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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Karen Benke, Poetry Today

Karen returned to give the class one more day of an amazing poetry experience. Two things to note:
1. Turn in your poetry drafts due Wednesday. You may choose to tweak a poem here or there, but do not do any major rewriting. (10 pts)

2. If you have a poem that you would like to share with Karen, and possibly get published in her next collection of student work (she will contact you, get permission and such), then please send your typed poem to her at:

Stations and Work due this week, 0227 - 030212

Here is the work for the week, including a list of stations and the journal prompt

Due - Detail
0228 T - Read SS Ch 14 - Pop Quiz on Tuesday
0229 W - Interview Target list - list five ideas of professions that relate to your Isearch topic
0301 Th - Spelling Contract Unit 8
0302 F- Station Work Due:
1. Journal - The best civilization I have ever studied and learned about
2. SpC 8 and study for tests
3. Binder organization -
3a. Islam Notes (not Africa notes) turn in and staple (10 pts)
3b. Put older LA and SS notes into the work folder from your binder
3c. older journals - put in your journal folder
4. Write story climax to the end resolution. Do not look at the first half of your old story to write this to generate new ideas as you go.
5. SS Ch 14 - write 10 MC questions with four answers each. Create an answer key.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Several Final Drafts Turned in... And others are getting extended reading deadlines

Several Isearch reports have been turned in, but I am extending the deadline on several papers over vacation without penalty on a case by case basis. Papers that were not yet read, will be given additional time through Wednesday - on a case by case basis - to rewrite and respond to comments made by me.

Many papers are final draft quality on first or second reads. In all cases, I will let you know whether your final draft is accepted as is, or whether various elements of the paper needs some improvements. To be sure, suggestions are made to improve the paper to be the best paper that the specific student seems capable of writing, that reflects his/her skills and ability to revise.

If students turned in "final" drafts that have minor issues, then fewer corrections would be suggested. Mid-level corrections based on logical errors, or missing major support of statements that need evidence will be commented on more extensively. Some students are responding well to these type of suggestions, and others are not responding to these issues. Major corrections based on a combination of logical errors, lack of support and especially grammatical errors that consist of poor paragraph and sentence construction will first focus on glaring grammatical errors that hinder comprehension of the paper overall.

These various suggestions may be within the writer's abilities, and then they may not. Some students have reported that my suggestions are hard to understand. This may be due to a need to understand the logical reasoning of the issue, that although was thoroughly researched, may not be able to construct the best reasoned arguments in their writing, nor understand the critique of specific logical issues.

Good Luck.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Due date extended to Friday Night for Isearch Final Draft

Students must bring all other parts of the Isearch to class by Thursday -
Final Drafts of:
1. Outline - based on the final draft of the Isearch Essay.
2. Bibliography - separate pages from the essay. ABC order of all references
3. Rough draft of hand edited copy from class or at home with written editor marks and comments.
4. Notes packet of all research notes - in correct format.
5. A last draft so far - to be submitted in the event that Google docs has any issues, with viewing or sharing the final document.

This extension on the final draft will allow some students to get feedback necessary to help forward their draft to the best possible paper they can write.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Work for the week ending 2/17/2012

The work schedule for this week is as follows -
Due - Detail
2/14 - Africa Map - Handouts: Blank - Source Map - Directions
2/15 - Current Event - Africa - Current Event Form (assigned group in class)
2/16 - Final, Final Draft of Isearch - see point 1 below
2/16 - African Proverbs - Two panels for 10 points, two extra panels for up to 10 XC points - see point 2 below. Proverbs and Panel Handouts in class only.

1. Typed Final Draft turned in - double spaced, 12 point type. Bibliography - Separate Page(s). Final Outline based on final draft. Notes stapled as a packet and turned in. All must be saved to Google and Shared with Mr. Rodgers.

2. African Proverb - choose an African from the in class handout for each square. Illustrate the proverb (fill the space, ink and color (pencils), write the proverb in ink).

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Final Isearch edit session with laptops on Monday

We will be working on our search drafts one last time in class on Google Docs with the laptop cart tomorrow.The final is due Thursday at the beginning of class - printed out.

Also, the substitute passed out the illustrated African proverbs assignments, with a possible 10 points of extra credit for Language Arts if you complete all four squares.

The Africa map is due this week as well - dates to be confirmed and updated in class on Monday.

There will be a current events assignments that students can use the laptops on Monday to find an article and print out in class. The current event assignment sheet will be passed out on Monday, and is due on Wednesday for the class scavenger hunt.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Isearch Drafts Grades from Peer Edit explained

On Tuesday, Feb. 7th, four students peer edited and graded the Isearch first draft of each student on a five point rubric grade for the four categories of the rubric - Ideas, Organization, Style, and Conventions. After four students assigned grades, the two grades from all readers for Ideas-Organization and Style-Conventions were added together to give a raw score out of 20. This score was converted using a very liberal scale based on a first draft reading as below:
Grade - Raw Score minimum
5 - 17
4 - 14
3 - 8
2 - 6
1- 1

Each student has been assigned two grades in Powerschool based on this first read. Mr. Rodgers met with students who scored below a 14 during lunch with Core 1 students on Wednesday, and will meet with Core 2 students on Thursday during lunch. Each student will have access to a computer to work on their Isearch draft and may receive verbal feedback on their draft that attends these sessions.

Students with lower scores will receive feedback from Mr. Rodgers first using Google docs. Students with higher scores will receive feedback over the week and the weekend.

Bibliography Format... From the Hall Library website

Click here

Assignments due through next week.. Isearch...

Today, most students participated in a second revision/editing session. Each reader read two papers and used the Hall Middle School Rubric to score each paper on four different categories. Many students received comments and corrections on their papers from their peers as well.

Due Date - Assignments
2/9 - Chapter 13 - 3 EQ - questions and 3 point answers per question - due during class on 2/9
2/13 - Third draft of Isearch based on student editing/revision comments, as well as Mr. Rodgers comments via Google docs (most comments, suggestions, word choice issues are in parentheses).

On 2/13, two students will read each paper, for errors, or larger issues. At this point, papers that read well - top scores from each reader may be turned in as the final.
Students with papers that score lower will be given until Thursday to turn in a fourth draft.
If students do not turn in a final draft by 2/16 then whatever appears in Google docs as the last draft attempted will be graded as a final draft.

2/16 - All rough drafts from student editing sessions, bibliography, notes, introduction, first argument draft.

If students are severely behind, then the rest of this week, the weekend and the beginning of next week should be spent trying to catch up. Several students in first core were asked to attend lunch in Room 601, and either work on provided computers and/or meet with Mr. Rodgers to get assistance.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I search draft 2 due Wednesday beginning of class - suggestions

Tonight, edit and revise your paper based on the comments made by your classmates. After you are done, print out a new copy. Give this new paper to a parent along with the rubric that we used in class. Explain the rubric. Also, before the parent or adult reads the paper, that they should give you suggestions for revision, but NOT try to rewrite the paper in any significant way. The second draft should reflect their help and suggestions, that the you then decided what actions to take in order to revise your paper.

If in class, you received a cumulative score below a 15 in either of the two categories (Ideas-Organization and Style-Conventions) that we scored in class, you are encouraged to attend Wednesday lunch in Room 601. The total number of students is about seven students. Bring your lunch and your old and new drafts so we can discuss ways to improve your paper.

Lastly, here are some common errors that students observed during our editing session today:
1. Remove labels for different sections of the essay.
2. Keep details and evidence for arguments in the body, but not in the introduction
3. Watch misuse of commas.
4. Avoid all self referencing - I, you, we, us. State all of ideas in the third person.
5. Avoid repeating the same idea more than once within the body. Instead, support an idea with new examples and explanations that give deeper details about the idea.
6. Pick the single best argument opposing your thesis. This is not a paper that presents all sides of the issue.
7. Use connecting language to tie examples, data and explanations to the argument it supports. Don't over explain an example.
8. Arguments must be based on facts, examples and data.
9. The lead sentence(s) must be interesting.
10. Define all technical terms used in your arguments.

See you tomorrow - Mr. Rodgers

Isearch Lunch - Wednesday, February 8

A number of students have been handpicked to attend a lunchtime edit and review session for their Isearch drafts based on an initial survey of their draft by both students and Mr. Rodgers. This will help target papers that need considerable assistance needed to make major improvements towards the final draft (due Thursday, February 16).

Students will be invited during Period 6 today and Period 1 on Wednesday.

Updated Hall Writing Rubric - Single Page Layout

Get the latest Hall MS Writing Rubric here...

Isearch update AND Checking your grades

Tuesday, February 7, the first complete draft of the Isearch is due in class. We will edit two drafts before turning in a final draft, including all notes, outline, and bibliography. Edits that students and the teacher make should be addressed. Students will use the new Hall Writing Rubric throughout this process.

Thursday, February 16 - Final Isearch Due - typed 12 point, double spaced, stapled, with a cover sheet (to be explained).

Checking Grades - a number of students and parents have been reporting that PowerSchool has not been working properly. Make sure that you have T2 selected before viewing LASS grades. You should only use H3 (half the trimester) to view wheel classes. All academic classes and Spanish have cumulative trimester grades.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Work due Th, Fri and next Tuesday

Due Thursday, 2/2 - Isearch Outline typed in Google Docs LASS7 -  Isearch folder  -AND Printed out. Create an outline that follows the Isearch paragraph by paragraph structure model (handout). Use the Outline worksheets that have been activities in class (Paragraph by paragraph) and the Isearch Outline Worksheet.

Due Friday 2/3, turned in to Substitute Teacher -  typed in Google Docs and print out copy brought to class. Chapter 10 Short Essay directions and sample format handout. We will use the short essays for an in class activity.

Due next Tuesday, 2/6 - Isearch, complete first draft - typed in Google Docs and printed - double spaced, 12 pt text. Follow the outline that you completed due Thursday (above). Incorporate your previously written Pitch, Prospectus and First Argument. You will have some time to do this in class and ask questions in general discussion and to meet with Mr. Rodgers

Due Date Update, next 10 days

This is an update to a post made last week. The new due dates are as follows:

NOTE - bring all Isearch materials to class each day.

Due Date - Details
1/31 T - Isearch - first argument first draft - three paragraphs minimum - explanation, examples, data (5 notes minimum to support first main argument)
1/31 - Chapter 10 Islamic Contributions Part 1 Notes
2/1 W - Process Write/Peer Edit first arguments in class
2/1 W - Ch 10 EQ - Short Essay discussion and format directions
2/1 W - Isearch 30 notes due (min final number)
2/2 Th - Isearch complete outline due draft
2/2 Th - Chapter 10 Islamic Contributions Part 2 Notes
2/3 F - Chapter 10 EQ Short Essay due
2/7 T - Isearch complete first draft
2/9 Th - Isearch bibliography draft due

Note - All drafts and writing must be typed in Google, saved in the LASS7 shared folder with Mr. R AND a PRINTED copy brought to class from home or the library. 12 pt typed and DOUBLE SPACED.