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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Work Due Week of May 27 - 30

LA7 - Due Dates

Due last week - 
1. Outsiders - Story, Essay, or Presentation - link here and original directions here
2. Two Story Comparison - link here and original directions here

  • if you have not turned either of these assignments, please take care of this immediately. These assignments are being graded this week.
3. Portfolio - due 052814 - link here (Note - also for SS7, period 3)
  • 1. Table of Contents - you will get time to finish this in class. It must be printed in class.
  • 2. Journal - 200 word, three paragraph minimum response to types of assignments, favorite assignments, and areas/units you enjoyed learning about
    • about 5 students completed these portfolio steps in each class.

SS7 - Due Dates

052714 - Complete the Test Question/Group performance survey - link here

052814 - Complete the SS Culminating Project Presentation with all student work that will appear in the final assignment. 
(This is an absolute due date for all student work for the project, necessary to earn the group grade. If a student does not contribute, that student will not earn the group grade, and the group grade will be computed and award to students who have completed all assignments on time.)

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