Rodgers Homepage

Monday, September 30, 2013

Homework this week, so far...

Here is the homework for LA7 and SS7:

Due - Detail

1001 - SS7 - Inked 11x17 map - continents (all inking with black fine point sharpie)

1001 - SS7 -
If your maps were already inked this morning, (you may use black fine point sharpie, or other colors listed below for rivers or mountains):
1. then trace mountains regions, and rivers in light dotted-line pencil (use today's new source map  and all rivers and mountains from the original geography list.
2. You may ink the rivers in blue ink, with a blue roller ball, or a black or blue sharpie (trace over your pencil lines).
3. For mountains, draw small open bodied triangles inside of the penciled mountain regions. You may use purple, brown, orange, or black ink for the mountains
4. When done inking mountains and rivers let the ink dry. Erase all light pencil after the ink is dry.

1001 - LA7
1. Read SG and take notes for chapter 16 - 18.

1002 and 1003 - SS7/LA7 - work to be announced.

1003 - SS7 - study for geography test in order to take the geography test on the entire list.

1004 - SS7 - Geography Test - know and spell items labeled on the map correctly.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

HW due tomorrow for LA7

Here is the six panel template for the homework below.

Today in class we played with our story cards in order to understand how to effective build effective stories by developing plot structures, character elements, and key details. Students improvised in story telling games with our story card in groups of four.

Tonight, students must draw six final draft story cards. The final cards may resemble the draft cards that students previously created, but after playing the games, students may choose to alter their original designs or generate new cards necessary to help make the games better story telling devices.

Here are some requirements for the final draft:
1. Each card need a picture and a word or phrase that described that picture.
2. Each card should be a successful element of story craft - a hero, a valuable object, an important event, a powerful idea, an action.
3. Fill the space, but don't draw to the edge. Use objects to fill the space, not just background color.
4. Zoom in - showing close up detail is a richer visual and easier to draw.
5. Sketch in light, light pencil.
6. All edges must be in black ink. The lettering must be in black ink.
7. All objects must be lightly, and evenly colored in colored pencil.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guiding questions for LASS7 - this week and next

1. What institutions and elements of Roman history are significant throughout European and modern US history?
2. How do we develop a visual and conceptual understanding of the world in order to process history and current events?

1. How do story events build towards a story climax?
2. What foreshadowing elements help us to predict elements in a novel?
3. How can we read a first person account of a fictional story and effectively communicate personal events in writing?

HW due this week, 9/23-9/27

Due - detail

0924 - SS7 - draw two world maps on 8-1/2 by 11 paper in pencil

0924 - LA7 - Stargirl - read chapters 13 - 15 and take appropriate notes (will be checked 0925)

0925 - SS7
Map -
1. create a good map of good quality for either size of paper you were assigned in class.
2. If you cannot attain a good quality map,
3. then show 3 new attempts at 8-1/2x11 or
4. two attempts at 11x17.
5. Bring ALL map sketches, drafts, and drawings to class everyday.

0926 - SS7
1. Read the assigned Roman chapter passed out in class.
2. Take notes as follows -
A. In the notes, first list each highlighted or difficult terms in the reading as you read, skipping lines between entries in order to later define the term.
B. When the reading is complete, after your last term, make a list of the section headers and subheader, one at a time.
C. Using the book, summarize each header and subheader in a sentence that captures the main idea of that section,
D. Define the terms using references from the book , a dictionary or online resources.

0925 - LA7 - The Good Deeds project - step one - get ideas...
1. Read through the Actiontracker website (link here)
2. Find five social actions you can do that you feel you can do and understand.
3. Write the name of each activity and explain in a sentence or two what each activity means to you or explain how you can accomplish that activity.

0926 - SS7 Complete large map outlines draft in pencil. If you are ahead, then outline the map in ink.

Monday, September 23, 2013

HW due Tuesday

1. Read Stargirl and take notes on Chapters 12 - 15.

2. Show up to class with two hand drawn versions of your world map.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Write your first and last name and label your assignments correctly to avoid processing penalties

Every assignment that is turned in must have the following in order to avoid penalties against the assignments grade (a maximum penalty of 10% total):

1. PRINTED First and Last name -
a. Reasoning: since out of the 130 students I see every day, there may be more than one person with the same first name or nickname. In some cases, there is more than one person with the same first name AND the same last initial.
b. Penalty - no name - 10%; no last name (starting Sept 23) 5%.

2. The period or core label. The teacher's name (to make sure the student turns in the assignment to the right class - you would be surprised).

3. The date - the assignment is DUE. No date at all - 5%.

4. Title of the assignment. Penalty - 5%:
a. page number or handout title.
b. title of student written piece.
c. title of map or chart.

Placement of information:
1. Standard assignments: The Hall Header:
a. top of page.
b. Right top corner: Name above, date due below.
c. Left top corner: Period or Core above, teacher name below.
d. Title of assignment centered on the line below the date and teacher name.

2. Art or graphic assignments:
a. Lower right corner.
b. First and last name dash period number
c. date below the name.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Binder divider tab labels for LASS7 with Mr. Rodgers

Five binder dividers labelled as follows:
Label and descriptions
1. Current work - current assignments and projects due yet
2. Notes - class notes from presentations and research
3. Handouts - Handouts and readings
4. Guidelines  - including  Syllabus
5. Rubrics - Rubrics and general assignment directions

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Here is the class syllabus - due Thursday

Here is the Class Syllabus for LASS7.

1. Students should PRINT this out and read it.
2. Parents must read and sign the syllabus at the top after they have read it.
3. The syllabus should be placed in the section of the class binder.
Due by Thursday at the beginning of class.

HW the rest of the week...

Due Thursday
1. Be ready to take the World Geography quiz worth 10 points. You must be prepared to write and spell correctly all continents, oceans, and lines (listed on the back of the map) by labeling a map.

2. Bring a parent read and signed syllabus to class.

3. Bring to class 5 dividers for your binder.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

FYI - no blocks this week AND HW update

FYI - there are no block classes this week. We will have all periods of instruction this week. Wednesday we get out at the normal time. Thursday we get out at 1 pm Early Release for Back to School Night.

Due Wednesday
1. Finish your questions from the SS7 Scavenger Hunt.
2. SG - read and take notes through Chapter 9.

Study for map quiz on Thursday - continents, oceans, latitude and longitude lines

Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Update - Sept. 16 - 20, 2013

Guiding Questions for the week of 0916 - 0920/13
SS7 - Textbook, Rome, Geography
What are the time frame boundaries, civilizations, and concepts studied in SS7?
What is the legacy of Roman Civilization?
What is the point of the lines on the world map - how do they work?

LA7 - Stargirl and Story Cards
How does someone get to know another person?
What are the important elements of another person?
How is a good story built? What are the elements of story?

Daily Record - 
Activities and Homework due at beginning of class 
(follow updates in future posts for in class activities and any additional HW and due dates)

0916 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 1 - 3 and take appropriate notes - 3 summary details AND three great passages (write start of each passage) and page number

In class -
Pre-read activity SS textbook
SS7 scavenger hunt
Due - Finish Personal History Placard and turn in last week's journal
Share Story Card stories from last week
Story cards assignment discussed (due 092013)
Class Syllabus - brief overview
Start World Map Sequence - drawing strategies in class

0917 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 4 - 6 and take notes (above)
2. Organize Class binder (five dividers and labels needed in class)
3. Map Sequence - study continents, oceans, lines - know how to spell

In class -
Roman Groups formed - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Cards game - 6 components (group story time)

0918 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 7 - 9 and take notes (above)

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game (reverse orders, permutations)
Good Deeds Project - We are what we do...

0919 - Due at beginning of class
1. Read Stargirl Ch 10 - 12 and take notes (above)
2. Class Syllabus - printed and signed with parent signature (in class binder)

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game (reverse orders, permutations)
Good Deeds Project - Assignment details

0920 - Due at beginning of class
1. Stargirl Notes check completed through Ch. 12
2. Story Card Assignment

In class -
Roman Groups - Chapters assigned - in class activities
Story Card game - class wide improv team presentations
Good Deeds Project - Assignment details

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assigned Wed, due Friday: two 6 sentence stories using your story cards

Originally Due Thursday, Sept. 12 (Since we went to the library, now due Friday, Sept. 13):

Write two six sentence stories using your story cards in two different orders. You may substitute one card out to make a better story element for that card. for each story.

Also, finish drawing your cards. Label each card with a simple word description.

HW due Friday, 9/13

Bring all work that we did in class or for homework to class this week.Today we checked out genre novels (sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, horror, suspense, western) from the library.HW due Friday - Read the first 20 pages min or more in order to complete that chapter that may end after page 20.Take notes on what is shown so far:characterssettingtoneother elements

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Journal due Wednesday, Sept. 11

Write a journal that deals with the following description:

Describe an important personal event that changed everything. Explain causes or reasons why  this event occurred. Explain the important details of the event. If you can not complete the page, explain another personal event.

length: a minimum of 170 words, about a full page of college rule notebook paper.

Do not type or edit in any way.

Must be handwritten.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome... Monday night's HW due Tuesday

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address -
b. SS7, period 3 - blog - Mr. Rodgers SS7 - address -
c. SS8, period 5 or 6 - blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address -

2. Send me an email to
a. using your school assigned address.
b. in the subject write your first and last name
c. you may write a message with any concerns you have

3. Get each parent to send an email to
a. the name of each parent
b. the best email to reach each parent at.
c. the best phone number to reach each parent during the day after 3:30 pm
d. an indication which of the parents is the regular primary contact for school calls
e. your parents may write a message with any concerns they have.