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Monday, June 9, 2014

Group Study Guides and Slide Shows AND Bring your SS7 Textbooks to return them

TEST STUDY (Test on Block Day)

Core 1 Resources and EQs for all groups

Period 3 Resources and EQs for all groups

1. You will take a quiz for two different culture slide shows and study guides.
2. Each test will consist of 10 MC questions and 1 EQ of your choice.
3. Practice your writing your EQ questions based on the slide show text.
4. Read each slide show and study guide word for word for each group you choose.
5. Print the study guide and highlight the questions that are difficult and study these areas more thoroughly.

Bring your SS7 Textbooks to return them this week. If you have more than one, return both copies.

Friday - Bring food that is related to your culture of study, or a culture that you identify with. No soda, potato chips, or packaged candy. Provide small servings for 12 students. If you bake or purchase, make sure that your parents confirm that they have the time, or the money for your designated food.

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