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Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 4 LASS7 Schedule

Guiding Question of the Week: How does social organization affect me?

Non-station work:
Due - Details
0910 - Computers period 2/4: Type last week's found Poem in Google Doc: LA7-Poetry Folder: 12 pt text and separate file double spaced (Add the word BIG in all caps for double spaced poem)
0911 - Graded work handed out. Work Folders and file drawers for each class

0912 - Parent Homework - see additional blog post

0912 - Library period 1/3
0914 - Study session for Map Test on Friday (see Station 1)
0914 - Dream Card In Class Activity (based on previous Dream Journal)

Station Work:
Station - Due - Details
1 - 0914 - Study for Map Test - use the textbook atlas to locate the items on this list. Also, some questions will be taken from the presentation about the different major lines (e.g. Equator, Tropic of Cancer) from these presentation notes from 08/30. Spelling counts.

2 - 0913 through 0914 - Poetry Practice reading your poem out loud using your "BIG" typed copy of your poem with marks for volume, pace, eye contact and body gestures. Experiment with different elements of VPEB to find an effective presentation style.
Also, complete the optional EXTENSION activities for the typed poem in Google Docs: A. Explain the poem's underlying meaning and/or B. Write a very brief Bio sketch about the poet's life, their poetry, how they lived in their time and if they won awards or fame during their lifetime or no.

3 and 4 - 0919 - Draw up to two 11x17 pencil maps. Draw the 12x18 map, then paint, following in class sequence. The final labelled and painted map is due on W - 0919.

5 - 0914 - Journal - a story of how you have worked through or around social roles in some way to attain a personal goal.

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