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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Edits to IS Drafts, Map ideas, and bring all SG materials

EDITS: Kevin Gann asked if he should wait for my edits before he does a rewrite of his first draft. The answer is students should proceed based on peer edit feedback -
On receiving my edits of your paper:Not everyone will get an edit the first day or two. I may edit your second draft as you continue to work on idea and content development comments already made by peers in class. Fix their suggestions, and I will edit at the next level and verify that you have responded well to their previous suggestions.

As discussed in class today, here are some common errors I suggest you fix:
1. Do not repeat the same information more than once, but instead give more details or specific explanation each time the same basic information is brought up in your paper.
2. Several students will write lead ins such as, "the following issue is very important." Just go for the first point you need to make. Since this is a controversial essay paper, it is a given element of a paper of controversy.
3. Avoid using you, I, or we when referring to the writer or the reader. The paper should be written in the third person, except for the hook, and the conclusion where personal opinions may be expressed.
4. Avoid a conversational or informal tone to the paper. Some students are writing a paper that sounds the way we speak when talking to friends when hanging out. That is not a formal tone.

MAP IDEAS: Maja Lie asked what color land should be colored, if at all for areas that are not the focus of the map:
For those areas, color all neutral land beige, gray or other neutral color. Do not color water. Due tomorrow.

SG ASSESSMENT: On the SG writing assessment tomorrow:
You will turn in all notes for SG, whether from lecture or from the book. You must turn in your SG book. You will turn in your Good Deeds record, any outlines for your SG essay. Each of these sets will receive a grade. You will be allowed to use all of these materials while you write the essay, as well as a dictionary.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

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