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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Studying for Friday's Geography Test - a note

This week, students were advised to study for the geography test every day this week. Since we have three mapping stations in class this week, and some element of review of the map contents has been covered everyday this week, I imagine that all students will do very well.

Unfortunately, several students, by a show of hands, have reported that they have not yet started to study for the test. That means they did not study on Monday and Tuesday night. I have stressed each day in class that the best way to study for a test with multiple terms, places on a map and the spelling of those places is difficult to do well on the test if a student only studies the night before the test. Not only does this make it difficult to cram for all those terms and places, but more than a few students will end up spending a considerable amount of time studying that night - and that was NOT by design.

Ultimately, I know that some students like to have a big study night. Also, some students will do fine with only one night of study, but by and large, I have found that students who study over multiple nights do much better on the test - of which I am sure that many will score perfectly well.

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