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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Guiding Question Wk 3 - What I if I lived...

What if I lived in 200 CE - advantages and disadvantages.

Table from class discussion:

How are we similar and different to people living in 200 CE? (T table on board)

Similar - Families, eat everyday, Cities, Sports, Class Structure, Religion, Entertainment, Style, Architecture

Different (compiled in Core 2) - Internet, Phones, Planes, Artificial materials (plastic), Supermarkets, Legal protections (rights), Better Lifespan (Medical advances, sewage treatment), Mandatory Education (Read, Write, Math), Advanced Food Preservation

...And the list can continue. Use this table to write this week's Journal entry.

(discussed in Core 1 briefly) - Epoch labels:
BC (before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini - Latin: Year of our Lord) used in Christian Europe
BCE (before common era) and CE (common era) use the same number of years as in the BC and AD count, but are used to refer to the international calendar in most major countries around the world.

Issues about Mayan culture discussed in class - Mayan sacrifice, and Mayan Calendar (and theories around it)

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