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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sub Plan for Wednesday, 3/20

I will be out tomorrow, working with Mr. Utic, Mrs. Halpern, Ms. Hancock, and Dr. Pitts all day.

Here are the basic activities that you must work on with the substitute teacher:
1. Library Periods 1/3 - work on the following:

a. Work in your SS7 Culminating project groups - 
i. complete the research guide for the library - this should take most of the period.
ii. check out a book on your SS7 topic, culture, or nation

b. If done here, you may work on:
i. Spelling Unit 14
ii. Journal due Thursday
iii. Read silently.

2. Upon return to class:

a. Get in LitGroups from last week - work on Week Two activities. The sub will read your names, remind you where to go, and pass out the appropriate readings. Use your directions and poetry sheets passed out last week.

b. last 10 - 15 minutes - Watch DVD - Dreams - Japanese Legends adapted for modern times

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