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Monday, February 25, 2013

Work This Week...

The last day for all work to be accepted for this Trimester is Friday, March 1.

A. (For Second Trimester) The Isearch is due Tuesday for all students receiving edits through Saturday. It is due Wednesday for all students receiving edits after Saturday - that includes students who finally produced a complete draft over the weekend. The final Isearch assignment must include:
1. Typed final draft (dbl sp) - this must be turned in AND also saved in the Google Isearch folder.
2. Typed final outline that reflects the final draft content.
3. Complete Bibliography in the correct MLA format.

The final drafts will count, along with the presentations as part of the Social Studies grade. The writing process, including all research and rough drafts will count towards the Language Arts grade.

B. (For Third Trimester) Chapter 9/10 Booklet - collected Monday, extended from last Friday.

C. (For Third Trimester) Current Event - Islam/Arab world. Due Friday in class. 10 point class activity to follow - current event completion required. Get handout here.

D. Read SS7 Ch 12/13. For each chapter, write and define four terms, and write and answer 2 EQ questions (three bullet point list). Due next Tuesday, 3/5.

E. Think about a culture that you would like to explore in a group project for the Social Studies Culminating Project.
1. Groups may have 2 - 4 students each, and there must be at least one student of the opposite gender, in a group of three, and even numbers of each for even numbered groups.
2. The group may decide on a culture and cover its history between the years of 900 - 1600, covering about a 300 year span. Each group will create maps, timelines, short reports, placards, slide shows, display board. Each group will display and present their materials to the class. Each group will write test questions and create study guides for the entire class. The only cultures off limits are France after 1400, and England, both of which will be presented in the final unit of the year. Group formation and selection of culture requires teacher approval.

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