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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Third and Final Short Report Due Friday, Dec. 13

Today we peer edited our second drafts in class. The final third draft, along with the student edited copies of drafts one and two, along with the bibliography are all due Friday.

Editing focus today - sentence structure - complexity <labelled with corner brackets>, use of rich and specific topic vocabulary, paragraph structure (topic sentence (starred) and supporting ideas 3 min (each one numbered)), extraneous sentences in a paragraph (labelled with a zero).

We labeled two great passages with quotes and shared some in class. At the top of the page, we posted a count of complex sentences, number of specific vocab used.

Based on our two editing sessions of each draft, students should attempt to:
Use a number of new complex sentences by including more detail in 3 - 5 more sentences with modifying words or phrases that answer the questions: when, how, where, what, why.

Use a few more words that are specific to the topic.

Make sure that each paragraph has a clearly stated topic sentence and at least three supporting details.

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