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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Due Wednesday and Thursday

We were lucky to get the computer cart today. We continued to work on our scripts, and SS7 groups had time to start their study guide in class. We also organized our Google Folders for our electronic portfolios that will be completed before school gets out.

Due - Detail (3 items)

0508 - Bring Sign of the Chrysanthemum Book to class to return

0508 - Study Guide based on slide show content (saved in shared folder for SS7 Culture Group)

The study guide must direct students to view the slide show, and offer a solid outline of how to find the important information in the slide show. The following questions must be addressed. Much of the text can be copied straight from the slide show:

The numbers in each question listed below are minimum amounts per category
1. Three important medieval events - details, dates, place, importance of event
2. Three important historical figures from Medieval and Modern time periods - dates, their historical achievement
3. Two Modern historical events - details, dates, place, importance of event
4. Three cultural elements
5.  A poem and its importance, what it means
6. A story or fable - summary and theme

0509 - Letter to future self - Four Paragraphs (saved in LASS7 portfolio folder)

1. Introduction - Hi, 23 year old me....
2. What was 7th grade like for me this year?
3. What was LASS7 with Mr. Rodgers like this year for me?
4. What's in this portfolio - some best pieces, things we did in LASS7?

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