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Monday, February 25, 2013

Work This Week...

The last day for all work to be accepted for this Trimester is Friday, March 1.

A. (For Second Trimester) The Isearch is due Tuesday for all students receiving edits through Saturday. It is due Wednesday for all students receiving edits after Saturday - that includes students who finally produced a complete draft over the weekend. The final Isearch assignment must include:
1. Typed final draft (dbl sp) - this must be turned in AND also saved in the Google Isearch folder.
2. Typed final outline that reflects the final draft content.
3. Complete Bibliography in the correct MLA format.

The final drafts will count, along with the presentations as part of the Social Studies grade. The writing process, including all research and rough drafts will count towards the Language Arts grade.

B. (For Third Trimester) Chapter 9/10 Booklet - collected Monday, extended from last Friday.

C. (For Third Trimester) Current Event - Islam/Arab world. Due Friday in class. 10 point class activity to follow - current event completion required. Get handout here.

D. Read SS7 Ch 12/13. For each chapter, write and define four terms, and write and answer 2 EQ questions (three bullet point list). Due next Tuesday, 3/5.

E. Think about a culture that you would like to explore in a group project for the Social Studies Culminating Project.
1. Groups may have 2 - 4 students each, and there must be at least one student of the opposite gender, in a group of three, and even numbers of each for even numbered groups.
2. The group may decide on a culture and cover its history between the years of 900 - 1600, covering about a 300 year span. Each group will create maps, timelines, short reports, placards, slide shows, display board. Each group will display and present their materials to the class. Each group will write test questions and create study guides for the entire class. The only cultures off limits are France after 1400, and England, both of which will be presented in the final unit of the year. Group formation and selection of culture requires teacher approval.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Due this week... and next through 2/25

Two things are due this week and the beginning of next.

2/20 - 2/22 - Presentations of Isearch. Practice presenting the following paragraphs - Hook, Thesis statement, Three paragraphs from Argument One, Personal conclusion and Question Paragraph.

2/22 - Ch 9/10 Booklet.

2/25 - All final drafts with all corrections are due in Google Isearch Folder and turned in typed double space in class, ready to turn in when the first bell rings:
1. Final draft.
2. Final version of your outline that follows the final draft.
3. Final draft of Bibliography.

If you are on Independent Study this week, all due dates above apply to you, since these two assignments constituted your Independent Study Plan.

- Mr. R

Friday, February 15, 2013

Isearch - edit this weekend AND Ch 9/10 booklet template

Ch 9/10 Booklet. Draw the six panels using the squares that I passed out on Friday. Using two pieces of copy paper and the directions on the blog, finish the booklet. The directions and the 1/2 page framed panels are on the blog (here)TEMPLATE HERE.

Isearch - 1. use the corrections made in class on your latest draft to fix your paper. 2. Have your parents read and edit your paper as well - then make corrections based on their suggestions. 3. Respond to my edit suggestions on your drafts over the course of the next 5 or so days. 4. Reread your paper out loud to yourself and make any other corrections that you find.

Isearch Editing targets in class peer editing:

Thursday - peer read and comment on the following:
1. good details
2. needs more detail
3. doesn’t make sense <>
4. not related to topic sentence of paragraph

Friday - peer read and comment on the following (student generated list of issues from previous drafts:
1. Punctuation - add or delete
2. Explain what is wrong with a sentence
3. Spelling
4. Grammar:
a. subject - verb agreement
b. verb tense agreement (throughout the paragraph)
c. don’t repeat the same info without more info
d. run-ons or fragments
e. paragraph - topic sentences and 3 - 4 supporting sentences needed
f. when using a technical word for the first time, it must be explained within the sentence
g. When using an abbreviation or acronym for the first time, it must be written out completely


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Isearch complete draft, Ch 10 - 6 panel, and 9/10 booklet

Due this week:
Isearch complete draft (typed double spaced in class) - Thursday
Ch 9 six panel summary - Friday
Ch 9/10 Booklet - due next week - tbd date
From the substitute teacher plan for February 13, 2013:
After taking roll, pass out Lit Group copies (in Green Folder for Core 1 and Blue Folder for Core 2) – These must be returned at the end of the visit to the library.
We will go to the Library right after taking roll in each class. We will return from the library at 9:15 for Core 1 and 11:00 for Core 2.
Library Tasks –
Finish writing complete draft of Isearch Essay – all 13 paragraphs.
A. Type Lit Group work – save each file as a separate file by activity – see the board before leaving – this will also be posted to the class blog.
Find sample Islamic art for the chapter 9/10 booklet – see blog for more details.
B. Jump Edit Isearch - Last fifteen minutes of Library time: 9:00 for Core 1 and 10:45 for Core 2
1. Open most recent copy of the Isearch draft.
2. Save a copy as: Draft 4 Comments First name, Last initial
3. Stand up behind your chair.
4. Go to a computer of someone you did not edit yesterday. If someone gets stuck at their own computer, then they will switch with someone who is now sitting next to their computer.
5. Use highlight colors to highlight text in question and write comments suggesting changes in the paper:
Blue – remove or severely change
Yellow – add the following ideas, or use these suggested changes next to a blue highlight
Light Green – neutral comments: what you liked overall, what you want to know more about….
Return to classroom:
A. Chapter 10 Six Panel summary (ink, color), directions on the board. Summarize six different accomplishments of Islamic Civilization (each item from a different section of the book). Each square should have the name of the accomplishment at the top, a colored picture that fills about half of the square, and a two to three sentence description of that accomplishment. DUE FRIDAY.

B. Chapter 9 – 10 six panel sketch – layout for the Chapter 9-10 Booklet. In pencil, sketch a picture and write a basic detail of the six pages that you will create for the final project.
1. The first three pages – take an idea from Islam and apply the concept in a generic way to your life – Example – the Islamic belief in Allah becomes a guiding concept for the student that is the most important idea that you live your life on. Students can pick these three ideas from the different sections of Ch 9.
2. The second three pages – take three accomplishments of Islamic Civilization and explain how this affects your life today.
3. Before starting the final booklet, students must find examples in the book and on the internet of Islamic art and designs for
each picture that will go into the book.
4. Each frame around each picture, that needs an Islamic styled border or motif
Chapter 9 – 10 booklet. Using the ideas from your six panel chapter 9-10 sketch, design a booklet that has the following:
5. Take two pieces of Copy Paper, and fold them in half. The cover is on the front, page one is on the back of the cover, and so on. Page six is on the inside of the back side of the booklet, and the back will have the author and copyright information.
6. The booklet must be in ink and colored. Each page should be well filled with a slight border (1/4 inch) around all four sides.
7. All designs and drawings must be of an Islamic or an Arabic design.
The cover has a title and a framed piece of art.
8. Each page has a name for the page’s concept, a picture that covers about ½ of the page’s area, and a detailed 2-3 sentence description of how this concept applies to the student’s life today. The text can be a quote, a few lines of poetry, a short passage from a journal piece of writing that can be written by the student.
9. The final product will be stapled together when they are turned in.
End – if you need some unwind time at the end, Use the last 10 – 15 minutes to show the beginning of Lawrence of Arabia.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Let's get ready for next week

There are three things that we have to work on this week:
1. IS - complete draft due on Tuesday, 2/12, by end of class - we have laptops all day. Peer Edit last 20 minutes of class.
2. Due Tuesday, beginning of class. Chapter 10 six panels - directions in class: title, draw (color and ink), describe six accomplishments of Islamic Civilization from different sections in chapter 10.
3. Second draft IS due on Friday, 2/15. Peer Edit.
4. Final Draft of IS and presentation week of 2/20 - 2/22.
5. Start typing Lit Group Work from first four weeks - three poems, two story sketches, journal. Pick one piece to present. Due 2/26. Presentations that week.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Edits to IS Drafts, Map ideas, and bring all SG materials

EDITS: Kevin Gann asked if he should wait for my edits before he does a rewrite of his first draft. The answer is students should proceed based on peer edit feedback -
On receiving my edits of your paper:Not everyone will get an edit the first day or two. I may edit your second draft as you continue to work on idea and content development comments already made by peers in class. Fix their suggestions, and I will edit at the next level and verify that you have responded well to their previous suggestions.

As discussed in class today, here are some common errors I suggest you fix:
1. Do not repeat the same information more than once, but instead give more details or specific explanation each time the same basic information is brought up in your paper.
2. Several students will write lead ins such as, "the following issue is very important." Just go for the first point you need to make. Since this is a controversial essay paper, it is a given element of a paper of controversy.
3. Avoid using you, I, or we when referring to the writer or the reader. The paper should be written in the third person, except for the hook, and the conclusion where personal opinions may be expressed.
4. Avoid a conversational or informal tone to the paper. Some students are writing a paper that sounds the way we speak when talking to friends when hanging out. That is not a formal tone.

MAP IDEAS: Maja Lie asked what color land should be colored, if at all for areas that are not the focus of the map:
For those areas, color all neutral land beige, gray or other neutral color. Do not color water. Due tomorrow.

SG ASSESSMENT: On the SG writing assessment tomorrow:
You will turn in all notes for SG, whether from lecture or from the book. You must turn in your SG book. You will turn in your Good Deeds record, any outlines for your SG essay. Each of these sets will receive a grade. You will be allowed to use all of these materials while you write the essay, as well as a dictionary.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

IS second draft of first 5 paragraphs due Thursday

Today in class each paper was peer edited for Ideas and Content by two different peer editors. Peer editors marked sentences for the following - good details, not enough details, or details that do not relate to the topic. In addition, each topic sentence was marked per paragraph, each piece of evidence that supported each topic sentence was marked. Editors that read exceptional sentences also marked these.

Tonight, students should try to correct and improve their writing based on the peer editing comments. A second draft of these five paragraphs are due Thursday for a different focus by two new peer editors.

On Thursday, we will have time to work on our maps in class, and turn in the SG XC postcard.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Islamic history maps - Due Friday

Today students received 1 - 2 source maps and a target map for this assignment.

Here is a slide show in order to see the color of your map, necessary to help you color.

Download the file as follows: File menu in Google - Download. View from your desktop.

Guidelines for maps:
1. combine information from the source maps onto the target map.
2. sketch boundaries in pencil, trace in fine sharpie. Sharpie all text.
3. color with colored pencil - not too dark, not too light.
4. Title should not use the word "map" in it.
5. Key should have a box around it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

This Week and other due dates (Isearch updates)

Due - Details
020513 - Stargirl Essay Outline - see paragraph breakdown here
020513 - Show bibliography draft
020613 - Rough Draft IS in class - 1st five paragraphs (hook, thesis, three paragraphs for first argument)
020613 - Library periods 1/3 - Work on IS
020713 - SG XC - One extra postcard - must be assigned by Mr. R - date changed to 0207
020813 - Islamic History Map
020813 - Lit Group #4 due
020813 - Stargirl Assessment in class - bring all notes, return SG book, outline
020813 - Read SS Ch 10 in class after SG assessment
021113 - Rough Draft IS - finish 2nd, 3rd arguments and opposing arguments with rebuttal
021213 - SS Ch 10 six panel summary sketch
021313 - Complete the first Draft IS - finish discussion, conclusion, and unanswered questions paragraphs - BRING typed, dbl spaced, copy to class and save in google - Process Writing Peer review session
021513 - Second draft IS - bring first draft with comments. BRING second draft typed, dbl spaced, copy to class and save in google - Process Writing Peer review session #2.
022013 - Third draft IS - get a parent of adult to edit your draft. Bring this commented draft to class, as well as the reworked draft that follow your adult/parent draft comments.
022113 - SS Chapter 9/10 Booklet - alternative performance assessment
022013 - 022213 - Isearch Presentations
022213 - All final draft Isearch elements due - Final Draft, Bibliography, Final outline, copy of notes, two drafts.