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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Extra Credit for both LA and SS - all due Monday

LA XC - 15 points max - 2 assignments

1. Using one Spelling Unit word list, write a 16 line poem that uses at least 8 words from the list - 10 pt XC.

2. Write a list of 10 journal ideas that we have not covered that you would like to write about in class - 5 pt XC.

SS XC - 15 points max - 2 assignments

Pick a narrow topic from your Roman chapter:
a. Find four sources on the internet that have all necessary parts to write an MLA (search) format bibliography about that topic - 5 pts XC

b. Write a three paragraph, 250 word minimum short report about that topic. Use the following paragraph guidelines to complete your essay - 10 pt XC

i. define and explain the importance of this topic to Roman life or history

ii. give details, timeline, and examples that show that importance

iii. draw on a modern parallel: how does this element from Roman History affect our daily life today? 

Requirements for all XC:
1. All XC is due Monday morning at the beginning of class. It will NOT be accepted late.
2. All XC is graded with rigor.
3. All XC must meet minimum requirements to be accepted - typed, minimum numbered guidelines met, on topic.
4. Typed.

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