Rodgers Homepage

Friday, February 28, 2014

Test Here


Friday Substitute Plan Activities

Hi class, please help out the substitute teacher today. I'll see you on Monday.

Period 1 and 2 are a combined 7th grade LASS core class.
1. Have one person from each table get enough Chromebooks for each person at their table.

2. Students will be working on one of three activities today, either using the Chromebooks or completing late assignments.
a. Continue to type their first draft of their Isearch project
b. Do more research, write the bibliography, complete the full outline for the Isearch.
c. complete the Current Event Assignment – handout provided.

3. Pass out Current Event Handout –

  • read the directions to students.
  • Notice that nations to look up are grouped by last name.
  • students should use the internet to find an article and save the link in a separate google doc.
  • The current event write up should hand written on the form.
  • The found article should be printed through the library, and send one student to collect sets of articles every five minutes or so. The found article should be stapled to the back of the form.

4. Some students may work to finish their Islamic booklet.
5. Do not collect any assignments today.
6. Students may take the entire period to work on the above.
7. Collect the Chromebooks –
a.     one student from each table puts them in the cart last five minutes (collect before the movie if you show it)
b.     Get two volunteers to plug the Chromebooks in.

8. A movie buffer is available if it seems that during the last 15 minutes of class the students need a reward for being productive:
a)    Lawrence of Arabia DVD – DISC ________– stereo, projector (switch on right side when facing the lens), DVD player and remote.

Period 3 – SS7
Repeat steps 1 – 7 above. Very important to make sure step 7 is completed correctly.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Isearch progress and Islam Booklet due this week

Due - Date

02/26 - a draft of the Isearch, at least through the first complete argument.

1. A few students will be editing other students' first drafts while other students will be working on completing their first drafts in class.

2. By the end of class, most students should have a very rough draft of the entire paper.

3. Sections that cannot be completed due to missing information or lack of research will be noticed, and students in this category must do more research necessary to complete their draft.

02/27 -
1. Islamic Booklet complete. There will be about 15 minutes to complete the booklet.
2. Isearch Students will continue to write their first draft in class.

02/28 -
1. Isearch complete first draft.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Study for the Islam Test, Ch 8 - 10 with these items...

1. Study Guide Ch 8 - 9
2. Three sections of Ch 10 - based on the three elements you selected for Ch 10 for your illustrated booklet project (due Thursday).
3. Class Notes - Ch 9 overview
4. Be able to explain the differences between Arab, Muslim, Islam, and Islamic Nations - based on our discussions about our Islamic nations map.
5. Chapter 10 review from class
6. Any questions or corrections that may come up in class during the study activity on Monday
  • See the Chapter 10 review from class in item #5 that refers to all items discussed in class today.
Test on Tuesday for ALL students

Friday, February 21, 2014

Sample test questions written by students for chapter 8 and 9

Here are the sample test questions written by students. These questions will be used in constructing the test.

The test will consist of 10 questions per each chapter, a combination of multiple choice and fill-in questions, for a total 30 possible points for the three chapters, 8, 9, and 10. The test possible score will be set at 25 points - read below.

Questions from chapter 10 will also be drawn from the text. Students will have to answer five of these questions correctly, based on the sections in their Islamic booklet project they used. Students should study and reread those sections.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday's Class Activities and HW due Friday

Thursday Class activity:
1. In each group, break up study guide handout so that each person has 2 - 3 sections each.
2. With a textbook and the study guide, each student must write FOR EACH SECTION 2 MC questions (each with four answers), and 1 fill-in question. Each question must have an answer given at the END of the question.
3. For tonight's homework, each person must fill out the MC/Fill-in survey and give their questions and answer for each question.
  • your questions will be used to make up the test for next Tuesday
  • Thursday night's HomeworkMC/Fill-in survey here...
4. Assuming that students followed this homework assignment, students will have a hand in writing more questions for the test.

Ch 8 - 9 study guide, based on student notes here
Ch 10 study guide will be provided on Friday in class

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Islamic Nations of Asia and Africa Map grades

Update - there were seven maps that did not have a name on them. I entered zeroes for now. Papers will be passed out on Friday. These no named assignments, along with a few other assignments with no names given will also be passed out and the zeroes will be corrected once all no name papers are identified.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ch 8 - 10 test next Tuesday...

The upcoming test, next Tuesday will focus on Chapters 8 - 10, with solid emphasis on all sections in 8 - 9. Some questions on chapters 9 - 10 will ask for examples that relate to our daily lives based on ideas covered in those chapters, corresponding to our Ch 9 journal and Ch 9-10 booklet activities.

There will also be a study guide based on the group activities that we did last week when groups wrote terms and concepts from each section of chapter 9 - 10. These group lists will be part of a study guide.

The test is next Tuesday. We will be covering and reviewing materials for that test this week and have a group game based test study activity next Monday.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, February 13, 2014

In class today - and HW due next Wednesday

In class today - Thursday, 2/13/14
1. Create Ch 9 and 10 study guides for next Friday's test

2. Work on Ch 9/10 culminating booklet
3. Outline worksheet for Isearch -

  • off the top of your head
  • check to see how far you are getting
  • how well are you internalizing your research process
Homework due next Wednesday, 2/19/14
1. Ch 9/10 booklet - 2 pages completed
2. Type Isearch outline - based on Isearch worksheet from
3. 22 Isearch notes in correct format

Monday, February 10, 2014

HW week starting 2/10/14 (Geo quiz, Ch 10, booklet)

Due - Detail

2/10/14 - In class:
Islamic Art styles and genres presentation
Study for map quiz

Use these blank maps to help you study - take a practice quiz

2/11/14 -
Islamic Nations of Africa and Asia Quiz - 15 points possible.
Map also collected after the quiz - 20 points.
Nations on the assigned map are part of this list of countries here.

Ch 9/10 sketches for Islamic Art designed booklet.
Read Ch 10 first.
Sketch three section ideas from Ch 9 and three from Ch 10 in an Islamic art style.
Include - Persian miniature, Persian carpet, Islamic geometric art, calligraphy, border patterns
These sketches will be used to create an 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 booklet with six pages in Islamic art styles

Note: The Ch 8/9 quiz for this week will become the Ch 8 - 10 test next Friday.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Drivers for the field trip - Meet at 11:00 in the 8th grade court yard near the 8th grade bathrooms.

I look forward to have a great time at the Asian Art with our students and parents Friday!!!

We will have directions, student lists, and an overview of the day presentation before we leave.

Parents should bring a sack lunch, or eat ahead of time.

Students get out of class at 11:10,

1. will put away all school materials, except a pen or pencil,
2. will bring their lunch (school lunches will be provided for those who regularly order them),
3. and a jacket.
4. Students may bring a cell phone, but they should be left off, and used only in the event of an emergency (no headphones should be brought on the trip).

We will leave Hall at 11:30.

We will eat lunch when we get to the Civic Center above the garage area. We need to stay across the street, away from the museum until we get ready to enter.

We will enter the museum starting at 12:30. Each teacher and parents will be given a map. Each student will receive a scavenger hunt assignment. Each class will enter and proceed to their designated area of the museum.

Students must stay with their groups. Students must maintain behavior as they enjoy the exhibits and complete the scavenger hunt in partners and small groups.

We will leave the museum around 2:10, and arrive back at Hall by 3:00.

When students arrive, they must go to the playground until the end of the school day at 3:20.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Geography Quiz moved to next Tuesday.

See you tomorrow to finish all stations. 

Split Core - When you show up to class, four stations must be fully complete. You will get about 30 minutes to finish all station work.

Cores - All work must be completed when you walk into class. You will be given about 15 - 20 minutes to complete any station work.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

HW for Core and Split Core due 2/5 and 2/6

Due 2/5/14 - Core: 3 stations complete

Due 2/6/14 - Split Core: 4 stations complete

Due 2/6/14 - All classes - Geography quiz Muslim countries of the Africa and Asia - 15 points

  • Based on our map assignment - see previous post
  • Use this site map here as follows:
    • All dark brown and tan nations (including 13, 14, 16)
    • as well as: 
      • Chad, Kazakstan
      • Lebanon
  • The quiz will have a map with 15 countries labeled with letters. Students must fill in the blank for each letter on a separate sheet with the correctly spelled name of the country.
  • 7 questions will cover countries of the Middle East - Iran to Turkey, Turkey to Arabian Peninsula, 
  • 4 countries of Muslim Africa - Egypt to Morocco, Somalia to Senegal.
  • 4 countries of Central Asia - East of Iran, From India to Kazakstan

Monday, February 3, 2014

HW Week of 2/3 - 2/6

Get a Stations direction sheet for this week here

Hook/Lead ideas handout

Add these due dates and directions:

Due Tuesday morning:
1. Complete one station as HW.
2. Complete 14 Isearch notes as HW.

Due Wednesday morning (Cores):
1. Complete three total stations.

Due Thursday
1. Complete four before morning of class.
2. Complete the online outline for the Arabic Coin article here.
3. Study for map quiz -
  • know all countries
  • quiz on 15 countries
    • 4 African countries
    • 4 Asian countries
    • 7 Middle Eastern
1. Field Trip from 11:30 - 3:00ish
2. Bring a sack lunch if you do not get a school lunch - we will have school lunches for those who receive lunch on Fridays. We will not buy food at the museum.
3. No cell phones will be used in the museum, or while riding in vehicles.

Students will participate in periods 1 - 3 as a regular school day.