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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Several Final Drafts Turned in... And others are getting extended reading deadlines

Several Isearch reports have been turned in, but I am extending the deadline on several papers over vacation without penalty on a case by case basis. Papers that were not yet read, will be given additional time through Wednesday - on a case by case basis - to rewrite and respond to comments made by me.

Many papers are final draft quality on first or second reads. In all cases, I will let you know whether your final draft is accepted as is, or whether various elements of the paper needs some improvements. To be sure, suggestions are made to improve the paper to be the best paper that the specific student seems capable of writing, that reflects his/her skills and ability to revise.

If students turned in "final" drafts that have minor issues, then fewer corrections would be suggested. Mid-level corrections based on logical errors, or missing major support of statements that need evidence will be commented on more extensively. Some students are responding well to these type of suggestions, and others are not responding to these issues. Major corrections based on a combination of logical errors, lack of support and especially grammatical errors that consist of poor paragraph and sentence construction will first focus on glaring grammatical errors that hinder comprehension of the paper overall.

These various suggestions may be within the writer's abilities, and then they may not. Some students have reported that my suggestions are hard to understand. This may be due to a need to understand the logical reasoning of the issue, that although was thoroughly researched, may not be able to construct the best reasoned arguments in their writing, nor understand the critique of specific logical issues.

Good Luck.

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