Rodgers Homepage

Monday, June 8, 2015

Week of 0608 - Study guides, return texts, turn in all late work

This week for homework and in class -
1. Turn in all project assignments
  • print all assignments that are not performances and computer category assignments.
2. Turn in any late work based on Powerschool.
  • graded work for the past two weeks of assignments will be passed out on Tuesday in order to verify any No Name assignments.
  • all graded work including late or makeup work is due on Friday, June 12.
3. Group presentations and Project performance assignments
4. Thursday - Take your group test 15 out of 15 questions. Take two other group project quizzes - earn 10 points by answering 10 of 15 questions correctly.
5. Study for quizzes and tests from group slideshows - STUDY SLIDESHOWS HERE.
  • if you do not see your slideshow displayed on the study page, then SEND a link of your slide show to Mr. Rodgers via email.

6. Turn in all textbooks.
7. Sign of the C Tableaus
8. Finish Portfolio

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