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Friday, January 31, 2014

Stations 0131 - 020614

Get this page as a handout here

1. Arabic Coinage reading - images of humans restrictions
  • read the article
  • outline the article - as a group divide the article into separate paragraphs per person
  • underline and include 6 terms that need definition in your notes
2. Grammar - 3- 42, 43: Thesis Statement and Developing Idea

3. Chapter 9 - How do the principles of Islam relate to me individually -

  • write about 2- 3 sentences each
  • Respond to the idea of each section in Ch 9 (p93 - chart)
    • 9.2 - an important personal event
    • 9.3 - an important book/movie in your life - explain why
    • 9.4 - an important guiding principle for your life
    • 9.5 - an important daily ritual of your life - habit, eating a certain meal, doing homework
    • 9.6 - what is something that you like to do for other people
    • 9.7 - how do you reflect upon your own behavior for yourself
    • 9.8 - where have you been or like to go that is really an important place or memory
    • 9.9 - personal struggle - how do you deal with personal issues that you want to do better at
    • 9.10 - what is the most important law that you feel benefits society

4. Isearch - Hook Off and write your thesis in

5. Modern Middle East map -

  • Quiz  2/6/14
  • Draw an outline political map of modern Arab and Muslim nations of Africa and central Asia
  • Complete the assignment on the target map - get a copy here
  • Use these two source outline maps to figure out what Muslim and Arab nations to include
  • Title the map - Muslim nations of Africa and Asia
  • 1. Ink outlines, 2. nation label in ink, 3. color in different colors for each adjoining nation. 4. Label water, but do not color. 5. Label the rest of each continent, color the rest of land a neutral color (brown, gray, etc.)

Additions -
1. Ch 9 notes (table)
2. Study for a Ch 8 - 9 Quizlet (20 points) - 2/11/14
3. Guild Level Three - Day: 2/10 - 2/11/14
4. 18 Isearch notes in class - 2/6/14

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