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Monday, November 12, 2012

Several Grades will be entered tonight. Meetings this week, and Extra Credit options.

Many assignments have been fully graded, and many assignment grades will be entered.

If you see grades being entered, please do not email me about grades until I am finished posting grades. There are several students missing an assignment or two. Many students turned in these assignments late, and as such, they were not turned in the day the assignment was collected. They reside in a separate stack of makeup work, and will be entered after the on time grades are entered. Thus, some students will see a zero entered for the on time postings first, and then the late or makeup work will be entered, where the zero will be replaced by the appropriate grade.

I will try to post all late work tonight for any zeroes entered - if the work WAS turned in, and if the work has its name on it, as several students assignments in both classes were missing names (these assignments are with the late work, although it is not considered late, but it was identified afterwards).

When I am finished for tonight, and tomorrow night, when I will go through another round of grade postings, the same issues will require patience.

This week, as is the case every end of the trimester, there will be several in class activities of an ongoing nature that will not be collected until next week. This will allow students who are missing work to find, identify, or complete said missing assignments in class and for this week as homework. This time frame has an absolute cutoff date of Friday, November 16 at the end of Advisory period at 1:37.

On this score, several students have already turned in most work due to absences or have followed up on missing assignments. Several students, as is always the case, have found the "I know I did it" assignments literally in their binder (late penalties do apply). Some students have and will find assignments not correctly entered in the PowerSchool, and those corrections will be made quite willingly by me.

In order to turn in late, missing, mis-entered assignments THIS WEEK, students must print out a copy of the class assignments grade list showing all assignments, underline said assignments in question, and staple the assignments to the assignment grade sheet for the class. Do not forget to write your name on the grade sheet.

I will meet with several students this week to verify a plan to complete missing work and gladly resolve other issues so that students earn the grades that they deserve in both Language Arts and Social Studies.

LASTLY, each class will have an extra credit assignment option this week, as both have already had about 30 points of options so far this trimester. The extra credit is due by Friday, or before, and is assigned specifically as a teacher defined extension of our current unit.

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