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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Isearch complete draft, Ch 10 - 6 panel, and 9/10 booklet

Due this week:
Isearch complete draft (typed double spaced in class) - Thursday
Ch 9 six panel summary - Friday
Ch 9/10 Booklet - due next week - tbd date
From the substitute teacher plan for February 13, 2013:
After taking roll, pass out Lit Group copies (in Green Folder for Core 1 and Blue Folder for Core 2) – These must be returned at the end of the visit to the library.
We will go to the Library right after taking roll in each class. We will return from the library at 9:15 for Core 1 and 11:00 for Core 2.
Library Tasks –
Finish writing complete draft of Isearch Essay – all 13 paragraphs.
A. Type Lit Group work – save each file as a separate file by activity – see the board before leaving – this will also be posted to the class blog.
Find sample Islamic art for the chapter 9/10 booklet – see blog for more details.
B. Jump Edit Isearch - Last fifteen minutes of Library time: 9:00 for Core 1 and 10:45 for Core 2
1. Open most recent copy of the Isearch draft.
2. Save a copy as: Draft 4 Comments First name, Last initial
3. Stand up behind your chair.
4. Go to a computer of someone you did not edit yesterday. If someone gets stuck at their own computer, then they will switch with someone who is now sitting next to their computer.
5. Use highlight colors to highlight text in question and write comments suggesting changes in the paper:
Blue – remove or severely change
Yellow – add the following ideas, or use these suggested changes next to a blue highlight
Light Green – neutral comments: what you liked overall, what you want to know more about….
Return to classroom:
A. Chapter 10 Six Panel summary (ink, color), directions on the board. Summarize six different accomplishments of Islamic Civilization (each item from a different section of the book). Each square should have the name of the accomplishment at the top, a colored picture that fills about half of the square, and a two to three sentence description of that accomplishment. DUE FRIDAY.

B. Chapter 9 – 10 six panel sketch – layout for the Chapter 9-10 Booklet. In pencil, sketch a picture and write a basic detail of the six pages that you will create for the final project.
1. The first three pages – take an idea from Islam and apply the concept in a generic way to your life – Example – the Islamic belief in Allah becomes a guiding concept for the student that is the most important idea that you live your life on. Students can pick these three ideas from the different sections of Ch 9.
2. The second three pages – take three accomplishments of Islamic Civilization and explain how this affects your life today.
3. Before starting the final booklet, students must find examples in the book and on the internet of Islamic art and designs for
each picture that will go into the book.
4. Each frame around each picture, that needs an Islamic styled border or motif
Chapter 9 – 10 booklet. Using the ideas from your six panel chapter 9-10 sketch, design a booklet that has the following:
5. Take two pieces of Copy Paper, and fold them in half. The cover is on the front, page one is on the back of the cover, and so on. Page six is on the inside of the back side of the booklet, and the back will have the author and copyright information.
6. The booklet must be in ink and colored. Each page should be well filled with a slight border (1/4 inch) around all four sides.
7. All designs and drawings must be of an Islamic or an Arabic design.
The cover has a title and a framed piece of art.
8. Each page has a name for the page’s concept, a picture that covers about ½ of the page’s area, and a detailed 2-3 sentence description of how this concept applies to the student’s life today. The text can be a quote, a few lines of poetry, a short passage from a journal piece of writing that can be written by the student.
9. The final product will be stapled together when they are turned in.
End – if you need some unwind time at the end, Use the last 10 – 15 minutes to show the beginning of Lawrence of Arabia.

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