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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thurday Night HW and the Interview

Due Monday, 3/19 -
Read SS Ch16
Write 3 EQ - Question and 3 points min for draft answer
Study for Pop Quiz - 5 fill in the blank questions.

Due Wednesday, 3/21 -
Interview typed
You must complete your interview this weekend.

The typed interview follows the progression from personal questions to opinions about the issue. Almost all students have written specific questions for their intended interviewee. Students may need to shift their questions in the course of the interview to get their target information answered as much as possible.

The following questions are sample questions that show the preferred progression of questions:

1. Profession - title, education needed, where employed, how long. In what ways do they like their job.
2. Professional involvement with issue - how does the issue effect your job. Were you trained to handle this issue. Do you know people in your profession that have dealt with this issue? Can you relate a story about this issue professionally?
3. What is your personal opinion about this issue. What are the pros and cons of the issue for you? Is the state of affairs surrounding this issue the best way of dealing with this issue in your profession?

Therefore, you will type up the interview with the following format:
5 paragraphs 1 -1/2 to 2 - 1/2 pages long:

1. Introduction - who is being interviewed and the issue that will be covered.
2. Personal professional background.
3. How this issue affects their profession.
4. What they feel about this issue personally.
5. Conclusion.

Use quotes sparingly and only to illustrate decisive ideas and well worded twists on the issue.
This is NOT a Q/A list of questions and answers.

See you Monday,

Mr. R

1 comment:

  1. A couple of students asked if the questions above were the actual questions you should use... No. they examples of the type of questions that show the progression from asking the interviewee about their profession, to their involvement with the issue professionally, to their opinion about the issue.
