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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some Alphabets for Culminating Projects - Due Thursday

Your HW due Thursday, is to write out a draft attempt of your quote in the alphabet of your culture.

Many groups had alphabets, others defaulted to English letters. As pointed out in class, regardless of the actual alphabet, the style of the letters, known as a typeface have evolved considerably since the Medieval Era in Western Europe. Famous manuscripts of Medieval texts in each language can be found to demonstrate these styles.

Here is a list of some alphabets for each region covered in our culminating projects.

If you have a poem, literary passage, or famous quote (15 word min) select 2 - 3 lines of the poem or passage and practice writing your piece in the alphabet of your culture's language.

Although not exact, we are trying to transliterate, that is write the sounds of English using the foreign alphabet. Each alphabet has its exceptions to transliterating, where some sounds may not appear in the foreign alphabet. If that is the case, then each student must decide on a consistent combination of foreign letters for these missing sounds.

Note on assignments: writing the passage at least two times are due on Thursday. The more your practice, the better the final product will be. The final product will fill an entire 8-1/2 x 11 page with black inked letters, and an attempt to draw the letters with the wide and narrow strokes found in the calligraphy of the script when a quill is used.

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