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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stations and Work due this week, 0227 - 030212

Here is the work for the week, including a list of stations and the journal prompt

Due - Detail
0228 T - Read SS Ch 14 - Pop Quiz on Tuesday
0229 W - Interview Target list - list five ideas of professions that relate to your Isearch topic
0301 Th - Spelling Contract Unit 8
0302 F- Station Work Due:
1. Journal - The best civilization I have ever studied and learned about
2. SpC 8 and study for tests
3. Binder organization -
3a. Islam Notes (not Africa notes) turn in and staple (10 pts)
3b. Put older LA and SS notes into the work folder from your binder
3c. older journals - put in your journal folder
4. Write story climax to the end resolution. Do not look at the first half of your old story to write this to generate new ideas as you go.
5. SS Ch 14 - write 10 MC questions with four answers each. Create an answer key.

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