Rodgers Homepage

Monday, February 3, 2014

HW Week of 2/3 - 2/6

Get a Stations direction sheet for this week here

Hook/Lead ideas handout

Add these due dates and directions:

Due Tuesday morning:
1. Complete one station as HW.
2. Complete 14 Isearch notes as HW.

Due Wednesday morning (Cores):
1. Complete three total stations.

Due Thursday
1. Complete four before morning of class.
2. Complete the online outline for the Arabic Coin article here.
3. Study for map quiz -
  • know all countries
  • quiz on 15 countries
    • 4 African countries
    • 4 Asian countries
    • 7 Middle Eastern
1. Field Trip from 11:30 - 3:00ish
2. Bring a sack lunch if you do not get a school lunch - we will have school lunches for those who receive lunch on Fridays. We will not buy food at the museum.
3. No cell phones will be used in the museum, or while riding in vehicles.

Students will participate in periods 1 - 3 as a regular school day.

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