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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Work due Th, Fri and next Tuesday

Due Thursday, 2/2 - Isearch Outline typed in Google Docs LASS7 -  Isearch folder  -AND Printed out. Create an outline that follows the Isearch paragraph by paragraph structure model (handout). Use the Outline worksheets that have been activities in class (Paragraph by paragraph) and the Isearch Outline Worksheet.

Due Friday 2/3, turned in to Substitute Teacher -  typed in Google Docs and print out copy brought to class. Chapter 10 Short Essay directions and sample format handout. We will use the short essays for an in class activity.

Due next Tuesday, 2/6 - Isearch, complete first draft - typed in Google Docs and printed - double spaced, 12 pt text. Follow the outline that you completed due Thursday (above). Incorporate your previously written Pitch, Prospectus and First Argument. You will have some time to do this in class and ask questions in general discussion and to meet with Mr. Rodgers

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