Rodgers Homepage

Monday, December 10, 2012

Class Schedule and due dates up through Winter Break

Learning Goals:
What is a controversial topic?
What is the Legacy of Rome?

Due - Detail
1211 - 2nd draft of Short Report (typed, dbl sp) - bring first edited draft as well.
1212 - Study for Ch1 EQ (choose two questions and use the chapter to formulate your own answers)
1213 - SS7 Textbook Ch1 EQ quiz (see future post for questions)
1213 - List of ideas for Isearch (IS) Controversial topic - explain the basic idea for each in a sentence.
1214 - SpC8 and SpT8
1214 - 3rd/Final Draft of Short Report - bring first two student edited drafts for full credit.
1218 - IS explanatory paragraph with one parent signature approving your topic
1220 - IS Prospectus
1220-1 - IS Hook Off!!!
1220 - Roman Timeline Due

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