Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Finish your digital portfolio now, by next Wednesday or beforehand

Your digital portfolio files must be in the correct folder by Wednesday, May 29. The portfolio is worth 20 points.

Find all of your photographed work (from walls and oversized portfolio pieces) here and these directions...  you may also download (use the menus) the instructional movie here which goes through the process.

From the folder in the link above, 601 walls, find your pics in each of the folder of photos of work on display in the classroom, or the other folder, More portfolio pics.

Select your first picture - check the box by the file name.
Under the more menu that pops up upon selecting a file,
Select "Open With" and
Choose Google Docs.

This will go through a copy routine, and make a copy of the file you selected.
First, rename the file with a name that describes the assignment.
Go to your root level of your Google Drive,
and select the recent option to the left of your files list.

The file you just renamed should appear at the top of your file list.
Select it.
From the more menu,
select move to.
Move it to the scanned work folder (create if necessary)
which is inside your portfolio folder.

CONTENTS of your portfolio:
Your digital portfolio must include the following folders with the correct content:
1. Scanned or photographed portfolio documents - from all year
2. Isearch Final draft with biblio and final outline
3. Litgroup assignments
4. Other pieces that you like
5. Your photographed work and slideshow from your end of year SS7 Project
6. - file: Letter to myself in 10 years.

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