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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stations due on Tuesday, 031312

Stations - Detail
1 - Write 5 complex (2 part) interview questions for a possible interviewee - each question should ask a complex (EQ style) question and one followup question that asks for more information related to the first question.

2 - Outsiders - read and take notes using the two column note tables. Left column - chapter summary; right column - three quotable lines or passages and the page number for each that reveal an important detail about the story in an interesting or well written manner.

3 - Journal TOC - find all journals in the "to be passed out" work and place in your Journal Folder. Place all of your journals in order.

4 - Story type both part one (setting and conflict with leading events that foreshadow the climax) and part two (climax and resolution). Resolve any details that are different in each part. Also, add any new dialogue that was inspired by the Protagonist/Antagonist Dinner 5 pt XC option (separate assignment - one page).

5 - Chapter 14 - use your sample MC assignment and notes from the chapter and the slideshow to quiz each other about the chapter, for the test on Tuesday.

HW - other work to complete independently -

Due - Detail
031212 - Interview in class activity notes
031212 - African Story Tableau Practice (to be performed on 0312 through 0314) by each station group.

031312 - Chapter 14 Test. 25 MC and answer 1 of 2 EQ - 30 points possible.

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