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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HW due Friday - Ch2 EQ questions

1. SS7 Text Chapter 2 -
2. be prepared to answer questions about the entire reading at the beginning of class - 
(pop quiz??...)

WRITE on notebook paper - EQ Questions
1. review the structure of an EQ question HERE

2. Write an EQ type question for three sections of the reading - assigned sections explained below
3. For each question, make a list of three different details that can be used as examples or explanations in a final answer.
4. Do not write your list in paragraph form.

Assigned sections are here listed by initials HERE. 

When you see a 135 by your name, that means that you were assigned to write EQ questions for Chapter 2, section 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5

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