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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fall of Rome short essay topics - due next Thursday, Dec. 6

Today in the library we started the following assignment:
From assigned topic per student, write a
1. Short report - first draft (minimums - 3 paragraphs, 300 words) dbl spaced, typed
2. Bibliography 3 reference min., MLA format, only one reference may be from a general knowledge website or encyclopedia. Book references are not required. Typed in MLA format.
Core Two: (Core one will be verified tomorrow, but the list of topics will be helpful):
Student assigned topics by class:
1. Charles Martel, Battle of Tours - Trevor
2. Clovis king of the Franks - Brian
3. Charlemagne - Oliver
4. Holy Roman Emperor 800 AD or CE - Alejandro
5. treaty of verdun 843 – Kevin
6. Viking invasions France - Claire
7. Sack of Rome 410 CE 450? or AD - Craig
8. Fall of Rome - economic decline -
9. Fall of Rome - political instability - Angelica
10. Fall of Rome - weakening frontiers, Germanic migrations, invasions - Aiden
11. Visigoths - Natasha
12. Ostrogoths - Brady
13. Vandals - Darren
14. Attila the Hun and the Magyars - Jack
15. Constantine moves capital to Byzantium or founding of Constantinople
16. Diocletian divides Roman Empire
17. Roman architecture - vaults and domes - modern architectural buildings, give specific example - neo classical style - Lauren
18. Latin proverbs - Sarai
19. Famous Roman Republic writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing, quote - Megan
20. Famous Roman Empire writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing, quote - Julia
21. The Roman Calendar - July, August and how the calendar worked. What does the name of each month mean and where is that name derived - Hannah
22. Roman Number system explained - Mika
23. Roman Philosophy - Stoicism, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius - Isabelle
24. Roman Philosophy on Education – Cicero - Audrey
25. Justinian - attempt to reestablish Roman Empire in the west - Aaron
26. Theodosius - outlaws pagan rituals
27. Council of Nicaea and the New Testament 323 CE
28. The Gnostic Gospels
29. The Arian Schism and Arianism
30. Byzantine Iconoclasm
31. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church split - excommunication of the Patriarch of Constantinople
32. Rise of Islam - the Spread of Islam by 850 CE - expansion into eastern Mediterranean
33. The Fall of Constantinople 1453 CE
34. Justinian debt
- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

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