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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

HW due this week, 9/23-9/27

Due - detail

0924 - SS7 - draw two world maps on 8-1/2 by 11 paper in pencil

0924 - LA7 - Stargirl - read chapters 13 - 15 and take appropriate notes (will be checked 0925)

0925 - SS7
Map -
1. create a good map of good quality for either size of paper you were assigned in class.
2. If you cannot attain a good quality map,
3. then show 3 new attempts at 8-1/2x11 or
4. two attempts at 11x17.
5. Bring ALL map sketches, drafts, and drawings to class everyday.

0926 - SS7
1. Read the assigned Roman chapter passed out in class.
2. Take notes as follows -
A. In the notes, first list each highlighted or difficult terms in the reading as you read, skipping lines between entries in order to later define the term.
B. When the reading is complete, after your last term, make a list of the section headers and subheader, one at a time.
C. Using the book, summarize each header and subheader in a sentence that captures the main idea of that section,
D. Define the terms using references from the book , a dictionary or online resources.

0925 - LA7 - The Good Deeds project - step one - get ideas...
1. Read through the Actiontracker website (link here)
2. Find five social actions you can do that you feel you can do and understand.
3. Write the name of each activity and explain in a sentence or two what each activity means to you or explain how you can accomplish that activity.

0926 - SS7 Complete large map outlines draft in pencil. If you are ahead, then outline the map in ink.

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