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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

HW due tomorrow for LA7

Here is the six panel template for the homework below.

Today in class we played with our story cards in order to understand how to effective build effective stories by developing plot structures, character elements, and key details. Students improvised in story telling games with our story card in groups of four.

Tonight, students must draw six final draft story cards. The final cards may resemble the draft cards that students previously created, but after playing the games, students may choose to alter their original designs or generate new cards necessary to help make the games better story telling devices.

Here are some requirements for the final draft:
1. Each card need a picture and a word or phrase that described that picture.
2. Each card should be a successful element of story craft - a hero, a valuable object, an important event, a powerful idea, an action.
3. Fill the space, but don't draw to the edge. Use objects to fill the space, not just background color.
4. Zoom in - showing close up detail is a richer visual and easier to draw.
5. Sketch in light, light pencil.
6. All edges must be in black ink. The lettering must be in black ink.
7. All objects must be lightly, and evenly colored in colored pencil.

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