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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ch 8 EQ quiz Thursday - questions and sections to review:

You should study tonight and answer three questions from the list below for Wednesday's EQ quiz. Your answers should be in paragraph form.

Study the section in the Chapter 8 for each question. It is suggested that you write a practice answer for each question tonight.

1.    What was Arabia like during Muhammad’s life? 8.2
2.    Why did the Makkans fear and reject Muhammad’s teachings? 8.5
3.    Who were the four caliphs and what did each accomplish during their reign? 8.7
4.    Explain how a specific early life experience led to a useful personality trait or belief in Muhammad’s adult life. 8.3 and 8.4.

Don't forget to continue doing IS research and collect more notes from your sources.

Initially, this EQ quiz was scheduled for Wednesday, but this blog site had an outage due to a java or php error that did not allow the content of the site to load. This post was originally made on Tuesday.

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