draft - typed in class
0501 - Haiku/Tanka Activity - in class
0503 - Near completion of slide show (15 slides min)
0503 - Haiku/Tanka Activity part 2 - in class
0503 - Half of Sign of C script handwritten
0507 - Final Slides Show complete (from HW)
0507 - Script draft complete - handwritten in class
0508 - Presentation Study Guide and notes
0508 - Script typed - copy needed double spaced (typed by different person in group than Pres Notes
0509 - 10 MC, 5 fill-in, 3 EQ with bulleted answers and answer key
0510.13 - Asian Brush Painting activities
0515 - SS Project Test - MC and Fill-in
0516 - SS Project EQ Test - Part 2
0516 - Open House
0517 - Theater Consultant Michelle Holdt returns to block out Sign of C play

Monday, April 29, 2013

This week in class - All project work this week

1. Culture Presentations - group preparation - requirements are here (group)
2. Script writing of Sign of Chrysanthemum (group)
3. Select work for end of year portfolio (individual)

Short Report due tomorrow in class...

We had enough time to finish them in class today with computers. We started them last Tuesday.

Short Report requirements:

1. 300 - 400 word minimum
2. Typed, double spaced, 12 point type - copy in class AND saved to google shared group folder
3. Focused, narrow topic from the Medieval time period of your group culture - an important event, person (based on their major accomplishment), contribution to modern civilization: art, literature, architecture, etc.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Finish notes for Sign of Chrysanthemum; Short Report due Tuesday typed.

You must bring your Sign of Chrysanthemum book and your completed notes through the end of the book to class Friday, tomorrow.

Also, the Short Report is due on Tuesday, but must also you must bring a typed copy, and it should also be saved in your group folder.

Here is a suggested formula for the Essay:

300 - 400 word range
About one narrow focused medieval period topic - event, accomplishment, person, art form, etc.

Paragraph breakdown:
First Paragraph - define the concept, event, person, where, when, what, how.

Second Paragraph - give finer examples, details, dates, people, events associated with the basic idea of the essay.

Third Paragraph - Explain the importance of this item, process, or idea to the culture in the modern era. Why does this idea have value in that culture's society?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mid-week update and typing missed Litgp assignments...

Here is what is due the rest of the week...

Due - Detail

1. 0425 - Complete timeline at beginning of class

2. 0426 - Short Report - rough draft (300 - 400 words on one topic from your culture)

3. 0426 - Read the rest of Sign of the Chrysanthemum (estimates about 2.5 hours of reading - divided between T, W, Th night HW AND in class each day) - notes must be complete. We need to get done because the District Theater consultant is meeting on Friday to help us turn the novel into a script for our end of the year play.

If you still have to type a LitGp entry or two - please typed the remaining ones in either a new document each - and name them in such a way that they stand out from the copies you already typed.

Sub Plans for Wednesday (I will be in District Office all day):
1. We have the computer cart -
a. Timeline research
b. Short report topic - research

2. Read Sign of the Chrysanthemum

3. Timeline work

4. Core One - watch excerpts of movie

See you Thursday,

- Mr. R

Friday, April 19, 2013

As raised in class, if you have your LitGp2-wk4 draft typed in Google docs...

And if it is found where it should be, in your Writing Portfolio shared folder, then I will give you the point. This applies to students who typed it in google, but did not show a typed copy in class.
FYI, as confirmed by several students, and previous details on this blog and the board, "typed" requires two conditions -
1. That it is saved in Google in the appropriate shared folder
2. A printed copy is brought to class when class starts.

Note - your typed copy for LitGp2 - week4 has been verified by 5:07 pm today. If it was in the right place, then your grade was changed.

Have a great weekend!
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

LitGroup Week 4 first draft and literature response due Thursday.

Just a reminder, as mentioned in class.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Maps - some reminders - due Thursday

Don't forget some of the norms we have had for maps since the beginning of the year:
1. All lines and text in black ink
2. Colored smoothly with pencil
3. Title at top of map -
3a. Should not include the word 'map' in the title
3b. Should be descriptive and include a date, year, or time reference
4. Name in lower right corner
5. Labels and text must be legible
6. You may add a text block of 2 - 3 lines that explains the basic theme of the map. You may also explain how a particular boundary came to be as the result of treaty or war if that event relates to the map.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Work due this week and the beginning of next

Due - Details
0416 - Type all LitGp work for cycle 1 and cycle 2 (except for week 4 of cycle 2)
0418 - 2nd SS Map (each member must do a different
0426 - SS Timeline (different one for each group member)
0417 - Pop Quiz on Sign of Chrys Chapter 3 - study your notes, you will have five minutes to review the book before taking the quiz worth five points.

Outline maps for all groups

If you need an additional map copy, for your second map, here are the maps provided in class.


You must use your school email account to access these maps.

If you find another outline map that works better for a map of your choice, then please send me a copy.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tonight's Homework due Tuesday

Tonight, all students must finish typing all LitGp work from cycle one and cycle two, except for week 4 of cycle two which we will finish this week in class. The typed copy should be saved in the Google Docs Writing Portfolio folder.

This assignment is a followup to previous assignments to type the rough drafts.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Journal Prompt from April 5

The prompt - If I had all the time in the world to do one thing, I would... What would you want to do, as much as possible, if you had all the time in the world?

If you were not in class on the Friday before Spring Break, please complete this prompt and email me a shared copy from your shared Google folder - 200 words minimum.

Also, when you return, be prepared to turn in your spelling contract, script, and first map. Study for the spelling test, that you will take on your return the same day.

Have a great Spring Break!

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Core Two Discussion about effort versus achievement in art...

I spoke with Ms. Firsty about how she grades art assignments. I really like to see that she uses a rubric that has a variety of criteria. I do believe that giving an effort to meet all of the criteria always factors into a grade, when the criteria are met to some degree. In fact I think her rubrics can become very useful in our class. Give them a preview. Although my Shape (composition), Color, Text standards make up a simple rubric, the standards for the assignments that incorporate art used to illustrate concepts are not much different than Ms. Firsty's standards.

Work Due Friday and Substitute Plan...

First, I would like to wish everyone a great Spring Break. I will be with family this coming week in Los Angeles.

Substitute Plans - Both Cores - Work to correct and/or turn into the substitute teacher:

Both Cores:
1. Typed Lit Group Work* (collect at the beginning of class and #4 for Core 2)
2. Spelling Contract unit 20 (pair to correct - then correct in class before test - then collect)
2. Spelling Test unit 20 (Correct spelling for each word only 1 - 15. Definitions in 14, 15 will be corrected by Mr. R)

4. Core 2 - Collect at beginning of class before the Spelling Test.
a. First map each student••
b. Script assignment••

5. Journal in class - write, share and turn in. Prompt in class.

6. DO NOT turn in any other work if not in the list above.

Movie - Take ten notes (5 points) at end of class.

•  - if you have it Friday you will still get the one point for typing it.
•• - Since core 2 did not turn this in on Thursday, the assignment will not be considered late if turned in on Friday by either Core.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Due Thursday and Friday of this week...

In class today, we checked off all of the work due Monday through Wednesday that was not already checked off. Here are the assignments for the rest of the week with some updated due dates.

Students will have 20 minutes to finish either Map 1 or Final Script assignment at the beginning of class. The final draft script assignment was assigned on Monday, and the map was assigned on Tuesday.

Thursday, April 4:
1. Map 1
2. Final Script on Parchment
3. Any late work - including all assignments due this week, and LitGroup Drafts

Friday, April 5:
1. SpT 20
2. SpC 20
3. Journal - in class assignment and collected

Monday, April 1, 2013

Work this week - before Spring Break

Due - Detail (much of this work will have plenty of work time in class to complete about 80 percent of the work below for an average student):

0402 (originally due on 0401)
1. Cultural Story - Find, print, and save the link and copy in Google group note documents

2. Find five different topic passages (1 - 2 paragraphs) about your culture. Find, copy the text passages into a google doc. After each passage, cut and paste the URL so the group can view the source web site for each passages.

1. Complete first draft of LitGroup2 - Week 3 Activities

2. Find two Youtube clips. One clip can be about your culture in the 20th century, the other clip should be about a tradition of your culture, or about your time period directly. Cut and paste the link for each clip into a shared google doc for youtube clips.

1. Typed second draft of LitGroup3 - Week 3 Activities

2. First SS Map - choose either your modern or historical map to complete for your culture. Started in class on Tuesday.

3. SpC20

1. SpT20

2. Final Script Quote

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Chinatown - my homework from our tour guide, Linda Lee

In the Buddhist temple, Linda Lee had me throw a Jah Stick, an ancient fortune telling system from China. The function of such devination in some cultures is binding, in that the person receiving the reading must try to fulfill it. But for most people any reading is not much different than enjoying reading a horoscope based on your sign or the signs of your friends. These reading are entertaining or even humorous.

My reading for stick #41 can be found here

Having studied some Chinese Philosophy and Religion in college, including the I Ching, I have come to view randomly generated reading such as these as a reflective tool, not unlike journal writing, where I contemplate the realities of my current situation, how I can improve within my life, and how I can improve on my strengths and address my weaknesses in my current reality. I do not view most random readings as predictors, or as an inevitable future based on the literal message of the reading. Simply put, I take reading such as these with a healthy grain of salt.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I sent all driver's sons and daughters an email for their parents.

Here are the students who parents are driving: Cooper, Natasha, Angelica, Sean, Carmen, Julia, Brady, Victor, Emily.

Drivers should show up to Room 601 at 8:40 am.

Thanks again.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chinatown Driver update and work due Thursday...

First, I would like to thank all of the parents that have volunteered to drive for the Chinatown Field Trip this Friday. Since we needed to get a couple of extra drivers up through today, I will send out a confirmation list of drivers for Friday. Thanks to all of the parents that sent me emails in the last 24 hours - we may have too many drivers, but until I get to school Thursday, and verify final drivers, I cannot be too sure.

For confirmed drivers (by 2 pm Thursday) - The school requires that all drivers submit a cell phone number, auto make and license plate number, and make a copy of their driver's license and a copy of current auto insurance information (insurer and policy number). You may make a photocopy of your license and write the information on a piece of paper that will be kept on file with the school for this field trip. If you have previously submitted this information for a prior field trip, then all I need is a cell phone number.

If you have not signed and sent in your permission slip for the field trip, you must bring it to class on Thursday.

Work Due Thursday -
As discussed in class Wednesday:
1. Irregular verb worksheet.
2. two attempts at writing your passage in the alphabet of your culture.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some Alphabets for Culminating Projects - Due Thursday

Your HW due Thursday, is to write out a draft attempt of your quote in the alphabet of your culture.

Many groups had alphabets, others defaulted to English letters. As pointed out in class, regardless of the actual alphabet, the style of the letters, known as a typeface have evolved considerably since the Medieval Era in Western Europe. Famous manuscripts of Medieval texts in each language can be found to demonstrate these styles.

Here is a list of some alphabets for each region covered in our culminating projects.

If you have a poem, literary passage, or famous quote (15 word min) select 2 - 3 lines of the poem or passage and practice writing your piece in the alphabet of your culture's language.

Although not exact, we are trying to transliterate, that is write the sounds of English using the foreign alphabet. Each alphabet has its exceptions to transliterating, where some sounds may not appear in the foreign alphabet. If that is the case, then each student must decide on a consistent combination of foreign letters for these missing sounds.

Note on assignments: writing the passage at least two times are due on Thursday. The more your practice, the better the final product will be. The final product will fill an entire 8-1/2 x 11 page with black inked letters, and an attempt to draw the letters with the wide and narrow strokes found in the calligraphy of the script when a quill is used.

Monday, March 25, 2013

African Story Telling Performance Pics

View them here.

We need drivers for Friday's Chinatown field trip

Several students still have not turned in their field trip forms. In both classes we are very short of drivers. If you can drive this Friday, please email me even if your son or daughter has had you sign the field trip form already.

Email me here...

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Updates - Due Tuesday, March 032613

Due - Detail

0326 - Type and Print out LitGroup Cycle Two assigned writing

0326 - Culminating SS7 Group - Early Assignments
Each Individual - PRINT OUT EACH assignment before class:
1. Current Event - article and write-up (see previous blog post for handout)
2. Two different maps per group member - find and printout a copy from the internet of each - one historical and one covering a modern detail
3. An excerpt from one piece of literature of at least 15 words - - find and printout a copy from the internet of each - a poem, quote, passage from a story or famous literary source - from the time period if possible, or from a more recent time period including modern if no time period piece can be found

For the Group
4. One copy of a traditional or medieval script alphabet for the group - find and printout one copy.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

SS7 Culminating Project - first assignments...

A couple of you have emailed me during class about the directions from the SS7 Project Handout. The ONE thing that is due next Tuesday is a complete Current Event article and write up. The others things due on the list, were the need to only FIND the resources on the list to completing these assignments in the future.
On Tuesday, what is due per individual members in each group is the
1. Current Event write-up
2. the source materials per person(meaning saved in Google Docs and in notes with links to those materials AND a print out of each web resource):
a. One modern and one historical map printout
b. One piece of literature, poem, proverbs, or longer quote
3. the alphabet script (one copy for the group)
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SS7 Culminating Project

Here are the directions for the first set of assignments for individuals for your SS7 project. You must coordinate with your group to make sure that all individual assignments are unique to group members and are not duplicate articles, maps, poems, pieces of literature, quotes, pictures of art, etc. 

First assignments - culminating project

Sub Plan for Wednesday, 3/20

I will be out tomorrow, working with Mr. Utic, Mrs. Halpern, Ms. Hancock, and Dr. Pitts all day.

Here are the basic activities that you must work on with the substitute teacher:
1. Library Periods 1/3 - work on the following:

a. Work in your SS7 Culminating project groups - 
i. complete the research guide for the library - this should take most of the period.
ii. check out a book on your SS7 topic, culture, or nation

b. If done here, you may work on:
i. Spelling Unit 14
ii. Journal due Thursday
iii. Read silently.

2. Upon return to class:

a. Get in LitGroups from last week - work on Week Two activities. The sub will read your names, remind you where to go, and pass out the appropriate readings. Use your directions and poetry sheets passed out last week.

b. last 10 - 15 minutes - Watch DVD - Dreams - Japanese Legends adapted for modern times

Journal Entry - Due 032113

After the SS7 Test today, the following journal was assigned - due on Thursday.

2 parts

1. Explain your African Story
a. summarize
b. explain the theme - the lesson or the moral of the story
c. Explain what powers or forces each animal or character seem to have

2. What were some of the successes and problems your group had with adapting, practicing, and performing your story.
a. list and explain what worked in your group.
b. list some suggestions for solving some of the issues your group had.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Did you study the SS7 text? Hope so....

See you tomorrow.... Study well.

3/18/13 - Work this week...

Due - Detail
0318 - Finish African Story Performances
0319 - Ch 12/13 Test - Text version of study guide here
0320 - Library Period 1/3 - work on SS7 Culminating Group Project
0321 - LitGroup2 - Week 2 activity complete first draft in class
0322 - LitGroup2 - Week 2 activity typed copy in class AND Google Doc in Writing Portfolio
0322 - SpC14
0325 - SpT14

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ch 12/13 Study Guide

Here is the combined study guide written by students. EQ questions will be specified in class and on this blog tomorrow...

Ch 12/13 Study Guide

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lit Circle Work due this week - updated

Due - Detail
0313 - completed Lit Group assignment (due after first ten minutes of class)
0314 - typed LitGroup assignment in Google docs Writing Portfolio folder (this must be visible and in the correct shared folder with Mr. R) - AND bring a typed copy for edit as well.
0315 - typed LitGroup cycle one, weeks 1 - 4 (rough drafts go home 0313)

Format for file names for all LitGp typed drafts as follows:
First name and last initial, LG number of cycle, Activity number - as follows

Eliott R LG1 - 3 (this would be LitGp cycle one - activity 3)

All works must have a title at the top center of the page and the first and last name of the author after the word 'by' on the following line after the title.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Monday, March 11, 2013

Work this week starting 031113

Here is the work schedule and due dates for this week and the start of next week:

Due Date - Detail

0313 - Complete LitGp#2 - Week 1 (In class time - M, T, W(15 minutes))
0314 - African Storytelling Performances
0315 - SS7 Culminating Project a. prospectus, b. group and individual project outcomes list
0315 - Ch 12/13 Study session
0319 - Ch 12/13 Short Test

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Journal Entry from March 1

We had a substitute teacher on Friday, March 1. The entire Language Arts Department had an all day planning session.

The Journal entry for March 1 that was due at the end of class was:
What animals, natural features, forces of nature, or superhuman powers do you have in your dreams?

A couple of students were either absent or did not turn the journal in. Do this tonight for homework if you did not turn it in.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Journal now due Thursday - here is the prompt

Tell about a time that you helped someone or someone helped you. Pick one of the people in the story and give them a superhuman power based on how they helped you (they helped you'd find something because they have X-ray vision and could see it through walls). Next, give them the quality of an animal that would enable this power somehow - eagle or owl sight of a bird.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Monday, March 4, 2013

Work this week starting March 4; Grades

Date - Details
0305 - CST 7th Grade State Writing Assessment (all core)
0306 - Ch 12/13 notes (4 terms and 2 EQ questions per chapter) due
0307-8 - African Mask Art Activity (all core both days)
0313 - LitGroup #2 - Week 1due

Grades -
Don't check your final grade until Wednesday Morning, 0306. There are one or two assignments that need to be entered in each subject before grades are finalized. Most errors have been caught and corrected. A couple of pieces of makeup work are still being sought (all work has been verified to be in my possession).

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sub Plans from 3/1 - 3 assignments in class

Here is the basic summary of the three activities in class for March 1 -

1. Turn in Current Event.
2. Complete Current Event Scavenger hung - and turn in - Cannot be completed if absent, must be turned in if present.
3. Read and Practice African Story. Develop a dance that represents the animals and/or various elements of the story.

Here are the detailed sub plans with details about each activity.

Your African Story groups are as follows:

    1. Core 1
                                               i.     Tortoise and the Baboon: Kyle A, Raya, Carmen, Mateo
                                             ii.     Spider and Squirrel: Raul, China, Andrea, Victor
                                            iii.     Test of Skills: Morgen, Kyle B, Cooper, Caroline
                                            iv.     Spider’s Web: Nicholas, Jackson, Maja, Riley
                                              v.     Thunder and Lightning: Liam, Kimon, Emily, Emma, Samuel
    1. Core 2
                                               i.     Tortoise and the Baboon: Natasha, Trevor, Brady, Isabelle
                                             ii.     Spider and Squirrel: Megan, Brian, Julia, Darren
                                            iii.     Test of Skills: Lauren, Mika, Alejandro, Aiden
                                            iv.     Spider’s Web: Sarai, Kevin, Oliver, Craig, Angelica
                                              v.     Thunder and Lightning: Claire, Nicholas, Aaron, Audrey, Hannah 

Africa stories will be performed next Monday in class with our masks.