Rodgers Homepage

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't forget two things for Wednesday... and one bonus

Due Wednesday -
1. Secret Snowball gift - write the name of the recipient on the gift and put it in the gift box when you walk in Room 601 on Wednesday.
2. QUIZ on Chapter 7 - 10 points - multiple choice questions will be drawn from sections 7.3 - 7.6
3. Earn plus 1 Extra Credit point per each assignment completed when you walk in the class -

  • current event write-up - article MUST be attached 
  • Middle Eastern Map - inked, colored, labelled, titled, master quality

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week of 121514

Due - Detail
121614 -
Bring any work due from last week and turn it in today - it will be counted on time.
When not working on other assignments we will cover the following in class:

  • Lawrence of Arabia (movie) and Orientalism
  • Arabic rhythm, music, dance

MIDDLE EASTERN MAP - step by step details given in class on 121514 
due 121614 - label all nations, seas, oceans. You may abbreviate very small (square miles) nations appropriately.
Resources - Middle Eastern map HERE, map of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia HERE

due 121914 - Map requirements  - BLANK MAP here
• use the internet to find an appropriate map - search Middle East (image) in google
• ink labels and boundaries
• color nations - even color; do not color water or unlabelled land; use different colors for adjoining nations
• title - The Middle East

QUIZ: reviewed in class on 1215 and 1216
121714 - SS7 Chapter 7 quiz - focus on landscape sections - 7.3 - 7.6

CURRENT EVENT: assigned section and covered strategies in class how to find good articles
121814 - Current Event article and writeup form HERE

121914 - Map due 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Yes - The Field Trip is on; School is open Friday

We will see everyone at school tomorrow, early and ready to go to the Asian Art Museum for a guided tour, concert, and tour of the permanent collection of Chinese and Japanese Art.

Please bring a light jacket and a bagged lunch. Do not bring a backpack. Studnets may bring a cell phone, but no one should use them in the museum during the daytime.

See you soon,
- Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

No School on Thursday across the Bay Area, Marin, and at Hall

Based on the available weather information we will have our field trip on Friday to the Asian Art Museum.

The trip will be cancelled only if school is cancelled by the district administration.

We will see you on Friday!!!

Tonight's HW due Thursday

Make sure that you are finished with Tuesday's homework that was posted on the blog.

Short Story (in class only): 13 - Read and Two step writing process (story sketching)

In class yesterday, with the substitute teacher, and during class Wednesday:
1. We read the story Thirteen and a Half.
2. We wrote Part A and B in our notebooks, in class only:

Part A:
Choose between one of these options:
a. Write an alternative ending that changes the story and takes it in a different direction.
b. Write a scene that takes place AFTER the conclusion of the story

Requirements for Part A:

  • 200 word minimum
  • maintains the tone and voice of the original story
Part B:
Make a list of three items for each item below. Your items should be short sentences.
For the main character - Rachel or Ashley (choose one for this exercise)
  • strengths or positive traits
  • weaknesses or negative traits
  • motivations - reasons why this person does the things she does

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Homework due 121014

In class today, we continued our reading and processing of Chapter 7 in the SS7 textbook.
Directions on the board (write):
1. Using your notes from last night’s homework and the TEXTBOOK
2. Draw a filled square, closeup detail of the four different landscapes discussed in the SS7 textbook.
3. Be creative.
4. Label each square
5. Title “The Landscape of the Arabian Peninsula"
4. Homework - color and ink all drawings and text - Due Wednesday.

use this handout: 4 up diagram here

Monday, December 8, 2014

Field trip this Friday, December 12 - we need two more drivers for the morning Core class

A number of parents have volunteered to driver to the Asian Art field trip this Friday. We still need two more drivers for the morning core class - period 1/2.

If you would like to drive please send me an email at

Thank You,

- Eliott Rodgers

Week of 120814

Due - Detail

Read SS7 Ch 7 - Arabian Peninsula
For section 7.3 through 7.6
1. On a separate sheet of paper, by hand
2. Summarize each section with 3 - 4 important details

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Homework due Friday - answer three EQs


Last night for homework, each student wrote two EQ questions from their chapter, for one section.

Tonight, students must read the EQ questions on the link here arranged by chapter.
Students must select ONE EQ question that they are interested in from each chapter, except for the chapter they already read.

For each question, a student must:
1. read the section associated with that question.
2. On a piece of paper, write:

Report your Medieval EQs here

Report here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

HW for Tuesday night

Due Wednesday, Dec 3 -

1. Write 2 EQ questions with answers (in 3 bullet points) from your group (Knight, Bard, Sage, Artisan) chapter assigned.

  • Your questions can be about the section that you presented in class.
  • One question can be about the slide that you made for your presentation, such that the answer is the information found in the slide.
2. Continue practicing your Medieval class presentations and complete all Medieval assignments.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Have a great Thanksgiving Break... See you next week!!!

When we return,

1. Several groups will complete their chapter presentations.

2. Quite a few Bards and Knights, and Sages will perform poetry, songs, comedy, boasts, or give a lecture about a remarkable event of the Middle Ages.

3. Everyone must complete their second class (KSBA) assignment - due Tuesday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week of 112414

Due Date - Detail
112514 -
1. Complete Class (KBSA) job - example - Bard to complete Comedy or Poetry presentation

  • be prepared to present in class
2. Finish large book jacket with flaps (this was from last week) - most students turned this in already.

3. In class we will continue working on our group chapter presentations

Thursday, November 20, 2014

HW update - just checking in...

Due Friday: Bring everything to class, completed or unfinished

1. Book Jacket -
final draft complete - basic 8 - 1/2 x 11 elements See the original directions here
Extra book flap elements complete final due next Tuesday.

2. First Medieval - Job sketch with resources - Medieval classes - all materials needed to complete the final draft.

In class ONLY we will continue to work on our SS7 chapter presentations by Medieval Job

3. Also, bring your 2 EQ paragraphs from chapter 2 that were supposed to be finished earlier this week.

4. Field Trip form. Please ask your parents to drive before returning the form.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

As the trimester is coming to a close... grades are being posted...

I recently updated all old missing assignments in Power School from Missing to a grade a zero. This undoubtedly lowered some students grades who did not turn in work. Currently all late work and no-name work has been identified and processed.

If you have work that is marked as zero, or missing, or the combination of zero-missing, then you need to
1. print out any assignments that are in gdoc format
2. print out a grade sheet for SS8 - you must do this at this point.
3. Attach all assignments in question to the grade sheet
4. highlight the assignments on the grade sheet
5. write the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc next to each assignment in question on the grade sheet
6. lastly, number each piece of paper that is attached with the same number from the grade sheet.
7. turn it in ASAP.
8. I will update any turned in missing or late assignments this weekend.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

HW update

1. Tonight - finish your book jacket draft - OR - start working on your final draft due Friday.

Also, if you did not finish your written EQ in class -
2. WRITE answers to your two best EQ questions

Lastly, If done with much of the above - read your jobs chapter in the SS7 text
Preview the link here or -
Chapter - Job
3 - Sage
4 - Bard
5 - Knight
6 - Artisan

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of 111714

Due - Detail
Book Jacket -

  • by Wednesday sketch and write all text for the entire 8-1/2x11 portion of the book jacket.
  • Students that opt for the book flap extended assignment, will complete the text for the flap by 11/20/14, Thursday
  • follow the guidelines here
Medieval Project - 
  • create a gdoc called MediResearch111914Last - place it in a new folder (Medieval) in your SS7 folder.
  • Do research and copy links and sample text or graphics for your first level assignments for
    • Bard - Jokes or a poem about medieval life; sample medieval poets - see handout
    • Knight - graphic ideas for a Crest or sample text for a boast
    • Sage - calligraphy designs and medieval quotes
    • Artisan - choose two from Map, Castle, Portrait
      • go online and find sample ideas for your first choice
  • the first assignment is due Friday - ready for performance, or to be turned in.
We will work on both of these assignments in class this week.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Book Jacket - Due 11/21

22:00 Exc

This weekend, think about parts that you want to include in your book jacket.

Some students may sketch out designs and think about the text elements they want to include in their book jackets

Your book jacket must include:

Front - 
An original student designed cover picture that covers the entire cover
A large title (of the book)
The author at the bottom of the page

The binding - the title of the book and a trademark of the publisher. The last name of the author.

The back 
a border art design
two different blocks of text - see the list below for choices

Some students will complete the extended book flaps (an additional, optional 10 point assignment):
two other blocks of text - see list below

Text or additional graphic ideas to include on the book jacket - all text must be student written:
  • About the author - required
  • a summary hook without plot spoilers - required
  • two reviews of 2 - 3 sentences each
  • an overview of other volumes in the series
  • a list of characters or items that are found in the book with motives or descriptions of each in 2 - 3 sentences
  • a fictitious start or a letter or diary entry of a character in the book
  • a map of the setting (assuming that no map is supplied in the book)
  • other ideas - with approval of Mr. R

Best EQ - in class activity

Pick your best, and potentially your second best questions and fill in this survey

Class Schedule for the week of Nov 17 - 21. Print this for next week.

Homeroom: go to the first scheduled period for that day

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HW due Friday - Ch2 EQ questions

1. SS7 Text Chapter 2 -
2. be prepared to answer questions about the entire reading at the beginning of class - 
(pop quiz??...)

WRITE on notebook paper - EQ Questions
1. review the structure of an EQ question HERE

2. Write an EQ type question for three sections of the reading - assigned sections explained below
3. For each question, make a list of three different details that can be used as examples or explanations in a final answer.
4. Do not write your list in paragraph form.

Assigned sections are here listed by initials HERE. 

When you see a 135 by your name, that means that you were assigned to write EQ questions for Chapter 2, section 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5

Monday, November 10, 2014

HW due Wednesday

Study for the vocabulary quiz in class when we return. See last week's assignment blog entry for details.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of 11/3/14

Due - Detail

11/4/14 -
Edit your essay for spelling, punctuation, grammar
Respond to comments made in class by your classmates about

  • best explanation in body (is your best explanation in your body the first explanation?) and 
  • conclusion (how powerful is your conclusion - is it rephrased when making the same point from the body or the introduction?).

Print the essay - double spaced.

Friday, October 31, 2014

CORE TWO in class on Friday - Deeds Edit instructions.

On Friday in class, we shared in Google Docs our essay for comment with two other classmates.

In class, you must comment on two other student essays as follows:

1. You must comment on each paragraph:
  • highlight an area of the essay, then select comment to get the comment text box...
  • explain the information that you feel this paragraph needs to make it a more meaningful paragraph.
  • you may ask a question for your comment that requires the writer to give more information or details for the paragraph.
2. When you are done, you must have a comment for each paragraph with a suggestion for more detail.

3. Since another student is also commenting, your comments must be different from the other student comments.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

No Homework for Thursday. Congrats to our Hook Off Contestants and Winners.

See you on Friday. Depending on your core, make sure your drafts on your good deed's essay are COMPLETELY up to date. To make sure, you must review the blog for this past week for your CORE class.

Congratulations to Monika Platek and Aaron Kim for winning the Core 2 Hook Off. Their hooks will be shared tomorrow.

CORE TWO only - take this survey after the Scavenger Hunt in class on Thursday night

Take this survey about your article.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

CORE ONE only - finish online edit for two other people assigned in class

On Wednesday, we shared in Google Docs our essay for comment with two other classmates.

Tonight, for HW, you must comment on two other student essays as follows:

1. You must comment on each paragraph:
  • highlight an area of the essay, then select comment to get the comment text box...
  • explain the information that you feel this paragraph needs to make it a more meaningful paragraph.
  • you may ask a question for your comment that requires the writer to give more information or details for the paragraph.
2. When you are done, you must have a comment for each paragraph with a suggestion for more detail.

3. Since another student is also commenting, your comments must be different from the other student comments.

CORE 2 only HW for 1029 due 1030 - Hooks and Leads suggestions

1. Read the handout: Here is a great handout on hooks and leads
2. Write 3 new and different types of hooks(from the list above) for your Good Deeds essay
3. We will use your new hooks for our "Hook Off" Contest in class on Thursday.
4. Write your hooks on a piece of notebook paper.

ALSO - Bring:
1. Bring typed, double spaced second draft of your Good Deeds essay(completed on Tuesday night's HW) to class for editing on Thursday.
2. Lastly, bring your current event summary write-up and article that was to completed Monday night for HW. We will do a Current Event Scavenger Hunt in class on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Deeds Edit #1 HW for 10/28 due 10/29

CORE 2: Rewrite your Good Deeds essay from the comments and marks made in class.

CORE 1: (as homework)If you did not finish your essay before our editing session, you need to have a parent work with you to do this simple edit step:

0. First, sign the paper and print your name.

1. Read the essay all the way through - do not think of editing in any way, just read for understanding.

2. Read the essay a second time with a pencil in your hand.

  • you will only edit for two types of passages in a specific way - no grammar, punctuation, spelling, or any rewriting of any kind should be performed.
  • you will be marking passages - word strings between 3 - 12 words
  • Find about 4 ideas that "really pop out" in someway - great ideas, well written, really speaks to the reader, excellent sentence structure - for what ever reason.
    • underline these passages, and put a star at the beginning and end of each of these lines or sentences.
  • Find about 4 ideas that present unclear ideas, need more detail, or need more work in order to make better sense of the ideas presented
    • Use bubble brackets at the beginning and end of each of these passages. 
  • When you are done, pick two star-lined and two bubble bracketed passages and make two comments about each of these passages. 
  • Be descriptive, but make sure that your comments allow your son or daughter to write a good second draft with more detail that reflects quality 7th grade writing.

Work for Tuesday's Class

1. Complete the Survey here
2. Bring your article write up and staple your printed article behind it.
3. Make sure your first draft of your good deeds essay is complete.

We will use the current event assignment for an in class activity at the beginning of  Tuesday.

We will be peer editing and process writing the Good Deeds essay all week.

CORE 1 HW - due 1029 - Scavenger Hunt - Summarize your article here

Take this survey about your article.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week of 102014 - Good Deeds Essay

Date - Due

1021 -
Write Good Deeds Essay (gdoc - GDE1020Last) Part 1 - Introduction
1 - 2 paragraphs:
a. Define the concept of "good deed"
b. Thesis statement with supporting ideas


1022 - 
1. Write the first BODY paragraph 

  • that supports your THESIS with the best details, examples, and/or explanation. 
  • The first BODY paragraph is typically longer than other body paragraphs 
  • since it is the best and most important piece of supporting evidence in your paper.
2. Print your essay (intro and first body paragraph) in double space layout.


1023 - 
1. Write the second and third BODY paragraphs.

2. Print the current event article - find a news (politics, social issues, economics) article from a country that was in the Roman Empire based on the first initial of your last name (see list below). (40 minutes were spent searching for an article on class computers and discussing various issues with finding good articles)

Article must be:
  • from a major news source - news agency, television station, magazine or newspaper
  • dated within the past two weeks
  • at least 100 words in length
Google search advice:

  • don't pick the first article you see or read
  • do more than one search with key words that narrow the topic
  • find an article topic that you are interested in to some degree
  • find an article that you can understand

CORE 1 - 

B - England, United Kingdom
C - Germany
D - L - France
M - N - Spain
P - R - Italy
Sexton - Smith - Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo
Stocker - Z - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya

Core 2 - 
B - England, United Kingdom
C - G - Germany
J - K - France
L - N - Spain
P - R - Italy
S - Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo
W - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya

Brainstorm for Writing - (we did many of these steps for this essay so far)
Five Paragraph Essay Format

Possible Theses statements for this essay - you may create your own, or combine these (note: theses is the plural form of thesis)

Guidelines for the essay HERE

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 101314

Due - Detail

Read SG 28 - 30 in class NQ
Notes on Rome - in class
Work on Roman Assignment

Read SG through chapter 30

Social Studies - Differentiated Assignment - part two:
1. Timeline sketch layout - pencil - guidelines for timeline here
2. Short Report first paragraph written and outline of paragraphs 2 - 3 - short report guidelines here (download to print) 
3. Roman Empire Provinces - labels and border in ink - Online source map

101514 -
Read SG to the end of the Epilogue and NQ

Vocabulary Quiz #1 - List is here

Roman Differentiated Assignments are due

Friday, October 10, 2014

Poetry Activity for Friday

1. Reread Kay Ryan's poem, "Home to Roost." one last time.
identify the idiom.
Discuss how she uses the idiom to develop the poem - think, pair, share.
Understand the figurative meaning and the literal meaning of the idiom.

2. Find an idiomatic expression that can be developed into an entire poem.
Idiom sites:
Wikipedia entry * Wiktionary
English Club
Idiom Connection

3. Define the expression figuratively and literally. What literal ideas can you use to illustrate the figurative meaning of the expression?

4. Write a poem based on the idiom... in class directions and activity.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Added homework due Friday, 101014

Due Friday, 101014:
SG 22-24 NQ
short for: 
Read Stargirl, Chapters 22 - 24. Take 3 notes and quotes on the NQ (8 box) charts.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of 100614

Due Date - Detail
Note - most of this work will be worked on in class every day.

1007 T -
Work on World Map up to 30 minutes at home Monday night (if painted map, this will be completed in class)

1008 W -
A. Read SG 19-21 NQ (if painted map is in class, or map is completed, due this Monday night)

B. Roman Differentiated Assignment notes or draft only -
Started Tuesday in class.
Student do one assignment only
See assignment type and topic STUDENT LIST here

1. Short Report: 8 notes from the internet on your topic -
        short report guidelines here (download to print) - draft due NEXT WEEK
2. Timeline: 8 events from your time period - notes only with dates
3. Map sketch in pencil of all political boundaries of the Roman Provinces - Online source map

(Note - Vocab Quiz moved to Tuesday, 101414, due to a posting error - the wrong list was shared initially)

1009 Th -
EQ Quiz - Questions and data will be compiled Tuesday in class - Study guide and guidelines here
(you must answer the #1 - Fall of Rome Question and one question from number 2 or 3)

10010 F -
SG 22-24 NQ
Good Deed record complete
Poem typed (to be started AND completed in class)

1014 T -
Vocabulary Quiz on the Learning Words List of LASS7 - List is here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

EQ Questions and process

EQ Basic elements

How to study for an EQ quiz:
1. Read the study guide questions.
2. Choose the required number of questions to answer for the quiz (2 of 3 given) - include the required question - #1 most of the time.
3. Reread those sections in the book for each question.
4. decide what facts, details and explanations you want to use for your unique answer.
5. Practice writing a paragraph for each question.

EQ Questions -  EQ Study Guide 1

Here is the outline of the EQ student generated process for parents to understand the process.

Monday, September 29, 2014

HW week of 092914

Due - Detail:

0930 -
1. Study for Tuesday's Geography Test - Blank Map here (download to print)
2. Record at least 5 good deeds - stamp for each student with a complete sheet so far.

1001 -
1. SG Ch 13 - 15 NQ - stamp check for all chapter notes through Ch 15.

1002 -
1. Read SS7 Chapter 1 - Pop (single question) quiz  on Thursday about a major issue from the chapter.

1003 -
1. SS7 - Write three different EQ questions, each about a different textbook section.
2. For each EQ questions, write three pieces of information that answers the question well with details from the reading.
3. We will start this in class on Thursday, and finish as HW.

4. Essential Questions Guidelines are here

5. SG 16 - 18 NQ

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Good Deeds - Daily Log

Form is here - you must download to print

Use this form to:
1. record a different good deed and the date everyday for the next two weeks, starting today.
2. some of the good deeds may be more planned out, others may be as simple as saying hello to every friend you see that day as they pass by in the halls.

Background and where we are heading with Good Deeds
Based on the homework
due 0924, explaining three good deeds in detail (see yesterday's post) and

in class 0924 - the journal (200 word min) in class - explain at least three good deeds, surprises, or special gifts that you either did for someone else or received from someone else.

In addition to reading Stargirl and tracking different good deeds, we are attempting to understand the way Stargirl looks at the world and why she does what she does. This will lead to a compare and contrast essay comparing our experience to the Stargirl's actions in the book.

We will continue reading Stargirl in class next week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HW due Wednesday

0924 -
1. Work on map: 20 - 30 minutes (ink, draw, label)

2. Pick 3 good deeds from last night's homework or action tracker and write a paragraph deed. Make sure each of your paragraphs explains the following information for each deed:

  • supplies and materials needed
  • How to do it
  • how it affects others

Good deeds website


Use this site to find 10 different actions - some small, some big, and some in between that you can do.

Make a list in your notebook for each size of action

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Overview - 0922 - 092414

Due - Detail
0923 -

A. Write a list of 10 good deeds - see discussion notes here - Core 1, Core 2

B. Fill in the top half of the Ancient vs Modern mind map:

  • Each oval refers to one ancient civilization you studied in 6th grade
  • Each cloud is an important person, concept, or event - two details per civilization
  • HANDOUT here - you must download before printing
C. If done with the above (some finished in class), then work on your 11x17 map.

Monday, September 15, 2014

World Map Quiz Study Materials

As we work on creating our world maps, we will have two location quizzes on the map below.

The first quiz, this week, covers:
continents, oceans, and meridian lines (latitude and longitude)

The second quiz, next week, covers most seas, rivers, and mountains of cultures and regions that were covered in 6th grade and that will be covered in 7th grade Social Studies. This quiz requires all students to know the location of the entire list, but the quiz will only consist of half of the items. We will start studying this week for the second quiz. This is one of the only tests that students may take a makeup test, and use the better score of the two tests.

Labelled Map here

Geography Quiz list here

Week Overview starting 091514

Due - Details:

Note: if your parents did not complete the parent survey, please have them complete it by Wednesday night - here.

0916 - T
1. Stargirl (SG) - Read Ch 9,10 and take Notes and Quotes (NQ) form here
2. Maps - work on 8x11 world maps for 20 minutes - try to finish second pencil, freehand 8x11 map
3. Journal (200 word, no edit)- write about up to 3 nicknames you have, or wish you could be called (Journal was started in class, many finished in class)

0917 - W
1. SG - 11, 12 and NQ
2. Blank Map Quiz (2 points) - based on your map drawing practice
3. Start studying for Map quiz 1 - Handout: continents, oceans, meridians

0918 - Th
1. 11x17 map completed in pencil outline
2. SG - 13, 14 and NQ

0919 - F
1. Map Quiz part one - continents, oceans, meridians
2. Six Word Memoir activity

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Night Homework due Friday, 091214

1. Booklet -
  • Add at least one finishing touch to your booklet from the list here
  • finish the requirements (listed on previous blog post)
2. SG - Read Ch 7/8 NQs

Today in class - 
1. Explained requirements for working computer and printer at home (except for financial difficulties)
3. Discussed progress on Booklet and the class created the finishing touches list
4. Core 1 - Student survey (and verified student emails and password)
5. Core 2 - Map Sequence

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 090814 - SG reading, accordion booklet, supplies, parent survey

Due - Details
09/09  -
1. Read Stargirl (SG)

  • chapters Prologue, 1, and 2
  • Take 3 summary notes and 3 quotes (write down first 4 words) and their page numbers PER CHAPTER
2. Read the class blog (this page)
3. Parents must complete this survey (here) this week 
4. Two entries due in the Summer vs. School accordion book (see assignment details here)

1. Read SG - chapters 3, 4 and takes NOTES and QUOTES (NQ)
2. Five entries due in accordion book

1. Read SG - chapters 5,6 and NQ
2. Eight entries due with title on cover of accordion booklet
3. Cause and Effect personal history diagram (mostly in class)

1. Sprial Notebook (70 - 80 pages, college ruled) brought to class
2. All supplies on school published supply list brought to class
3. World Map step one complete (mostly completed in class)
4. Read SG - chapters 7, 8, 9 and NQ

Follow the class blog to receive emails with class directions, assignment links, and handouts

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address -
b. SS8 blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address -

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome back to Hall... XC entry ticket

I hope you all had a great summer. Maybe some of you are ready for school to start. I am ready and excited for the new year to begin, as I am sure many of you are as well. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, and working with you to make this year a great year.

First day activity:
When you walk into class, you will be asked a question about my profile on this page. You will have to write it down and give it to me. Let's see how many of you are the students who like to scout out the school early, and even look at the teacher website.

How to find the information:
In my profile at the lower right corner of this page, answer the following questions: My wife's name, our pets, and how many years I have been teaching. If you can answer these three things, you will earn your first point of extra credit.

Why do this:
This is a reward for using resources, and trying to find out what the class is like. If you would like, you can look at old class blog posts and handouts (which are mostly rubrics I use in class).

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bring your SS7 textbook to class

Please bring your textbook to class by Friday.

Culture Festival - Friday

Many students have told me about the foods they are bringing to class for our 7th grade festival.

Remember the requirements for food:
1. No sodas, no packaged candy, no potato chips.
2. Any foods you make or buy should be approved by parents.
3. If you are using any type of nuts, please inform Mr. Rodgers at the beginning of the period. These foods should be labelled before we serve food.
4. The food should reflect a favorite food that is either from the culture you studied in the Culminating Project, or a food from a culture you identify.

Period 3 Tests links here


Monday, June 9, 2014

Group Study Guides and Slide Shows AND Bring your SS7 Textbooks to return them

TEST STUDY (Test on Block Day)

Core 1 Resources and EQs for all groups

Period 3 Resources and EQs for all groups

1. You will take a quiz for two different culture slide shows and study guides.
2. Each test will consist of 10 MC questions and 1 EQ of your choice.
3. Practice your writing your EQ questions based on the slide show text.
4. Read each slide show and study guide word for word for each group you choose.
5. Print the study guide and highlight the questions that are difficult and study these areas more thoroughly.

Bring your SS7 Textbooks to return them this week. If you have more than one, return both copies.

Friday - Bring food that is related to your culture of study, or a culture that you identify with. No soda, potato chips, or packaged candy. Provide small servings for 12 students. If you bake or purchase, make sure that your parents confirm that they have the time, or the money for your designated food.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Work Due this week, 0602 - 060614

LA7 - Due Dates

061614 - Short Story Work Due

SS7 - Due Dates

060314 -
Editors - Finish Test Form
Members - Study Guide complete
All - Practice Presentations

0604/060514 -
Study Session in class and HW
Finish class presentations

060614 -
Test for your own group material (10 MC, 5 Fill-in, 2 EQ)

0611/12 -
Test for 2 other groups (each test 10 MC + 1 EQ)
Last day to turn in any unfinished work this Trimester for SS7

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Work Due Week of May 27 - 30

LA7 - Due Dates

Due last week - 
1. Outsiders - Story, Essay, or Presentation - link here and original directions here
2. Two Story Comparison - link here and original directions here

  • if you have not turned either of these assignments, please take care of this immediately. These assignments are being graded this week.
3. Portfolio - due 052814 - link here (Note - also for SS7, period 3)
  • 1. Table of Contents - you will get time to finish this in class. It must be printed in class.
  • 2. Journal - 200 word, three paragraph minimum response to types of assignments, favorite assignments, and areas/units you enjoyed learning about
    • about 5 students completed these portfolio steps in each class.

SS7 - Due Dates

052714 - Complete the Test Question/Group performance survey - link here

052814 - Complete the SS Culminating Project Presentation with all student work that will appear in the final assignment. 
(This is an absolute due date for all student work for the project, necessary to earn the group grade. If a student does not contribute, that student will not earn the group grade, and the group grade will be computed and award to students who have completed all assignments on time.)

Class Schedule May 28/29 this week


Portfolio Assignment - TOC and Journal due 052814

Due 052814
1. Label your portfolio folder -

  • tab - Last, First name - period of class
  • Front:
    • Social Studies (and Language Arts - for core 1)
    • Grade level
    • Mr. Rodgers - Room 601
    • 2013-2014
2. Table of Contents
  • pick a minimum of a variety of 10 assignments that you liked to do, were favorites, or that you learned by doing. You may have up to 15 assignments
  • Title your portfolio - My Social Studies portfolio
  • Make a list of assignments in order
    • title (you can name the assignment based on the content or ideas)
    • date or month
    • you decide the order of assignments
3. Journal Reflection on portfolio
  • Write at least 200 words about:
    • Best type of work that you did in this class
    • Favorite assignment, other than best type of work (1 - 2 different assignments)
    • Something you enjoyed learning in this class, that was not necessarily tied to any assignments in the portfolio, but may related to portfolio assignments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

HW - due Tuesday, May 26 - Test Questions and Group Performance Survey

Homework for Wednesday and Thursday night - Due next Tuesday:

Also, time to start building your group test - follow these steps - due next Tuesday:

1. Based on the materials YOU have researched,

2. Complete the following two-part surveyTEST QUESTIONS and Group Performance Survey,

each person must write

  • 4 simpler questions that can be turned into MC or fill-in the blank type of questions
  • 2 EQ questions about the same material. 
    • EQ questions ask about a concept or process, and require a definition and 2 - 3 pieces of evidence/details to explain how that concept applies to history

Question content in relation to the group Slide Show:
3. the questions should cover elements shared in your group slide show that you contributed

4. each questions should cover a different area of information that you contributed or researched

5. all questions must reflect content shared in the slide show, since this is what all students will see

  • if you have a question you feel is important, but the content is not in the slide show
  • you must add the information and graphic to the slide show
PART TWO - Group Performance is self explanatory.

Substitute plans and Thursday Advisory attendance

posted here

Thursday Advisory -
if you received a low Project Progress grade for the Social Studies Culminating Project,
then you must attend my Advisory this Thursday.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Scanned Project Work

All scanned maps, timelines, charts, and other graphics are in your group shared folder, in a new folder called scanned work. 

1. Make sure that you use as many student created graphics as possible.
2. Each graphic must have a text explanation.
3. If a graphic does not pass the minimum requirements for a quality assignment based on the groups standards, then the final slide show should not include such work.

  • students can update, correct, or redo assignments that do not meet minimum requirements.
  • the group can substitute internet graphics occasionally for such assignments.
4. The final slide show must include a sufficient number of student created assignments. 

5. If the slide show includes work that does NOT meet minimum requirements, then the slide show grade will lose points.

SS7 Work - week of 051914 - 052314

SS7 - all dates are DUE dates

0521 (core 1)/ 0522 (period 3) -
A. Complete First draft of the Group Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)
1. Individually, each person must create slides for all graphics and their related text blurbs.
2. If a person is missing either a text or a graphic, for a slide, then that person must write the text or find a graphic for their written text.
3. Other materials, such as the Short Report or Travel Log assignment text can also be included (see below)
4. Since this is a first draft of the slide show, order of slides, final graphics, and uniformity are due on 052314 when the final slide show is completed.

B. Travel Log or Short Report:
In groups, students may choose to do a Travel Log OR a Short Report
1. 3 paragraphs
2. 300 - 400 words overall
3. typed in a gdoc: FirstLTrLog or FirstLShRep

Short Report directions
Travel Log directions

052314 -
A. Completed Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)

LA7 Work for Week of 051914 - 052314

LA7 - All dates are due dates (Also, check separate SS7 assignments here)
052014 -

A. Outsiders - Print out a double spaced typed gdoc version of your first draft from last week.

B. Story Comparison assignment
1. 2nd Draft of story comparison piece - typed in gdoc - saved as FirstL2stories - shared -
3. Share your 2nd draft with your designated editor as comment only
4. All editors must comment on grammar, spelling, and sentence construction. In comments make suggestions for improvements.

052314 -
2nd Draft of Outsiders piece  - typed in the original gdoc -
1. that demonstrates suggested organization and idea edits made in class on Tuesday.
2. the draft must be edited by an adult on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night for:

  • spelling, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph construction
3. Turn in edited copies of first drafts.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Due Monday, 051914 - finish as HW Thursday Night 051514

Complete as LA7 homework tonight -
1. Handwrite the first draft
2. Compare the two stories that we read in class.
3. Use the handouts and your notes from each story we read in class. (bring back to class on Monday).


Monday, May 12, 2014

HW due this week in class week of 051214 - due in group folder by given date below

051414  T -
Complete first draft of Outsiders due in Shared with Save Outsider assignment as (regardless if it is a chapter, essay, or presentation): FirstLOutsiders10years.

Turn in Outsiders Book.

The following assignments help groups show key events and people that were important for each group's topic:
051414  T -
Each person in the group must write out a final blurb (3 - 4 sentences) about their found person and event (1 blurb for each = 2 blurbs). Find a picture of each person and event that you wrote about. Copy the picture into the gdoc, copy the url below each picture. Use notes from previous assignment (FirstLPE) (bullet points about an medieval event and person). Save as: FirstLMediEventfinal

051514 W/Th -
1. Current event article from your culture. Print out the article. We will complete the writeup and current event activity in class.
2. (Separate assignment):
a. Each person must find a major modern event and how your culture was affected by it from 1870 to current. Write a blurb about it.
b. Find and copy, into your gdoc, a graphic that illustrates this event.
c. Suggestion - use a history of your region site, and look at the Modern part of the history since 1870.
d. Save as: FirstLModEv

3. Show complete Mayan movie "Breaking the Mayan Code" notes

051614 F -
1. Each person must find three pictures of medieval period art and architecture. Copy each into a gdoc. Three bullet point notes about each (date, location, event, creator). Save as: FirstL3Medipics
2. Each person must must find three pictures of modern period art, cultural imagery, clothes. Three bullet point notes required for each. Save as: FirstL3MODpics

Friday, May 9, 2014

Project - Text Sample - Due 051314

For your project group, each individual must use the internet or books to find the following:
1. an excerpt, or part, of a speech, story, novel, or a complete poem
2. from your culture (that is translated into English)
3. that discusses a different topic for each person.

1. Copy the text into your gdoc
2. Explain what the passage is about, where it came from, time period, etc.

Example -
person 1 finds an excerpt about the fall harvest (farming)
person 2 finds a poem about war and battle

gdoc in group folder

save as: FirstLTX

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

HW due through Friday, May 9

LA7 -
050714 - Write about one element of PB in ten years. Complete 100 words minimum. Add this to your gdoc PB10.

050914 -
Write element number two, 100 words minimum.

Presentations (alternative to essay or story) should have 10 complete slides. You should try to include 2 youtube clips within the entire presentation that show PB's life then and now in relation to how he looks, the car he drives, the music he listens to, etc.

SS7 -
050814 - Pencil version of your timeline or second map.
050914 - Completed (colored and inked, labelled) timeline or second map.

Monday, May 5, 2014

HW due Tuesday, 050614

LA7 - Outsiders
1. Write a paragraph detailing the type of Outsiders Project you choose, and
2. The basic areas of Pony Boy's life you will focus on 10 years after the book takes place.
3. gDoc - save as: FirstLPB10. example: EliottRPB10

  • save in your LA7 folder (that should be shared with Mr. R)

This activity is related to the Outsiders Project information found here - timeline TBA

SS7 - Medieval Map
1. Finish the individual assigned ink outline version of your Medieval Map for your group
2. If ink, color and label the map.

Timeline - extra only
3. If the map is complete, find 7 - 10 events from the Medieval time period

Thursday, May 1, 2014

HW due Wed through Friday, April 29 - May 1

Due Date - Detail

SS7 - 0501:
Each person in the group:
1. Find one historical person
2. Find a historical event NOT related to the historical person
3. Take 5 summary points per each item above
Save as: FirstLPE5 in the group folder

LA7 -
0430 - 
1. Read chapter 7 - 8 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

0501 - 
1. Read chapter 9 - 10 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

0502 - 
1. Read chapter 11 - 12 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

Monday, April 28, 2014

HW due Tuesday, April 29

LA7 - finish reading and notating Chapter 6 in Outsiders

SS7 -
1. find an internet reading selection between 2 - 5 paragraphs about a key person, event, trend from your culture's medieval time period.
2. Cut and paste the text into a gdoc.
3. Copy the link to the selection.
4. Save the doc in the group shared folder.
5. Name the doc - First name, Last initial, Art, (and name of topic)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HW due 042414 - Outsiders and SS7 Group activity

SS7 -
Activity -
1. Tonight, find four youtube videos that demonstrate unique arts, food, cultural, or social aspects about your assigned group culture.
2. Two of the clips can cover modern era aspects of that culture. Two of the clips must cover two "traditional" cultural aspects that may be rooted in the medieval era, or at least is considered to be from a time period before the modern (1870s to present).

Output -
1. Create a shared gdoc in the group folder, that lists each youtube link to each video.
2. Save the gdoc as: First name, last initial, youtubes - example: EliottRyoutubes
2. You must explain what is happening in each video, including important terms that relate to the video. Write at least two summary points for each video.

Read and notate Outsiders chapters 3 - 4.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

HW due W 042314

SS7 -

Assignment A -
Activity -
1. Find three medieval maps on three different websites.
2. Find three different timelines, either modern or medieval on three different websites.

Output -
3. Save the links for each website, and the link for each map or timeline in a gdoc in the group shared folder.
4. Save the document with your first name and last initial and the title maps TLs - example EliottRmapsTL

Information B -
Some modern issues and events for each group here

LA7 -
1. Read Chapter Two of the Outsiders.
2. Take three summary notes and two great quotes.

Monday, April 21, 2014

HW due 042214 - 3 topics and read Outsiders Chapter 1

Due - 042214

SS7 -
1. Find three different topics on the internet about your Project cultures.
2. List three summary notes about each topic.
3. use a different website for each topic.
4. List the topics.
5. type in gdoc. Share and print for use in class tomorrow.

LA7 -
1. Read Chapter 1 in the Outsiders.
2. Summarize three points about the chapter.
3. Record two key passages and their page number.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Compare and Contrast Ghana and Songhai Empires (Repost)

For the Venn Diagram, list at least six details that are unique for each Empire, six for Ghana, and six for Songhai. In the middle, list at least six similarities that existed over time for both Empires.

Use Chapter 12 - 15, and class notes to fill out the Venn Diagram - here.

Originally assigned March 24. Collected April 4.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Quick Look for Culminating Project ideas

First of all, if you took the Culminating Project Preference (if not, click here)

Then find your results from your preferences HERE.

Select one of your choices, and look up interesting ideas about one civilization or country for both time periods:
Medieval (1000 - 1500, covering about a 300 year span of time)
Modern (1870 - current)

Look for key events, people, and developments that are of interest to you.

Keep your notes in a shared gdoc.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Current Event Write up - due 040814

Current Event form here

Find the initial for your last name in the list below. Pick one of the countries from your group list to find a current event article about an economic, political, or social issue from that country.

Core 1: Last Initial - Nations
A - C - Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon
D - L - Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
M - R - Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
S - Z - Senegal, Mali, Mauratania, Western Sahara

Period 3: Last Initial - Nations
A - C - Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon
D - H - Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
H - R - Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
S - Z - Senegal, Mali, Mauratania, Western Sahara

Form for SS7 Culminating Project

Report your Culminating Project preferences on this form here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Africa Test


Africa Test on Friday, 040414; Turn in Africa notes; last Isearch presentations

A. After reviewing the test information twice this week in class, taking questions and covering specific notes, slides, and book pages, be prepared to take the Africa Quizlet.
1. You may use any notes, but not a copy of the textbook pages, nor copies of the Ch 13-14 slide show.

B. When done with the test - turn in the note packet from the Africa Unit.

C. We will hopefully finish Isearch presentation on Friday.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

HW and Class Activities Week of 033114 - 040414: Isearch Pres., Africa Story; Africa Quizlet

HW this week:
1. Practice your African Story Presentation at home - Presentation through the week.
  • read the script out loud.
  • review your lines and actions in the script very carefully.
    Performance Group Rubric (mostly follows Speaking Rubric scales, plus group components)
2. Study for the Africa Quiz - that will be given in class this Thursday for Core, Friday for p3:
  • use the class materials, notes, the SS7 textbook, and class blog posts to study.
  • We will have a major study session in class on Tuesday.
3. Practice your Isearch Presentation - Presentation through the week.
  • read your presentation out loud.
  • underline key terms and phrases that need emphasis - pauses, hand gesture, volume, eye contact, etc.
  • Students will be presenting this week, 4 - 5 presentation a day the rest of this week.
4. Finish your final draft of your Isearch with all necessary parts shared in the correct Gdoc folder.

Important Links from previous blogs:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Classroom Day goals for 032714

While Mr. Rodgers works with Mrs. Ferguson on District Curriculum goals and outcomes for 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies today:

Goals that must be completed in class today:
1. Use computers effectively and plug them in each period when finished with them. (30 - 40 min.)
2. Write a Journal related to our African Story. (13 - 15 minutes write, 5 minutes class share)
3. Practice your African performance in small groups (15 - 20 minutes)

Link to Goals for the day directions are here

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Isearch Public Speaking Rubric

Here it is

Study Guide for Africa Quizlet

We will have a longer quiz (25 points) next week (most likely Thursday, April 3, at this point)
to conclude our Africa Unit

Here are a number of resources that will help you prepare - read all materials carefully

Study Review (list of readings, assignments, with some notes attached) - Part One and Two (together)

Notes - Chapter 15 overview

Slide Show - Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires of West Africa

Monday, March 24, 2014

HW week of 032414

Due - Details
0324 - Class notes on Ch 15 and Tribal society link

0325 - Isearch Presentation write-up printed and ready to present (practice) guidelines link

0325 - First African Story Performance set

0328 - Second African Story Performance set

0328 - Final Isearch Draft with bibliography (printed)

0328 - Final Isearch materials in shared folder (notes, bibliography, outline, drafts, final draft)

0403 - African Quizlet - Ch 12 - 15 (with major emphasis on 13 - 14) (Dates changed 032714)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

HW week starting 031014

Due - Detail
0311 - 
First Draft Isearch - including all 13 functions for the paper. 
+1 XC for 2nd draft if commented by Mr. R

0311 - 
African Story summaries - started in class

0313 - 
Ch 13 - 3 EQ questions (each from different sections) - answer each with 3 points

SBAC practice test


Friday, March 7, 2014

In Class Activities - Friday 030714

Core 1 -
1. Worked on completing first draft - it is due today.

  • Some students peer edited completed first drafts.
2. Several students conferred with Mr. Rodgers on missing work, and several corrections were made.

3. African story telling techniques
  • watched videos on rhythm, dance, story telling
  • engaged in movement and rhythm activities
Period 3 - 
1. Completed the Current Event Scavenger Hunt activity.
2. watched videos on rhythm and dance for African Story Telling activity next week.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In class activity Read Chapter 12 with notes...

1. Read Ch 12 - and take notes individually: 
2. Bullet summary points - per section, important points.

Monday, March 3, 2014

HW starting 3/4 so far

Due - Detail
3/3 - Finish Current event assignment - handout

3/4 - School Site survey - in class

3/5 - Isearch Draft One complete

3/6 - 9-11 Parent Interview HW - 
Answer: Since 911, what is the most important thing that we have learned from 911 and the events that followed 911?
Write your answer in information points



Daylight Savings Time is this coming Sunday

This coming Sunday, March 9th, is Daylight Savings Time. We move our clocks ahead one hour. So when you wake up Sunday morning at 9 am, move your manual clocks to the time on your cell phone, to 10 am. In effect, if the sun came up at 7 am and went down at 6 pm, then the sun will rise at 8 am, and go down at 7 pm. This is my favorite time of year - watching the days get longer each day.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Friday, February 28, 2014

Test Here


Friday Substitute Plan Activities

Hi class, please help out the substitute teacher today. I'll see you on Monday.

Period 1 and 2 are a combined 7th grade LASS core class.
1. Have one person from each table get enough Chromebooks for each person at their table.

2. Students will be working on one of three activities today, either using the Chromebooks or completing late assignments.
a. Continue to type their first draft of their Isearch project
b. Do more research, write the bibliography, complete the full outline for the Isearch.
c. complete the Current Event Assignment – handout provided.

3. Pass out Current Event Handout –

  • read the directions to students.
  • Notice that nations to look up are grouped by last name.
  • students should use the internet to find an article and save the link in a separate google doc.
  • The current event write up should hand written on the form.
  • The found article should be printed through the library, and send one student to collect sets of articles every five minutes or so. The found article should be stapled to the back of the form.

4. Some students may work to finish their Islamic booklet.
5. Do not collect any assignments today.
6. Students may take the entire period to work on the above.
7. Collect the Chromebooks –
a.     one student from each table puts them in the cart last five minutes (collect before the movie if you show it)
b.     Get two volunteers to plug the Chromebooks in.

8. A movie buffer is available if it seems that during the last 15 minutes of class the students need a reward for being productive:
a)    Lawrence of Arabia DVD – DISC ________– stereo, projector (switch on right side when facing the lens), DVD player and remote.

Period 3 – SS7
Repeat steps 1 – 7 above. Very important to make sure step 7 is completed correctly.