Rodgers Homepage

Monday, March 19, 2012

Today in class, due this week...

Today, we took the Chapter 16 pop quiz, worth 7 points. The curve was set at 6 after grading Core 2's quizzes. If you were absent on Monday, you will take this quiz upon your return.

We also took some introductory notes on China. We followed these up with some videos about some features of Chinese culture.

Due this week:
1. EQ 16 - originally due today, will be due Tuesday, 032012
2. Story Draft 3 - due 032012 -  typed, double spaced, copy in class and saved to Google docs - base your corrections on lower marks in any area given during peer editing last Thursday. Focus on your lower rubric scores and try to improve those areas the most. Read your paper out loud a couple of times and various errors will be more obvious.

3. Interview writeup due 032112. Refer to the previous blog entry for details.

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