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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Isearch progress and Islam Booklet due this week

Due - Date

02/26 - a draft of the Isearch, at least through the first complete argument.

1. A few students will be editing other students' first drafts while other students will be working on completing their first drafts in class.

2. By the end of class, most students should have a very rough draft of the entire paper.

3. Sections that cannot be completed due to missing information or lack of research will be noticed, and students in this category must do more research necessary to complete their draft.

02/27 -
1. Islamic Booklet complete. There will be about 15 minutes to complete the booklet.
2. Isearch Students will continue to write their first draft in class.

02/28 -
1. Isearch complete first draft.

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