Rodgers Homepage

Sunday, December 30, 2012

One week so far - hope you are all having some fun...

I had a great time with family and friends this first week. Big dinner with family in Santa Cruz this past week. I hope you are all getting plenty of sleep and eating good food. I hope you are having a good time with family and friends as well.

Another week to go - have a great time. I will be correcting some papers, essays and timelines this coming week.

Have a great time,

- Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Work Due Friday, Dec. 21

Here is the work due tomorrow before vacation:
1. Roman Timeline
2. 2 Star Girl Postcards
3. Parent signed IS thesis paragraph (already checked off)
4. IS Hook - text - may be part of your Prospectus
5. IS Prospectus - Typed in Google Docs IS folder, typed in class copy: Hook followed by Thesis paragraph
6. Chapter 6 - EQ and 8 Terms (already checked off)
7. All Roman Unit Notes (10 points)

If you did not turn in your Spelling Contract Unit 8 or did not take the Unit 8 Spelling Test - you should turn it in on Friday and take the test after the first five minutes of class. (Students who fall in this category also received a reminder email).

If you did not turn in any part of your Short Report - Drafts 1, 2, or 3 and your bibliography, then bring the missing parts on Friday.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Timeline - Possible events - Now due Friday.

Several students completed their homework and found most of the events needed for their timeline on their own - as was assigned for homework. Several students did not do their homework at all, and came to class without any information. To help most students:

Here is a list of the minimum number of dates that are needed for each arm of the timeline.

Those who did last night's homework and come to class with a near complete or completed timeline at the beginning of class, will earn up to 3 XC points.

The timeline assignments is now due Friday at the beginning of class. We will work on the timeline in class for about a half an hour Thursday.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Timeline Event Ideas and Ch 6 terms to draw from

Timeline Event Ideas here - more research required for each event

Events per branch of the timeline:
Roman Empire - 3 events
Western Europe - 4 events
Byzantine Empire - 4 events
each diagonal slant - 2 events each

Ch 6 terms - Core 1 list and Core 2 list

Also due tomorrow (see previous blog posts) - IS paragraph with parent signature.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Due dates this week up until Winter Break

Due - Detail
1218 - SS Ch 6 - 8 terms and 3 EQ with 3 summary point answers
1219 - IS explanatory paragraph with one parent signature approving your topic
1219 - Two Stargirl Postcards
1220 - IS Prospectus
1220-1 - IS Hook Off!!!
1220 - Roman Timeline Due

IS Explanatory paragraph explained:
1. Write the thesis statement that states the pro or con position of your issue as the first sentence.
2. Write three more sentences that basically summarize three arguments that support this position.
3. Have a parent sign this paragraph that they accept your basic topic, although your parent does not have to agree with the position you are taking.

Sub Plans and 11x17 Timeline with corrections

Monday, 121712 I had a substitute due to illness.

Here are the 11x17 Roman Timeline directions...

Here are the sub plans work selection from today:

A. Read Social Studies Text Chapter 6
1. Each person reads silently by themselves – this should take about (15 – 20 minutes)
2. Write this on the board: When done reading, take notes on a piece of notebook paper as follows (10-15 minutes):
            a. Write down and define at least 8 key terms, names of important people, events with dates
            b. Write 3 EQ questions and at least 3 bullet point answers for each question
            c. Complete as homework – due Tuesday
3. When it seems that the students are losing steam, “you may share some of the terms not defined in the book with people at your table.”

Continued page two:
B. Timeline – Due Thursday
1. Every student should get a 11x17 piece of paper – have a student volunteer pass it out – the ream of paper is on a table in class.
2. Every student should get a ruler – have a student volunteer pass one to each student – the rulers are in the back left corner in the supplies case.
3. Every student should get a handout –
            a. READ the handout with the students
            b. measurements are on the handout for each line.
            c. Today, students should layout the page
d. Then students should use their notes and the textbook, to find historically significant dates – EXPLAIN: First event – Outcome of 3rd Punic War. Last event for each branch is on the handout.
e. Students should fold the paper in half and keep it in their binder.

C. Stargirl – Novel activity and reading
1. Each student should get a copy of the novel, Stargirl.
2. Students should read silently at their desks, taking notes on each new chapter (20 minutes MAX)
3. Students must also finish their two postcards, for the events that they were assigned in their chapters.

D. If time, show DVD – Barbarians - Vandals. Have a student help you find the right chapter. Then use the double arrow keys on the remote to skip to the right chapter. Ask students in each class where we left off.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday work due on 12/14/12

1. Spelling C8
2. Spelling Test 8
3. Third draft Short Report - typed and in google docs. Also, bring two previous edited copies of first and second draft. Include bibliography.

See you Friday,

- Mr. R

Isearch Topics - Parent Approval required...

By next Tuesday, one parent signature is required to approve your assigned topic. You may not change your assigned topic without teacher approval.
Here are the list of assigned topics in need of parent approval. These are listed only in shorthand title form currently.
Also, by Tuesday,
1. students must (type and google folder) a one paragraph explanatory paragraph that defines the Isearch topic and briefly describes three supporting arguments (one sentence each max).
2. Included, one parent must sign the paragraph that they agree with the topic as suitable for their son or daughter.
2a. Parents do not have to agree with the position.
2b. A few students have agreed to take a counter opinion on their Isearch in order to better understand the opposing arguments to their own personal opinion in order to better understand the complexity of the topic overall.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Third and Final Short Report Due Friday, Dec. 13

Today we peer edited our second drafts in class. The final third draft, along with the student edited copies of drafts one and two, along with the bibliography are all due Friday.

Editing focus today - sentence structure - complexity <labelled with corner brackets>, use of rich and specific topic vocabulary, paragraph structure (topic sentence (starred) and supporting ideas 3 min (each one numbered)), extraneous sentences in a paragraph (labelled with a zero).

We labeled two great passages with quotes and shared some in class. At the top of the page, we posted a count of complex sentences, number of specific vocab used.

Based on our two editing sessions of each draft, students should attempt to:
Use a number of new complex sentences by including more detail in 3 - 5 more sentences with modifying words or phrases that answer the questions: when, how, where, what, why.

Use a few more words that are specific to the topic.

Make sure that each paragraph has a clearly stated topic sentence and at least three supporting details.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Handouts for this week and next (evolving list)

Ch1 EQ questions - Quiz on 121312

Controversial ideas list - sample notes - due 1213

Roman Timeline directions

Class Schedule and due dates up through Winter Break

Learning Goals:
What is a controversial topic?
What is the Legacy of Rome?

Due - Detail
1211 - 2nd draft of Short Report (typed, dbl sp) - bring first edited draft as well.
1212 - Study for Ch1 EQ (choose two questions and use the chapter to formulate your own answers)
1213 - SS7 Textbook Ch1 EQ quiz (see future post for questions)
1213 - List of ideas for Isearch (IS) Controversial topic - explain the basic idea for each in a sentence.
1214 - SpC8 and SpT8
1214 - 3rd/Final Draft of Short Report - bring first two student edited drafts for full credit.
1218 - IS explanatory paragraph with one parent signature approving your topic
1220 - IS Prospectus
1220-1 - IS Hook Off!!!
1220 - Roman Timeline Due

Roman Timeline Resources - Timeline due 122012

Timeline Resources

Roman Emperor Timeline

Friday, December 7, 2012

Short Report Instructions for Writers and Sayings topics

These directions are for the three students per class that were assigned or volunteered to write a short report on writers or Latin sayings:

If you are doing the Writers or Latin sayings topics: you must write about three writers, or four sayings:

3 Writers - per paragraph
1. Explain when and where the writer lived.
2. What major event happened in their lifetime
3. What type of writing and what subjects they wrote about
4. If possible, what Romans thought about this person's writing
5. Describe one of their major works - books, plays, poetry, etc.
6. A quote and explain it.

If you are writing about Latin sayings:

4 Latin sayings
1. Give the quote.
2. Explain the quote.
3. If there is an event, person, or Roman issue that this quote was about, explain that event, person or issue.
4. Who said it - give a brief detail of who the writer or speaker was.
5. How can this quote be used today as a piece of advice or otherwise.

Second Draft of Short Report - Due Tuesday, Dec. 11

You should rework your short report so that each paragraph follows the organizational goals as follows:

Paragraph One:
Explain and define ideas, event, person, trend, dates, location related to the importance of the topic

Paragraph Two:
Explain the KEY EVENT(S) that make this topic important

Paragraph Three:
Explain the importance of the topic in relationship to:
1. related important events, people, or topics
2. how this event changed history in a major way
3. how this event or topic is related to modern events show important similarities


1. If you use a historic quote:
a. give the name of the person who wrote or said it, and when they lived.
b. make sure the quote is explained in the context of your short report's topic or key point you are trying to explain.

The rewrite must work on developing better
Ideas - facts, details, related information to the main theme or point of the essay
Organization - that the information and explanations appear in the correct paragraphs in an order that makes the information easy to understand.

EQ Chapter One Study Guide - Quiz Dec 13

Get the Study Guide full of student created questions here.

Ch 1 - EQs
Quiz next Thursday, Dec. 13 -
Answer three questions total, each question from a different numbered section from Chapter 1 in SS7 Text and materials presented in class.

EQ Questions must -
1. Define the big idea in the question and any terms used.
2. Give detailed examples or explanations, using key terms and important facts from the chapter.
3. Show the importance of the questions major idea.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Class Notes AND tonight's homework

Class notes - Barbarians, Rights, and Racism

Due Friday - 2 things:
1. Read Chapter 1 - write two EQs - questions and complete PARAGRAPH answers with the following standards:

EQ Requirements - paragraphs should:
1. Define the big idea in the question
2. Give detailed examples or explanation - use key terms (define terms) and facts
3. Make sure the importance of the question is explained - by relating to events before or after, or related concepts that are connected, or related to modern issues

2. Bring the typed, DOUBLE SPACED Short Report and typed bibliography ready for peer editing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Short Report (due Thursday, Dec 5) directions and student topics updated

The student written question "4. How did Paul affect the Christian religion?  How did the Christian religion affect his own life?" has been dropped from the EQ section for Chapter 36.

Here are the Core 1 Topics per person

Here are the Core 2 Topics per person


1. Short report -
a. first draft (minimums - 3 paragraphs, 300 words) dbl spaced, typed, save in Google Docs SS folder

Paragraph purpose - each paragraph must satisfy the following requirements
Paragraph one - define and explain the basic subject

Paragraph two - go into detail about the key event or events, or a sequence of events that make this event, person or trend important in history

Paragraph three - explain the importance of this event in a larger context - which must include one of the following
a. future events related to the report's topic
b. demonstrate how this event, person or trend changed history in a significant way
c. how this trend or event may relate to our daily lives or modern history as a parallel event in our time

2. Bibliography 3 reference min., MLA format, only one reference may be from a general knowledge website or encyclopedia. Book references are not required. Typed.

Rest of the Week's HW due this week

Due - Detail
1205 - Rome Test
1206 - First draft short report and biblio- typed in class AND shared in Google Docs (in LA folder) - see previous posting from last week.

1207 - Journal - in class
1207 - Read SS7 Text Chapter 1 and write 2 EQs

Next week -

Due - Detail
1211 - Second Draft of Short Report
1214 - SpC and SpT7

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Roman Test update - EQ change for Chapter 36

The student written question "4. How did Paul affect the Christian religion?  How did the Christian religion affect his own life?" has been dropped from the EQ section for Chapter 36.

How to answer the EQ Questions

As part of the Rome Test, students must answer a total of four EQ questions - two from the primary chapter, and one each from each chapter of their choice.

Students can use the previous post to get the EQ questions and accompanying student notes from each core. The questions were rewritten, but the notes are unedited. Students were given this handout in class, and direction in how to best answer an EQ question. Students were given time in class to write a practice EQ answer, and some of these drafts were shared and verbally graded in class based on the following criteria:

EQ Answers should:
1. Define the big idea of the question.
2. Give detailed examples and explanations.
a. use key facts and terms (define terms)
b. explain three examples, the most important and detailed exampled should be first, followed by the second with a shorter explanation, and a third that receives a shorter description still.
3. Make sure the importance of the explanation is explained - either
a. in the progression of events that followed the time period in question or
b. how this information relates to elements of our daily life or modern history

Writing down sample answers for each question is an excellent method to study for these EQ questions. The handout presents information to help students draw from information presented by each group in their presentation materials (a link is found in a previous post below).

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rome Test EQ Study guide - TEST moved to Wednesday!

Here is the link to the EQ study guide.

You must read the directions at the beginning of the document first. Good Luck.

There will be time in class to study with your Chapter groups for the Primary chapter EQs. Students will then be given time to examine the student presentation materials and discuss student work regarding their selected First and Second choice chapters.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Core 1 Fall of Rome topics

See previous post for directions. This assignment is due Thursday, Dec. 6.

1. Charles Martel, Battle of Tours - Raul
2. Clovis king of the Franks - Liam
3. Charlemagne - Nicholas
4. Holy Roman Emperor 800 AD or CE
5. treaty of verdun 843 - Victor
6. Viking invasions - Andrea
7. Sack of Rome 410 CE or AD - Cooper
8. Fall of Rome - economic decline - Maja
9. Fall of Rome - political instability
10. Fall of Rome - weakening frontiers, Germanic migrations, invasions
11. Visigoths
12. Ostrogoths
13. Vandals - Kimon
14. Attila the Hun and the Magyars - Mateo
15. Constantine moves capital to Byzantium or founding of Constantinople – Kyle A.
16. Diocletian divides Roman Empire - Sam
17. Roman architecture - vaults and domes - modern architectural buildings, give specific example - neo classical style - Morgen
18. Latin proverbs - Caroline
19. Famous Roman Republic writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing - Emma
20. Famous Roman Empire writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing - Raya
21. The Roman Calendar - July, August and how the calendar worked. What does the name of each month mean and where is that name derived - Riley
22. Roman Number system explained - Emily
23. Roman Philosophy - Stoicism, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius – Kyle B
24. Roman Philosophy on Education – Cicero - China
25. Justinian - attempt to reestablish Roman Empire in the west - Carmen
26. Theodosius - outlaws pagan rituals
27. Council of Nicaea and the New Testament
28. The Gnostic Gospels
29. The Arian Schism and Arianism
30. Byzantine Iconoclasm
31. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church split - excommunication of the Patriarch of Constantinople
32. Rise of Islam - the Spread of Islam by 850 CE - expansion into eastern Mediterranean
33. The Fall of Constantinople 1453 CE -
34. Justinian’s debt

Fall of Rome short essay topics - due next Thursday, Dec. 6

Today in the library we started the following assignment:
From assigned topic per student, write a
1. Short report - first draft (minimums - 3 paragraphs, 300 words) dbl spaced, typed
2. Bibliography 3 reference min., MLA format, only one reference may be from a general knowledge website or encyclopedia. Book references are not required. Typed in MLA format.
Core Two: (Core one will be verified tomorrow, but the list of topics will be helpful):
Student assigned topics by class:
1. Charles Martel, Battle of Tours - Trevor
2. Clovis king of the Franks - Brian
3. Charlemagne - Oliver
4. Holy Roman Emperor 800 AD or CE - Alejandro
5. treaty of verdun 843 – Kevin
6. Viking invasions France - Claire
7. Sack of Rome 410 CE 450? or AD - Craig
8. Fall of Rome - economic decline -
9. Fall of Rome - political instability - Angelica
10. Fall of Rome - weakening frontiers, Germanic migrations, invasions - Aiden
11. Visigoths - Natasha
12. Ostrogoths - Brady
13. Vandals - Darren
14. Attila the Hun and the Magyars - Jack
15. Constantine moves capital to Byzantium or founding of Constantinople
16. Diocletian divides Roman Empire
17. Roman architecture - vaults and domes - modern architectural buildings, give specific example - neo classical style - Lauren
18. Latin proverbs - Sarai
19. Famous Roman Republic writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing, quote - Megan
20. Famous Roman Empire writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing, quote - Julia
21. The Roman Calendar - July, August and how the calendar worked. What does the name of each month mean and where is that name derived - Hannah
22. Roman Number system explained - Mika
23. Roman Philosophy - Stoicism, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius - Isabelle
24. Roman Philosophy on Education – Cicero - Audrey
25. Justinian - attempt to reestablish Roman Empire in the west - Aaron
26. Theodosius - outlaws pagan rituals
27. Council of Nicaea and the New Testament 323 CE
28. The Gnostic Gospels
29. The Arian Schism and Arianism
30. Byzantine Iconoclasm
31. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church split - excommunication of the Patriarch of Constantinople
32. Rise of Islam - the Spread of Islam by 850 CE - expansion into eastern Mediterranean
33. The Fall of Constantinople 1453 CE
34. Justinian debt
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Start to study for next Tuesday's Rome Test

Tonight's homework is to read and study all of your group presentation materials. You will be responsible for questions from these materials as well as the assigned Roman chapter.

The homework for Wednesday and Thursday nights is to read all of the presentation materials from two group presentations that you like. Also, you will be given links to those chapters presentation handouts which covers information from the presentation materials and the chapter - 3 EQs, 7 important facts, 4 key terms - that you are also responsible for.

After group presentations are complete, you should be well on your way to take next Tuesday's Rome Test, which will break down as follows:

45% total grade - all materials, content, student assignments from your group AND your book assigned chapter - be able to answer fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice and two EQ questions (from your groups list of EQ questions - you must answer the designated question and one other of your choice.)

25% total grade - all materials, content found in the student assignments and presentations of TWO OTHER groups of your choice - be able to answer fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice and two different EQ questions (one from each of the presentations you selected. The single question from each group list will be designated on Friday.)

5% total grade based on the Provinces of the Roman Empire map. You must be able to find, name, spell and identify 10 provinces on the map using fill the blank, matching and multiple choice questions for this map. (See these student sample maps to study here.)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Student Presentation Slides

Here is the Roman Presentation materials shared folder that has all of the chapter presentation graphics, listed in numeric order of separate jpeg files of each page.

These materials should be used as a study guide in conjunction with the Chapter handout presented by each group.

The first group from each class will present on Tuesday, and two groups each will present to 5 - 10 students each twice, two groups on Wednesday, and two groups on Thursday.

The groups will compete in a quiz game called Gladiator on Friday, and be awarded points for their mastery of the presented materials.

Next Monday, we will have a study review session.

The test on these presentations will be next Tuesday, December 4th.

Roman Group Presentations this week

This week the five groups in each class will present the individual work they have assigned each other from the list of options necessary to illustrate each groups' assigned chapters. See the previous blog here.

The first group will volunteer to present their work as a slide show. This group will be the model presentation that will present and take questions from the class and Mr. Rodgers. In addition, this group will also participate in a discussion with the rest of class of how they could have improved their presentation, and how they decided what information from their chapter they decided to emphasize, summarize or not present at all. This group will present on Tuesday.

Two groups will present on Wednesday and the last two groups will present on Thursday. These four groups will present to two groups at a time. Friday, the class will play a review game for the test next Tuesday.

Each group will present a hand and the entire presentation will be shared on Google docs as a pdf. Each individual should study their own presentation and two other presentations that were informative and peaked their interest. Students will be tested on the material from their assigned chapter and two other chapters. The study guide for each chapter will consist of the presentation handout and source assignments from the groups that each individual decides to study from. Each group's handout includes the information that may appear on the test on Tuesday (more on this later).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grading next week's Roman Presentations

First, I hope everyone has a great time with friends or family, gets plenty of free time and a little extra sleep. I hope that all you eat tastes great. If you are traveling, I hope that your travels are without delays and comfortable. I will be in Los Angeles with my wife's family with a quick visit to my family as well.
I would like all students to understand how group work is graded in my class. Obviously, students that do well will earn maximum points. Students that do not participate, do not pull their own weight or do not complete necessary components of the presentation will lose points as an individual, with their individual portion of any group grade severely penalized for that individual alone.
On Monday, Nov. 26, we will work on the following:
Roman unit:
The two chapter assignments, one already due on Friday, with most of class time dedicated to the completion of the second assignment in class, should be completed by the beginning of class on Monday (15 points times 2 individual assignments = 30 points).
A. Chapter Handout (group grade 15 pts) - due Tuesday typed:
1. three EQ questions and answers.
2. Four key terms defined in the context of how they are used in the chapter.
3. Seven important facts or details that are essential to know about the information from the assigned chapter.
Suggestions - each group member should be responsible for writing the initial questions divided between each member.
B. Chapter Presentation (group grade 15 pts) - due Wednesday:
1. Outline of all parts to be presented.
2. Key points should be written in the outline word for word.
3. Every individual assignment must be incorporated into the presentation and be explained by the creator of the assignment.
4. Other information not included in the assignments may be used to create links or transitions between different assignments or key points.
5. A group member who does not complete two individual assignments for use in the presentation, will also lose 5 points from the group presentation grade.
B1- Presentation of the handout
1. The handout should be copied prior to the presentation.
2. The handout must be passed out after the presentation of assignments.
3. Most of the handout's content - key terms and important facts should have been included in individual assignments, with the exception of all of the Essential Question Content.
4. Any handout information not covered must be presented to the class as well.
B2. Questions for the presentation.
1. Each person in the group must be ready to answer at least one question about the group topic AND the group presentation materials.
2. Questions can be directed at at any one person in the group to explain any one part of the presentation or handout.
3. Answers to these questions will be recorded as individual grades.
4. The more thorough and specific each member is during the presentation, the less likely that that member will be asked numerous or difficult questions.
5. Thoroughness of an individual's part of the presentation and ability to answer questions - 5 points per individual.
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It started Trimester Two - instant reporting of missing assignments

Starting for now on, any assignment not completed when it is due will be considered incomplete and a grade of zero will be entered immediately.
If the assignment is completed during class, or by the following day, it will receive a late penalty of 10% of points possible. This late grade will be recorded as soon as the late work is completed.
If a student is absent for work, a test or quiz, these assignments or quizzes will have a grade of zero posted as a place holder until the late assignments are turned in, or the quizzes or tests are made up. It is the responsibility of students to turn in late or missing work at their earliest convenience. When work is turned in, the zero will be replaced by a completed notation, until it is graded.
By the time of seventh grade, it is expected that if a student did not collect distributed materials during class, or has lost necessary materials, that they seek out those materials, and stay with the teacher after class until the student gets the materials. Assignments will be considered late if students claim that they did not have the necessary materials that were in fact passed out, or that the student has lost and not attempted to replace during or after class.

Homework due Wednesday, 11/21/12

Tonight individuals are to complete one of the two Roman Chapter assignments arranged with their chapter groups. This assignment will be considered late if it is not complete at the very beginning of class.

The second assignment should be at least 50% completed at the beginning of class. This assignment will be considered late if it is not completed with about 25 minutes maximum of in class work time allowed for groups to work together.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Work this week - Due 112112

Since this is a short week, here are few things this week.

Due - Detail

112012 - In class today, we examined our journals to find three journals to expand into a story, poem, and personal essay. We filled out a table with our ideas for these three journals.

112012 - A sketch or outline of the two individual items below - on the blank paper passed out in class.

In class today, we also divided up the work load for our group assigned first Roman Chapter. Each group member must complete two different assignments from the list below, with minimum levels for each assignments necessary for the group members to complete overall:

Map or Timeline (1)
Illustrated typical Roman person (1)
Short Essay - three paragraphs (2)
Placard (3)
Other assignments idea (1)

The assignments above should include the following content:
Student Art Work
Quotes from Roman History
Important historical people

Directions were given in class

112112 - read Stargirl...

112212 - Journal

112212 - Roman group work - 2 pieces by each individual (see above and in class directions)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Extra Credit for both LA and SS - all due Monday

LA XC - 15 points max - 2 assignments

1. Using one Spelling Unit word list, write a 16 line poem that uses at least 8 words from the list - 10 pt XC.

2. Write a list of 10 journal ideas that we have not covered that you would like to write about in class - 5 pt XC.

SS XC - 15 points max - 2 assignments

Pick a narrow topic from your Roman chapter:
a. Find four sources on the internet that have all necessary parts to write an MLA (search) format bibliography about that topic - 5 pts XC

b. Write a three paragraph, 250 word minimum short report about that topic. Use the following paragraph guidelines to complete your essay - 10 pt XC

i. define and explain the importance of this topic to Roman life or history

ii. give details, timeline, and examples that show that importance

iii. draw on a modern parallel: how does this element from Roman History affect our daily life today? 

Requirements for all XC:
1. All XC is due Monday morning at the beginning of class. It will NOT be accepted late.
2. All XC is graded with rigor.
3. All XC must meet minimum requirements to be accepted - typed, minimum numbered guidelines met, on topic.
4. Typed.

Journal Prompt from 111412

How have past generations affected my life today, right now. What elements from ancient or more recent history, my family's past, and local history made a difference in my daily life?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

XC for both SS and LA

Will be explained in class tomorrow, with time to get each started in class.

The due date for the XC for either subject will be due Monday. Only XC will be accepted on Monday.

See you tomorrow,

- Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Due this week... and closing the books on T1 grades

Due - Detail
1114 - Roman Provinces Map (Goal - How do places and people get their names)
1115 - Roman Chapter Presentation Script (in class); (Goal - How can we divide Roman History so that we can digest its vast array of topics and time periods)

1116 - XC (3 - 4% points) per subject - LA assignment and SS assignment
1116 - Final Due date for ALL work due this trimester. All work must be turned in by 1:37 on Friday directly to Mr. Rodgers in person in his hands. Do not put assignments in my school mail box nor leave them magically on my desk.

As the trimester comes to a close, I try to build in a buffer for students to have a week to complete missing assignments, get ahead with an extra credit assignment in each subject (that can apply to this trimester or next) and work on assignments that will count towards the grades for Trimester 2.

Some students in each LASS7 Core have a tendency to
1. not write their names on assignments (Over 70 assignments from the past three weeks),
2. turn in assignments late (over 50 from the past three weeks),
3. or even leave them buried in their binder until days like today, when I ask students to find work that they know they finished, but has been recorded as a zero, because they can't just find or think it has been lost. Between my two Core classes today, students turned in over 50 assignments found in their binders (this number is common and answer the question 90 percent of the time if an assignment has been "lost."). I clean binders like this at the end of every large unit and a week before grades are due.

As a result, I have entered late work received the last week yesterday, Monday, and will enter at least another 80 no names and found in binder assignments handed to me just today. This makes for a bit of confusion for some students about their grade, but likewise makes it difficult for me to give accurate grades when students have so many no name, found in binder and late assignments.

In the end, I will try to finish grades tonight. Students have until the end of the week to makeup any missing, late, miss entered or incomplete assignments. I will print grade sheets tomorrow in class and will deal with students that have work to hand into me with grade sheets.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Several Grades will be entered tonight. Meetings this week, and Extra Credit options.

Many assignments have been fully graded, and many assignment grades will be entered.

If you see grades being entered, please do not email me about grades until I am finished posting grades. There are several students missing an assignment or two. Many students turned in these assignments late, and as such, they were not turned in the day the assignment was collected. They reside in a separate stack of makeup work, and will be entered after the on time grades are entered. Thus, some students will see a zero entered for the on time postings first, and then the late or makeup work will be entered, where the zero will be replaced by the appropriate grade.

I will try to post all late work tonight for any zeroes entered - if the work WAS turned in, and if the work has its name on it, as several students assignments in both classes were missing names (these assignments are with the late work, although it is not considered late, but it was identified afterwards).

When I am finished for tonight, and tomorrow night, when I will go through another round of grade postings, the same issues will require patience.

This week, as is the case every end of the trimester, there will be several in class activities of an ongoing nature that will not be collected until next week. This will allow students who are missing work to find, identify, or complete said missing assignments in class and for this week as homework. This time frame has an absolute cutoff date of Friday, November 16 at the end of Advisory period at 1:37.

On this score, several students have already turned in most work due to absences or have followed up on missing assignments. Several students, as is always the case, have found the "I know I did it" assignments literally in their binder (late penalties do apply). Some students have and will find assignments not correctly entered in the PowerSchool, and those corrections will be made quite willingly by me.

In order to turn in late, missing, mis-entered assignments THIS WEEK, students must print out a copy of the class assignments grade list showing all assignments, underline said assignments in question, and staple the assignments to the assignment grade sheet for the class. Do not forget to write your name on the grade sheet.

I will meet with several students this week to verify a plan to complete missing work and gladly resolve other issues so that students earn the grades that they deserve in both Language Arts and Social Studies.

LASTLY, each class will have an extra credit assignment option this week, as both have already had about 30 points of options so far this trimester. The extra credit is due by Friday, or before, and is assigned specifically as a teacher defined extension of our current unit.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Work the week of Nov.5 - 9

Due - Detail
1106 - Journal - in class - How is your daily life affected by political issues? Are there certain political issues that you feel are not discussed that you feel are important?

1106 - Stargirl notes from chapters read in class

1107 - Bring second typed draft of writing assessment. See previous blog here concerning changes based on two different in class activities related to quality of details.

1107 - Complete notes on assigned Roman Chapter. Will be used for in class credit activity (these points cannot be earned if your notes do not exist or are incomplete).

1108 - Roman Mapping in class activity. Map assignment from this activity will be due next week.

1108 - SpC5

1109 - SpT5