Rodgers Homepage

Thursday, May 1, 2014

HW due Wed through Friday, April 29 - May 1

Due Date - Detail

SS7 - 0501:
Each person in the group:
1. Find one historical person
2. Find a historical event NOT related to the historical person
3. Take 5 summary points per each item above
Save as: FirstLPE5 in the group folder

LA7 -
0430 - 
1. Read chapter 7 - 8 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

0501 - 
1. Read chapter 9 - 10 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

0502 - 
1. Read chapter 11 - 12 
2. notate appropriately (3 summary points and 2 quotes with page number per chapter)

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