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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This week's Work Cycle - Work due Jan 31 and Feb 1

Due Date - Details
1/24 T - Story Part 2 from substitute teacher and blog directions (handwritten draft - show conflict between 2 characters, show a foreshadowing event that leads up to the climax, but not the climax)

1/25 W - 20 Isearch notes in correct format due
1/30 M - Ch 10 EQ quiz study session (prepare to answer 2 of 3 questions)
1/31 T - Ch 10 EQ quiz
1/31 T - Isearch - first argument first draft - three paragraphs minimum - explanation, examples, data (5 notes minimum to support first main argument)
2/1 W - Isearch 30 notes due (min final number)
2/1 W - Isearch complete outline due draft
2/7 W - Isearch complete first draft
2/9 Th - Isearch bibliography draft due

Notes minimum sources - 3 books, 5 articles, 11 websites minimum (articles and books can substitute number of websites downward)

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