Rodgers Homepage

Sunday, June 21, 2015

T3 Grade Distribution for LASS7

In both classes, most assignments in each class use the same grading rubrics, require equal amounts of writing, art integration, and in class presentation. All students worked with group in a variety of configurations throughout the year, necessary for reinforcement of content and the expression of target concepts and information in each assignments and activity. Students that did not do as well in Language Arts generally were missing assignments (see below). 

In Language Arts: The final grades for the We-Search were entered. A poetry unit, Portfolios, the assignments for two novels. In general students grades were slightly lower in LA7 than in SS7. 

LA7 - Grade distribution for 45 students:
A - 22
B - 8
C - 6
D - 5
F - 4

In Social Studies: The end of the year project, that had a built in extra credit option, as well as most students doing exceedingly well on the the student created tests for each group project (students had to take three of these tests), gave students an opportunity to do very well this trimester.

SS7 - Grade distribution for 45 students:
A - 27
B - 12
C - 6
D - 0
F - 1

Students demonstrating their learning through a variety of differentiated, and self selected assignments that combined demonstrated their abilities and mastery of the standards for this project. Students managed and tracked each other's progress.  Mr. R tracked and counseled students that fell behind. Students were given a print out page of their Powerschool breakdown on the last full work week in class, the week before the picnic week, to make sure that students were dually notified of late or missing assignments that needed immediate attention. Unfortunately, several students did not use Powerschool to track their progress - reporting that they did not know their Powerschool passwords (a problem which I frequently had to correct with students that did not turn in work consistently). 

I hope you all have a great summer. 
- Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Project Quizzes AND Project performances AND Last Day to turn in work...

Both Core classes have completed the Medi-Nations Quizzes. 
(Core 2 - the color of Italy question was thrown out, and grade adjusted)

Scores will be distributed tomorrow.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Week of 0608 - Study guides, return texts, turn in all late work

This week for homework and in class -
1. Turn in all project assignments
  • print all assignments that are not performances and computer category assignments.
2. Turn in any late work based on Powerschool.
  • graded work for the past two weeks of assignments will be passed out on Tuesday in order to verify any No Name assignments.
  • all graded work including late or makeup work is due on Friday, June 12.
3. Group presentations and Project performance assignments
4. Thursday - Take your group test 15 out of 15 questions. Take two other group project quizzes - earn 10 points by answering 10 of 15 questions correctly.
5. Study for quizzes and tests from group slideshows - STUDY SLIDESHOWS HERE.
  • if you do not see your slideshow displayed on the study page, then SEND a link of your slide show to Mr. Rodgers via email.

6. Turn in all textbooks.
7. Sign of the C Tableaus
8. Finish Portfolio

Sunday, June 7, 2015

In class activities 06/04

All short written responses:
1. Journal (200 wd min) - If I could change one thing about history - what would it be and why?
2. EQ - Why is your MediNation important in history? Use important examples and details.
3. Movie notes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week of 060115

Due - Detail

0603 - Project due
0604 - Poetry
0605 - Journal

060315 Wednesday
1. All Medi-Nation Project assignments.
2. Students should be ready to present their boards in class on Wednesday.
3. Students should be ready to present their class presentations on Wednesday.

060415 Thursday

A. Find a poem - 12 line, 60 word minimum or longer

  • you should read a few before finding the best one

  1. using the in class poetry library anthologies
  2. or online - do a google search for "poetry"
B. Write - interpretation on a piece of notebook paper
  1. Give the title and the author of the poem
  2. an interpretation, 
  3. describe the theme, 
  4. explain the structure of the form or patterns 
C. Write - a poem of a similar form and theme on the same piece of paper as B

0605 Friday
Write a journal 
  1. in three paragraphs, 
  2. 200 words minimum that 
  3. addresses each of the parts of the story - Conflict, Climax, Resolution
  4. Use examples from the story - that mention the major characters and how they interacted
  5. handwritten on notebook paper

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Students must complete the Group Project survey - it is worth 5 points

Go to Work Activities in Class Thursday HERE and scroll down to #3 - Take THIS SURVEY HERE.

Work Activities in class Thursday, May 28:

1. Silently Read Sign of the Chrysanthemum and write Haiku poems for each chapter.

  • Additional note sheets are on the bookcase near the front door.
2. Computer usage REMINDERS - 
  • Unplug all computers taking group computers
  • last five minutes - return AND plug in computers at end of core. 
    • (reward for two volunteers that plug in all - rewarded by Mr. R on Friday)
3. Group Project work with computers:
  • Complete THIS SURVEY HERE for all of your individual group project work.
  • If you have completed all of your project work, then do one EXTRA CREDIT assignment for the project (due no later than next Tuesday)
  • Plan out your project board on paper. In order to work on project boards on Friday, you must have a sketched plan.
4. Extra Credit for students that have completed both Sign of C and the Project (due next Tuesday):
  • Poetry - 
    • Choose a poem on this site:
      • 16 or more lines long minimum length
    • Read the following poem to yourself.
    • on a separate sheet of paper, write the following responses - 
      • What is this poem about?
      • What is the theme or message of this poem?
      • What is the structure of the poem? Rhyme? Lines per verse? Words per line?
    • Write a poem that:
      • similar structure
      • related theme, but not the same subject as the poem.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week of 052615

Due - Detail


052715 - Practice a poem for the poetry circle

052915 - Work due on Friday - divide up for homework T, W, Th
  1. MediNations Project - FOUR completed assignments in class 
    • (most students had three assignments on Tuesday)
  2. Sign of Chrysanthemum - Completed Read and Haikus per each chapter
  3. Typed and edited poem based on Ghazal
052615 - Spring Writing Assessment

  • Computers in class:
    • finish typing assignments not turned last week LIST HERE (bottom of page)
      • interview, previous poem, year in review journal, 5 haiku (Sign of C)
    • work on group Medi-Nation Project link here 
      • (groups have their own sheets for each assignment on list)
  • Read Sign of Chrysanthemum - finish book and write one haiku for each chapter
052715 - Library

052815 - Computers in class
    • Type portfolio Table of Contents (include items on bulletin boards)
    • Edit and Type last week's poem inspired by the Ghazal poem
    • Work on Medi-Nation Project
  • Read Sign of Chrysanthemum - finish book and write one haiku for each chapter

Monday, May 18, 2015

Week of 051815 (UPDATED - 052115)

Weekly overview:

Stations in class:
  1. Med Nations Group work (4 assignments completed by Friday)
  2. Poetry Activity
  3. Sign of Chrysanthemum (with XC option)
  4. Journal Activity in Notebook
  5. Practice Performance of poetry with group
Stations Plan this week HERE
Poetry Handout HERE

Interview Write Up guidelines HERE

Due this week:
1. Three stations due Wednesday.
2. Interview write up due Friday - typed, printed, shared in gdoc.
3. Four stations due by Friday. The 5th will be completed in class (XC +1 if completed before class).
4. Thursday in class - type - 3 separate assignments (keep the handwritten assignment as well)

  • last week's poem, 
  • the porfolio journal - year in review (completed last week)
  • type five Haikus of choice from your Sign of Chrysanthemum Haiku notes

Thursday, May 14, 2015

In class 0513 - 15

As part of our stations and Medieval Project work this week we participated in the following activities:
Wednesday -

  1. Interview members from different project groups about their project's performance as individuals and successes of their group. Share out in class, and discuss successful practices of different groups.
  2. Core 2 experience a Mint Tea session with Middle Eastern samples with a presentation about the different 

Thursday -
In a poetry reading circles for each student group, student draft poems were read and critiqued by the group on the following factors:

  1. Comparing writer's intent versus readers' interpretation
  2. Powerful lines and images to pursue and highlight better
  3. Correcting forced rhymes and meaningless lines.

Core 1 experienced a Mint Tea session with Middle Eastern samples with a presentation about the different

Friday - 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week of 051115

This week in class - Stations:

Detailed Directions and links HERE (you must sign on to your school email account)

Stations Overview - in class work
1. Poetry Activity
2. Medieval Nations Project
3. Portfolio
4. Read Sign of the Chrysanthemum
5. Tableau Theater activity

Thursday, May 7, 2015

During LASS7 today

1. Answer this survey HERE about your project work so far. Complete as much as possible.
2. When done, work on the Medieval Nations project with your group.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week of 050415 - Testing Week Schedule and HW

Testing Schedule:
This week we have a unique testing schedule found HERE. Students must be on time every day to class. 
The starting periods for each day this week are as follows:
M - 1st, T - 2nd, W - 5th, Th - 3rd, F - 6th
ELA testing this week, Math testing next week - 

  • Test activities will occur in all Language Arts and Social Studies classes until the three steps of the testing are complete - depending on the student schedule.
  • In Mr. Rodgers 1/2 core class, testing ends TUESDAY (no test activities Th/F)
  • In Mr. Rodgers 5/6 core class, testing ends THURSDAY (no test activities M/T)

For each class, there are two periods of instruction this week where testing is not occurring. But since the schedule is out of the ordinary, students are advised to work on the following two activities this week:
  • Medieval Nations Group Project - 
    • Extra Credit option for assignments 4 and 5 each assignment if completed this week.
  • Read the new novel - Sign of the Chrysanthemum - will be passed out on Friday. 
    • Read and write notes (see below) the first 4 chapters (pages 1- 74) for Homework due Friday (May 15) (for homework on NON prior test nights
    • Extra Credit - 1 point each for two additional chapters (5/6) +1; (7/8) +1
    • Write a HAIKU to summarize each chapter (5-7-5 syllable count per line)
    • use the 8 panel chapter note panel - one rectangle per chapter

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday work plan and Medieval Nations survey for completed work

1. Use the Medieval Nations survey HERE for completed work to report completed work so far and  every time you either complete a new assignment, or are required to report your progress.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of 042714 - In class activities and homework

In class Monday, 042715:

A. Watch 2 interviews on KidsInterviewBands

  • students will need headphones (box near front of desk)

B. Medieval Nations Project - picking the assignments - 3 documents to complete:
  1. As a group, examine the Project Framework HERE
C. With group -

  • Find source information, copy the web address, and take notes in shared group document
  • work on different assignments and research for the Medieval Nations Project
  • Category 1 - written assignment is due Friday

Due this week:
T, 0428 -

  • Contact with interviewee set up for interview, if not already completed - 
    • show name and email or phone number to Mr. Rodgers (evidence)
    • since last week, students should have asked parents for a possible candidate
  • Due T - Find two videos that demonstrate 
    • MediNation traditional (Medieval or historic) art, dance, music, acrobatics, martial arts, food, architecture
  • COMPLETE your homework for Monday night in THIS SURVEY HERE

W, 0429 -
Interview time and work on Medieval Nations project for 30 minutes at home

Th, 0430 -
Interview notes with 5 Question/Answers in hand

  • Handwritten notes are required at a minimum
  • Includes name, contact information - email or phone number
  • (the write-up is due next Wednesday)

F, 0501 -
MediNation Category 1 (written) assignment, typed and printed (3 paragraphs min, 300 - 400 words)

M, 0504 - 
Current event article for your MediNation
Current event article write-up FORM HERE

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week of 042015 UPDATED

Due - Date

Due 0430 -
1. Interview must be complete with a person associated with your issue either professionally or academically.
2. The interview notes must be presented on 0430.
3. The final writeup of the interview will be presented he following week.

042115 -
1. Complete the Culminating Project Survey
2. I-search Interview:

  • Write five questions you would ask an expert about your I-search topic.
  • List five different types of people that may be an expert on this topic.


Notes HERE from mock interviews today - use these suggestions to craft your interview questions and strategy

  • Find an appropriate interview that you find interesting.
  • Write down five questions that you thought were well written or asked well.
    • Write your notes on a piece of notebook paper.
    • Title the notes - who was interviewed, when, and by whom
  • You may need to rewind a few times in order to write down each question.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

HW for 042215

Homework due Thursday:
  1. Watch the Katie Couric interview suggestions video HERE
  2. Take five summary notes on notebook paper

SUB PLAN for 042215

1. Sit in permanent assigned seats with new seating chart made on 042115.
2. Erase the center of the front board.

A. Journal (total time - 20 - 25 minutes):

  1. Each table sends one person to get notebooks for each student at their table.
  2. Write this prompt on the board:
  3. Allow students to write for 12 - 15 minutes, 200 word minimum
  4. Students may write about up to three different people
  5. Allow 3 - 5 students to summarize and share what they wrote.
  • Prompt: 
    • What would it be like to be the person I want to interview. If I wanted to interview a politician, explain how a politician thinks, why he/she would want to do an interview, and what would he/she want to make sure you knew about the issue in his/her mind.
    • What is needed to make this person feel comfortable enough to answer your questions?
    • What things do you know about this person's daily life on the job - some of the positives and the negatives?
B. Article (15 - 20 minutes):
Read the handout, Interviewing tips HERE,  as a class out loud - one student per about 1/4 - 1/3 of a page. Pay special attention to BOLD and underlined italics passages.
  1. After the class has finished reading the article, review the article for suggestions and good questions to use. Each students should NUMBER the different suggestions and questions highlighted in the article.

C. Interview activity (15 - 20 minutes):

  1. Make sure students are in groups of 3 - 4 at each desk. You may need to move a couple of students. Students that worked on the same I-search project together should NOT sit at the same table.
  2. Have students take out the homework due Tuesday - questions for their interview.
  3. Pass out the worksheet.
  4. Students should fill out the parts for their I-search topic.
  5. Each students passes the sheet and their HW questions one person to their right, who will take notes when it is their turn to be interviewed about their topic.

Homework due Thursday:
  1. Watch the Katie Couric interview suggestions video HERE
  2. Take five summary notes on notebook paper

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SS7 Medieval Nations Project initial research

Due 042215
After you complete some initial research, each group member must find unique answers for the survey.

  1. find an important person, event, and change from your nation during the Medieval time period (1000 - 1500)
  2. record your notes AND links about each of these details in a GOOGLE DOC in your group's shared folder.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quick Look for Culminating Project survey

Take the Culminating Project Preferences below after reading the topic description:

Select one of your choices, and look up interesting ideas about one civilization or country for both time periods:
Medieval (1000 - 1500, covering about a 300 year span of time)
Modern (1870 - current)

Here are your choices:
Your preferences will be used to group students. Each project will be completed by groups of 3 - 4 students. Most of the project is based on individual graded assignments.

Take the Culminating Project Preference Survey HERE

Look for key events, people, and developments that are of interest to you.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I-search packets and OK books due Friday, 040915

Here are the I-search/We-search project elements, with small clarifications, due Friday:
  1. Last Draft I-search - double spaced. Title, name, stapled together.
  2. Notes in correct format template. Numbered list. Delete unanswered or unused parts of the template for each note.
  3. Bibliography - MLA format. In ABC order by author name. If there is no author for a website, alphabetize the first word of the website's title into the list. 
  4. Previously edited drafts that have notes and correction on them.
  5. At least one peer editing form.
  1. Poster or Brochure

Bring your OKAY FOR NOW book to turn in.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No Name Timelines Core 1

If either of these are your timelines - please email me know if one of these are yours. To be sure, check power school that you do not have a zero for the Timeline Assignment:
A.                    B. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of 040615

Due- Date
0406 - 0410:
1. I-search presentations (random assignment of date)
2. This week if you were not randomly assigned or did not volunteer on Monday, you should practice your presentation (Presentation for this week were announced on March 30.)
3. Africa activities
4. Okay for Now group activity and wrap up

0409 -
Okay for Now, Panel 2

0410 - (see We-search tab for all I-search resources and guidelines)
Print outs of the following:
I-search Last Draft
Two previous drafts of the I-search with editing notes
One editing sheet by peer editor
Notes in correct format
Bibliography in correct MLA format

Friday, April 3, 2015

Okay for Now Open Book and note quiz


When you are finished, you should make sure
1. I-search, 3rd draft is printed - typed double spaced.
2. All of the work due this week is displayed on your table.
3. you can continue working on your Okay for Now panels
4. Work on your presentation for the I-search (but there is no talking until everyone is finished with the quiz.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sub Plans Thursday - read and follow carefully.

Hi folks -
1. All work assigned in class will be collected on Friday.
2. No Okay for Now panels work on Thursday.
3. There will class time to work on your last station work - use your time wisely.

4. Quiz on Okay for Now Chapter 9 and 10 on Friday - be prepared.
5. See previous blog for all work assigned in stations this week.
6. A total of 4 hours of class time has been provided to complete all class work. Many students between the two core classes completed 4 stations by Wednesday.

Sub Plan:

I-search and We-search presentation guidelines

Guidelines Here

Public Speaking Rubric Here used earlier this year

Public Speaking Video

Brochure or Poster Guidelines here (to be posted)

Sample brochures and posters for some sample issues:

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of 033015

Due - Date -
0331 -
Complete One Station (we sat at 2 on Monday)

0401 -
Complete Three Stations (we sat at 4 through Tuesday)
Next draft of I-search typed and brought to class. Double Spaced.

0402 -
Substitute - work on Station 5 in class. Complete other stations in class.
Finish I-search Bibliography in correct MLA format as discussed
0403 - All Stations due.

1. I-search dystopian story - type and edit - shared gdoc "topia(first name)"
2. Edit I-search
3. Africa Timeline
4. Okay for Now - Finish reading and take notes per chapter
5. Okay for Now Comics - Finish both

Friday, March 27, 2015

0326 Friday Activities

Today, we will complete the following activities in class.

1. Turn in this assignment not found in the notebook:

  • Arizona paragraph construction worksheet AND handwritten paragraphs (stapled)
1a. Keep for use in class today or next week:
  • Okay for Now chapter notes
  • I-search draft
  • I-search rubrics 
  • Utopian/Dystopian story sketch (stays in notebook)
  • Notes from Ch 13 and 14 to be used for next week's Africa timeline assignment
2. Use this form to edit your own I-search draft:Form here

2. Use this form to edit at least two different student I-search drafts: Short Form Here
  • Read the paper all the way through
  • Answer the questions in this survey
  • Leave up to five comments in the survey about five different parts of the paper
3. We will take a CAASPP practice test that covers Language Arts. We must learn to take this test so that we are prepared to take the new CAASPP standardized test in May.

4. When completed with the CAASPP test, you should:
  • return headphone to the box, by correctly wrapping the headphone cable around the base of the headphones
  • avoid talking with classmates until everyone has completed testing.
  • work on the following assignments or activities:
    • Editing other writer's I-search papers
    • Continue reading Okay for Now
    • Continue working on the Okay for now comic panels for your assigned chapters

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Okay for Now Quiz Friday on Chapter 8 and second draft of I-search

1. This will be a quick check in quiz - open note and book.
You will have to write a paragraph about a topic or issue from Chapter 8.

2. Read your complete first draft of your I-search and use the editing sheet passed out in class  to respond to your paper. Bring this completed response sheet to class on Friday.
Edit sheet directions for additional copies - edit sheet HERE (you must make a copy of this sheet in gdocs to use if you want an additional copy - save it in your I-search folder)

3. Most students were finished with all station work by the end of class Thursday. If you have not finished your station work, see the previous blog post for station directions.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23: Stations and I-search

Due - Detail
0324 T -
1. Complete typed draft of I-search (all paragraphs)

0325 W -
1. 3 stations due from class activities

Stations -
Wednesday - 3 stations due
Thursday - 4 stations due
Friday - 5 stations due

1. I-search - work time individual or group: complete draft, edit, planning presentation

2. Okay for Now -
  • finish reading through Ch 8 with notes (due Friday), 
  • work on assigned chapter comics

3. Journal - explain what society would be like if your I-search thesis was applied throughout the world or society. If you answered last week's prompt about your I-search about your thesis about society or the world, then focus on how a fictional character's life is affected in this society by the thesis as law.

4. Grammar - 3-81 Developing a paragraph writing activity

5 . Ch 13 - 14 activities -

  • Chapter 14 Read 
  • Timeline notes based on Ch 13 and 14 - take notes 25 - 40 words per event
    • 5 political (kings or empire forming) events:
      • 1 - Ghana
      • 2 Mali kings
      • 2 Songhai kings
    • 3 non-political accomplishments - 1 per each kingdom minimum
      • 1 - Ghana
      • 1 - Mali
      • 1 - Songhai
    • 8 - 10 events 
    • The actual graphic timeline assignment will be assigned and completed next week.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog back up and running...

I checked out what was wrong... and it is fixed.

Week of 031715 and Sub Plans March 18, 2015

Due - Detail:

031815 -

Sub Plans HERE

Complete the two paragraphs - Will be verified by Google docs in I-search folder
1. Opposing Arguments explained with some evidence.
2. Rebuttal - criticize and undermine the opposing arguments and its evidence.

Follow Sub plan

Bring OK for Now to class before the bell rings.

031915 -

1. I-Search: Discussion Paragraph of conclusion section - direct the big points from arguments and evidence in the direction of the side you are ultimately taking in the final conclusion.

2. Read OK for Now for 20 minutes. Goal is to read through Chapter 8. About a fourth of the class has finished the book. Take notes on completed chapter.

Bring OK to class with your notes.

032015 -

A. Finish entire draft of I-search:
1. Conclusion Paragraph - that spells out the final judgement of the paper, with some personal reporting by the writer.
2. Unanswered Questions and related topics not discussed Paragraph - that spells out two things:
  • What related topics come up for most people when thinking of this topic, but that were not covered.
  • What evidence and information was not examined, or could not be found. 
B. Read OK for 20 minutes. Take chapter notes. Goal is to finish Chapter 8. Bring your OK book to class.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Isearch - Best Paragraphs Survey

Before you take this survey, open a separate internet browser tab, and open a copy of your latest complete draft of your I-search.

After you have open your I-search, then complete this survey HERE

This survey will help Mr. Rodgers give you quick feedback.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Africa Quiz Thursday - update

Use your current event form to find a list of all African Countries that will be on the quiz.

  • There are 26 countries listed on the current event form. 
  • There will be 20 questions from the current event list. 
  • For the other nations, there will be 3 extra credit questions that students can answer to increase their total score.
  • Each question is worth 1/2 point. There are 20 regular questions, and 3 extra credit questions.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week of 030915

DUE - Detail

Next Monday, March 16 is a non-student day. Teachers will be engaged in teacher led trainings all day.

030915 M -
In class computers - work on arguments 2 and 3.
Africa and Colonialism presentation.

031015 T -
I-search -
Second argument (2 paragraphs combining Explanation, Evidence, Example)
Third argument (1 paragraph that summarizes the 3 E's)

2. Study for Thursday's Africa Quiz - review in class on Wednesday

Read these two short articles in order to discuss each in class:
1. Rhodesian Colony gains independence - pop quiz on Wednesday about this article
2. Algerian Revolt and Independence - Read in class Tuesday (read if you were absent)

031115 W -
I-Search Note check.
Bring Print Out, double spaced copy of I-search - Hook, Thesis, 3 arguments.
In class - 9-11 presentation.

031215 Th -
Read 9-11 on the History Channel - be ready for discussion about 9-11
Africa Map Quiz

031315 F -

A. Current event form - assigned article on the form
Scavenger Hunt - in class

 B. Written piece - Interview a parent or adult that remembers the 9-11 attacks and the aftermath. Ask the following:
1. What was the day of 9-11 like - in the morning, when you found out, and by the end of the day?
2. What are some of the feelings that ran through your head in the days after 9-11?
3. In retrospect, How do you view the American response to 9-11 and current events related to 9-11?

C. In class, timed writing - answer 2 EQ questions from Chapter 13 - open note and text

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

No Jury Duty on Friday - see you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Ok for Now due 031215 - In class comic book project

Starting March 3 students will do the following daily:

1. Bring Okay for Now daily to class
2. Read for 15 minutes silently everyday until it is completed
3. Complete summary notes - per chapter: 2 key summary points and 2 important quotes with page numbers
4. Work on the group cartoon project IN CLASS ONLY as follows:

  • divide the book up by chapters, so that each group member is assigned two different chapters
  • Draw a 6 panel cartoon for each chapter
  • color, ink, neat text, zoomed in and detailed drawings
  • each 6 panel cartoon must summarize the chapter's main points
  • text should combine narration, thought bubbles, and dialogue effectively.
  • At the end of each work session, the group work must be turned in to the teacher.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week of 030215

Due Date - Detail:

030314 T -
1. Bring OK for Now (to read in class everyday for 15 minutes silently.

  • Work on in class activity for OK for now - Chapter 1 - 5 (see summary here live on Tuesday)
  • Use the notes sheets to summarize each chapter with two summary points of two key passage quotes with page numbers for each
2. HW due - Read SS7 Chapter 13

0304 W - HW due:
1. I-search - show 4 more research notes in the correct format (total of 14 notes) 
(in class activity - M, T)
2. SS7 Ch 13 - 3 EQ questions (how, why, explain complex concepts) with 3 item lists of data for possible answers for each.
3. Work on OK for now class activity - Due next Tuesday
4. Work on Africa Map in class (T, W)

0305 Th - HW due
1. Africa Map - 
0306 F - HW due
1. 8 new notes for I-search in the correct for mat (total of 18 notes)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 022315 - I-search - notes, draft; Ch9/10 Booklet; Writing Assessment

Due Date - Details:

022415 -
Ch 9/10 Booklet due at beginning of class - colored, inked, border, title page

First draft of I-search TYPED - 5 paragraphs - Problem, Thesis, First Argument (3 paragraphs). Double spaced, name, title, date (most completed this in class on 022315)

Group Edit of First draft

022515 -
Second Draft I-search for first 5 paragraphs - typed, double spaced, printed out
IN CLASS - Read Chapter 11, page 119- top of 123. Pop Quiz on SS7 pages 119 - top of 123.

022615 -
8 note cards for I-search
Pop Quiz on SS7 pages 119 - top of 123.

022715 -
10 note cards for I-search
In class - Argumentative Essay Writing Assessment (articles read in class,

I-search update:
I-search folder should have the following documents:

  • Arg1firstname - no spaces
  • ProbThfirstname
  • Notesfirst
  • FirstDrfirstname
First Argument - three paragraphs as follows:
  1. EXPLAIN the elements and key terms of the argument
  2. Best EVIDENCE - studies, data, statistics that categorize different elements to make your point
  3. EXAMPLE or Anecdote of an actual person or event that supports your argument
Bibliography - MLA format - use online MLA Bibliography generator

Friday, February 20, 2015

Catching up over the weekend... Due February 23

Over a three day week, getting things done can be a bit overwhelming. With that in mind due dates have been moved to next Monday based on average student performance as follows:

Due Monday, February 23 - at the beginning of class

3 complete (colored, inked, borders, text) pages in the Islamic Booklet
3 complete draft paragraphs for the I-Search first Argument

Many students kept up with the homework, and some did not. Several have already completed the above requirement, several others are very close - 15 minutes - to finishing.

Overall, we worked in class about 2 - 2:15 hours in class on these two activities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week of 2/18 - I-search and Ch 9/10 booklet

Homework Due - Detail
0219 -
Finish 5 pages - drawing pictures, borders, and writing text in the booklet using pencil only

0220 -
A. Finish coloring and inking the booklet (in class and homework)
B. Complete first draft of First Argument paragraphs (in class all week) -

  1. EXPLAIN the argument
  2. EVIDENCE - Give the best evidence that supports the argument
  3. EXAMPLE - Give an example about a person or event that supports the argument 
C. Complex Sentence group sheet - page 64-65 (in class only)

In class - Activities, coverage, questions, and work time:
0218, W - 
I-search (see below), booklet 9/10, Poetry - work time, individual meetings and performance

0219, Th
Booklet - Ch 9/10 - 6 pages sketched out, 2 pages colored
I-search - First argument paragraphs
I-search - continue checks and updates meetings with students
Poetry performance

0220, F - due
Booklet - Ch 9/10 6 pages sketched out, 4 pages colored at beginning of class
I-search - First argument paragraphs shared with class

I-search check and updates:
1. Verify I-search folder  and contents are shared and viewable by Mr. Rodgers
2. Hook, Problem, and Thesis Paragraphs verification
3. Note format verification
4. Youtube video verification
4. Research methods - finding the right information to take notes

  • Youtube videos
  • Using one source to find more information in other sources
    • subtopics
    • events, examples mentioned

Thursday, February 12, 2015

We-Search Note Template

Use THIS TEMPLATE here to take all notes in Google Docs.  You can find all I-search resources in the handouts tab at the top of this blog page.

For each source, you must fill out a note template with up to three pieces of information for that source on one note template. You may use two note templates maximum per each source.

Copy the blank template and place it in your shared I-Search folder. Each time you take a new note, copy the template and fill it in.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

We-Search due Thursday - Complete Wednesday night

Wednesday night -
Write your first draft thesis paragraph on a piece of notebook paper:

The parts of a Thesis Paragraph - Thesis statement and Three Arguments
Thesis sentence -

  • This is the topic sentence of the paragraph, and of the entire paper
  • Stated as an argumentative statement that the writer will attempt to prove in the paper
    • Has measurable details
    • Avoids using adjectives by themselves - use details to show the opinions that you want to express
  • Uses key terms related to the topic
Three Arguments - the rest of the paragraph - Each argument statement should:

  • make a clear statement that can be supported, later in the paper, with evidence
  • cover different details about the thesis
  • may be connected in some way, but without too much overlap

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress Reports and Making up Late work UPDATE

The District required that class grades be reported on January 30, 2015, necessary to notify students and parents of class progress.

Students were given grade sheets in class prior to this deadline to verify missing assignments. 
Some students turned in missing work before the deadline.

The District notified parents of progress reports on February 5.

For those students that turned in work after this deadline, it will not be posted until tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 10, to make sure that all parents see the required Progress Report grade calculation as of January 30. 

Makeup and missing work can always be turned in during the same Trimester, with appropriate late penalties. Students that were absent are given those number of days absent to make up an assignment without penalty. Penalties are as follows: 1 day late - 10% off; 2 - 5 days last - 20% off; 6 or more days - 30% off.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of 020915

Due - Details

021015 -
Complete the I-Search outline form by yourself (handed out in class)

021115 -
2 Stations completed

021215 -
3 Stations completed

021315 -
5 stations completed

Stations -
1. Idioms handout AND write a 200 word min journal based on up to four different idioms (How do slogans and sayings apply to my life AND prewriting activity for next poem)
2. OK for Now - read and notate through Chapter 5
3. Chapter 9/10 - illustrated booklet - directions in class - The final activity is due at the end of next week.

  • At the station - complete the text for the six pages - 25 - 40 words each
  • format: 6 pages plus cover - 5-1/2x8-1/2 booklet; ink; color; Islamic Art designs with text for each page; 25 - 40 words descriptions for each page.
  • Content: 3 pages from chapter 9 and 3 pages from chapter 10: How do different aspects of Islamic Civilization parallel my life today?
  • Use the internet to find Islamic Art designs, styles, and motifs to complete all illustrations, borders, and motifs
  •  (What elements of Islamic Civilization effect our lives today?)

4. I-Search outline form (this part is Monday night's homework) and note taking format and strategy activities (Search -  14 paragraphs outline here)

  • Monday Night - complete the I-Search outline worksheet - individually, not with other group members
  • Tuesday Night - complete paragraph two - describe the problem and both sides of the issue without starting to present evidence or making a case for either side of the topic
  • Wednesday Night - Write your first draft thesis paragraph on a piece of notebook paper: The parts of a Thesis Paragraph - Thesis statement and Three Arguments see separate blog post here

5. Parts of speech activities in class only (enrich your writing activity)

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam pocketbook - first edition, 1941

This is the actual book that I read as a child that I told the story about today. 

Here is the first quatrain of the piece we read today with a great black and white print

Quiz Here


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week of 020215

Guiding Questions this week:
1. How does a person use descriptive language to paint a clear picture that grabs the attention of the reader?
2. What are the contributions of Islamic Civilization that influence our daily lives?
3. How does a person demonstrate they understand a controversial issue?

Wednesday - Three Stations
Thursday - Four Stations
Friday - Five Stations

1. Thesis and Hooks activities - Computer required. Turn in both the Thesis and Hook Worksheets.

2. Read SS7 Ch 10
  • Notebook assignment - 
    • identify three contributions of Islamic Civilization that has affected your life
    • for each contribution write a paragraph that includes information about:
      • define the contribution
      • how this contribution affects your life directly and
      • how this contribution affects our modern life in society
      • how this contribution may have changed over time
3. Rewrite the following underlined words and phrases to give this paragraph more meaning:

I just saw this movie. I really liked it. From the start, I could not stop watching it. I liked the main character - his voice made me think of so many different people that have had an influence on me. The action was well paced. Every turn in the plot made me feel so good and just right. 

4. Expanding ideas and giving details 3-51 and 3-56.

5. Read the novel and take notes through chapter 3, page 107. On your notes sheet, keep track of how long and how many pages you read each time.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wednesday Homework support starting...

On Wednesdays, after the first five minutes, Room 601 will be open to Mr. Rodgers's LASS7 students.

Students that need assistance completing assignments or are asked to come to class should their lunch and show up to class no later than the first lunch bell.

When students are invited, parents will be notified of the invitation and that the student did attend.

See you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week of 012615 - Stations: We-Search, Novel, Journal

Due - Detail:
012815 W - Complete 3 stations at the beginning of class
012915 Th - Complete 4 stations at the beginning of class
013015 F - Complete all stations at the beginning of class

Homework this week:
Spend 30 minutes a night working on Station assignments. Stations 4 and 5 can only be completed in class - thus the nights that students have had these specific activities, there is not homework from these two stations.

Stations this week:
1. We-Search topic activity
2. Practice public speaking - Student written typed poem from last week
3. Topic building exercises 3-44, 3-46 received in class

4. Novel (Okay for Now) - read and take notes on each chapter in class

  • For a B - write a one sentence summary and find one powerful quote or passage with page number per chapter.
  • For an A - write a two sentence summary and find two powerful quotes or passages with page numbers per chapter.

5. Short Essay practice activity - issue: Young Children in Restaurants -

  • 300 word range
  • 3 paragraphs minimum
    • paragraph 1 - Introduce and explain the issue (without taking a side)
    • paragraph 2 - Discuss and give evidence that supports the Pro position of the issue
    • paragraph 3 - Two Choices for this paragraph:
      • Write a second Pro argument with supporting details   --OR--
      • Discuss and give evidence that supports the Con position of the issue

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Additional homework due Friday, 012315

Besides this week's homework due this week described in the previous post -

1. Have your parent read these directions.
2. Discuss three issues briefly with a parent.
3. The issues should be important issues that the student comes up with.
4. Each issue should be controversial, having two well supported sides
5. Discuss as follows:

  • The student should name an issue, explain it in 1 - 2 sentences, explain a supporting argument and an opposing argument for the issue.
  • The parent should ask 2 - 3 questions about the issue that the students should try to answer.
  • After 5 minutes the students should introduce a second top and repeat the process.
6. When 3 issues have been discussed and questions raised by the parents have been answered by the student the activity is completed.
7. The parent MUST sign and print their name in the student's Binder Reminder that the the above activity was completed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HW for week of 012015

Due - Detail
01.21 -
Read SS7 text Chapter 9
On the provided 3x5 index card - write one question on each side for two of the three categories below:

  • Ch 8 content
  • Ch 9 content
  • a modern issue related to Islam
01.22 - TDB

01.23 - 
With the six box template provided, summarize six sections from Ch 9 of your choice:
1. stick figure drawings that illustrate a major concept from each of your chosen sections
2. write 1 - 2 sentences about that concept or idea.
3. no color or ink required.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week of 011215

Due - Detail

0113 T - finish first station unless it was started in your notebook
0114 W - finish Three stations complete (+1 option on up to 2 assignments)
0115 Th - finish Four stations complete (no plus option)
0116 F - finish all stations complete.

In class, start stations:

1. Controversial topic research - a controversial topic has two sides of the argument, both of which can be supported by competing amounts of evidence. Some topics are no longer considered controversial - they may have been resolved historically, or now have overwhelming evidence and support for one side of the argument.

  • find three controversial topics that you are interested in
  • for each topic, write a brief explanation of the issue and explain both sides of the argument
  • write this assignment on a separate sheet of notebook paper by hand

2. Map Assignment - group specific map (template: A - Central Asia or B - Africa to India)

  1. Expansion of the Islamic Caliphate to 750 source here
  2. Islamic States in 1550 CE source here
  3. Islamic States in 1900 CE source here
  4. Islamic States in 1100 CE eastern half combine with Western half source
  5. The decline of the Ottoman Empire  - use target map C

3. Write a poem - 12 lines, form is up to the writer - use 3 pairs of your beginning and end lines from last week's assignment.

4. Journal (200 word min, in notebook) - Compare your life to three people from the list below:

  • a parent or older relative
  • an inmate at San Quentin
  • a teenager from a very rich or very poor family
  • a person that lives in a big city, a farm, or a forest
  • a person that has never lived in the same place for very long, or travels for a living

5. Thesis Worksheet

011315 - Work on any station work for up to 30 minutes for HW

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Curriculum Committee - Core 2 (To be introduced on Thursday)

Committee - Timothee, Aaron, Lyle, Monika, Sarah

Read the two stories -
Celia Behind Me (from Who Do You Think You Are)
Baby Sitter (from Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast)

After all members have completed both stories:
1. Discuss the strengths of each story - make a compare and contrast table for the entire group.
2. Choose the story for the class to read.
3. Design an assignment 
  • ideas can be - six box story map, timeline, letter to a character, alternative ending, what happened next scene, or others
  • write the directions for the assignment in a shared gdoc
  • present the lesson to your class
The work of the curriculum committee - reading, discussing, and preparing and teaching the lesson take the place of the completing the assignments that the rest of the class has to complete. 

Committee members may complete the class assignments they created as extra credit. 

Complete this survey after completing all of your station work

Stations Survey is here. 

You will need all of your completed work in order to answer this survey successfully.

Curriculum Committee - Core 1 (To be introduced on Thursday)

Committee - Luca, Anya, Cody, Chloe, John M.

Read the two stories -
X-15s (from No Easy Answers)
Amanda and the Wounded Birds (from Visions)

After all members have completed both stories:
1. Discuss the strengths of each story - make a compare and contrast table for the entire group.
2. Choose the story for the class to read.
3. Design an assignment 

  • ideas can be - six box story map, timeline, letter to a character, alternative ending, what happened next scene, or others
  • write the directions for the assignment in a shared gdoc
  • present the lesson to your class
The work of the curriculum committee - reading, discussing, and preparing and teaching the lesson take the place of the completing the assignments that the rest of the class has to complete. 

Committee members may complete the class assignments they created as extra credit. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of 010515

Due - Detail

Note - some of the activities listed below are completed in class as part of the work stations started in class. If students are finished with any of the assignments due for homework, they may work on other station activities started in class.

Board pics 010515 - with directions HW board pic and Station directions pic

0106 -

  1. Read SS7 Chapter 8. Pop Quiz at the beginning of class (explain three main ideas from the chapter).
  2. Print lyrics of a favorite song (discussed in class) OR a recipe from a favorite food
0107 - 
  1. UPDATED 010615 - Complete two station assignments of your choice before class starts.
0108 - 
  1. Spelling Unit 2 complete
  2. UPDATED 010715 - Complete three station assignments before class starts.
0109 - 
  1. Spelling/Vocabulary Test from Unit 2
  2. SS7 Ch 8 - 3 EQs - Questions (from different sections) and 3 bullet point answer information for each question.
  3. Beginning/End lines activity - 
  • 5 pairs from actual novels/stories
  • 5 pairs made up from short, made up story ideas generated by the student (as discussed in class)