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Sunday, June 21, 2015

T3 Grade Distribution for LASS7

In both classes, most assignments in each class use the same grading rubrics, require equal amounts of writing, art integration, and in class presentation. All students worked with group in a variety of configurations throughout the year, necessary for reinforcement of content and the expression of target concepts and information in each assignments and activity. Students that did not do as well in Language Arts generally were missing assignments (see below). 

In Language Arts: The final grades for the We-Search were entered. A poetry unit, Portfolios, the assignments for two novels. In general students grades were slightly lower in LA7 than in SS7. 

LA7 - Grade distribution for 45 students:
A - 22
B - 8
C - 6
D - 5
F - 4

In Social Studies: The end of the year project, that had a built in extra credit option, as well as most students doing exceedingly well on the the student created tests for each group project (students had to take three of these tests), gave students an opportunity to do very well this trimester.

SS7 - Grade distribution for 45 students:
A - 27
B - 12
C - 6
D - 0
F - 1

Students demonstrating their learning through a variety of differentiated, and self selected assignments that combined demonstrated their abilities and mastery of the standards for this project. Students managed and tracked each other's progress.  Mr. R tracked and counseled students that fell behind. Students were given a print out page of their Powerschool breakdown on the last full work week in class, the week before the picnic week, to make sure that students were dually notified of late or missing assignments that needed immediate attention. Unfortunately, several students did not use Powerschool to track their progress - reporting that they did not know their Powerschool passwords (a problem which I frequently had to correct with students that did not turn in work consistently). 

I hope you all have a great summer. 
- Mr. Rodgers

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