Rodgers Homepage

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Write your first and last name and label your assignments correctly to avoid processing penalties

Every assignment that is turned in must have the following in order to avoid penalties against the assignments grade (a maximum penalty of 10% total):

1. PRINTED First and Last name -
a. Reasoning: since out of the 130 students I see every day, there may be more than one person with the same first name or nickname. In some cases, there is more than one person with the same first name AND the same last initial.
b. Penalty - no name - 10%; no last name (starting Sept 23) 5%.

2. The period or core label. The teacher's name (to make sure the student turns in the assignment to the right class - you would be surprised).

3. The date - the assignment is DUE. No date at all - 5%.

4. Title of the assignment. Penalty - 5%:
a. page number or handout title.
b. title of student written piece.
c. title of map or chart.

Placement of information:
1. Standard assignments: The Hall Header:
a. top of page.
b. Right top corner: Name above, date due below.
c. Left top corner: Period or Core above, teacher name below.
d. Title of assignment centered on the line below the date and teacher name.

2. Art or graphic assignments:
a. Lower right corner.
b. First and last name dash period number
c. date below the name.

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