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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Due this week... and... No school this Friday - Teacher Inservice Day

Monday -
1. Chapter 14 test review in class. Two EQ questions will be given to the class, and posted here.
2. African Story Tableaus will be practiced one last time, and each group will be selected at random to perform Monday through Wednesday.
3. Some station work time will be available, however, note that a good majority of students completed their stations last week.
4. Students should find an expert adult to interview for their Isearch topic. Students should ask parents, family friends, teachers and other community members they know if they know a person who would be interviewed. We started this process last week, and spent a considerable amount of time discussing how to find an "expert."
Explanation - an expert can be someone who deals directly or indirectly as an issue in their career with the topic. They do not need to be a researcher in the field.
Example - on the issue of a controversial topic like the death penalty speaking with a police officer would suffice since they may have worked a murder crime scene or know people who have. Obviously, the warden of San Quentin would have some major feeling about
HW - study for Ch 14 test and complete any station work due Tuesday.

Tuesday -
1. Chapter 14 Test - 25 MC questions and answer one of two EQ questions (5 points possible) for a total of 30 points possible on the test.
2. station work is due from last week (See previous blog post).
HW - Email Mr. Rodgers with the Interview Topic, name and job title of the Interviewee and their profession.

Wednesday -
1. Following the in class activity - an exquisite corpse of story parts, write a one page sketch of a story from the mixed up parts of your group's story patchwork activity in class. Due Thursday.
2. Isearch presentation work up: Next week, students will present their final Isearch findings as follows:
a. Explain thesis
b. Explain best supporting argument with a major piece of evidence
c. Explain the best opposing argument with a major piece of evidence
d. Explain one unanswered question or major area not covered in the student paper.
e. Describe the Interview - who and one important detail they brought up that surprised the student or seems to go against common sense assumptions made about the topic.
f. This presentation will help the class (and teacher) decide what our controversial debate topics will be in the coming weeks.

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