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Friday, September 21, 2012

Sub Plans for Monday, Sept. 24

I will be out on Monday. Students are responsible for the success of the day. They are required to do the following assignments. The sub plans and the assignments below were explained to students on Friday.

Sub Plans – 092112

Core 1 and 2 – LASS7
1.     After Roll – students will move into assigned station groups and stay at those tables all day.
a.     Stations – Core 1:
                                               i.     Emma and Kyle B will move to back table
                                              ii.     Kyle A will move to back right table
                                            iii.     Morgen will turn around and sit at middle table
                                            iv.     Flint will join the nearby front table group
                                              v.     Sam and Maja will sit at back right table.
                                            vi.     Victor will move to the front right table.
b.     Stations  - Core 2 – move after roll is taken
                                               i.     Claire and Trevor will move to the front right table
                                              ii.     Craig and Megan will move to the back right table
                                            iii.     Brian and Sarai will move to the back left table
                                            iv.     Michael and Aaron will move to the front left table
                                              v.     Julia, Alejandro, Angelica will move to the center table
2.     Each station group will work on the following activities after the materials are passed out by student volunteers.
a.     Spelling Unit Two
b.     Journal from prompt – Have you ever been lost or have known someone who has. What happened.
c.      Mayan Social Pyramid Activity
                                               i.     Design a social pyramid with between 5 – 7 levels of organization for one of the following organizations that you were assigned (1/3 of class per each – see student list for assignment)
1.     Mayan – p 262
2.     Hall Middle School
3.     Another organization - examples
a.     Corporation
b.     Baseball team
c.      Opera company
                                              ii.     Sketch out the 5 – 7 layers of the social pyramid on 8-1/2 x 11 paper – in pencil.

iii.     Social Studies – Read in Blue SS Text – p 400 – 403 (Extension activity)
                                               a.     Answer p 403 #2 and 5 in paragraph form with details from chapter.
2.     Collect NO work, late of otherwise. I will deal with missing or absent students on my return.

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