Here are the 11x17 Roman Timeline directions...
Here are the sub plans work selection from today:
A. Read Social Studies
Text Chapter 6
Each person reads silently by themselves – this should take about (15 – 20
Write this on the board: When done
reading, take notes on a piece of notebook paper as follows (10-15 minutes):
a. Write down and define
at least 8 key terms, names of important people, events with dates
b. Write 3 EQ questions
and at least 3 bullet point answers for each question
c. Complete as homework – due Tuesday
3. When it seems that the students are losing steam, “you may share some
of the terms not defined in the book with people at your table.”
Continued page two:
B. Timeline – Due Thursday
1. Every student should get a 11x17 piece of paper – have a student
volunteer pass it out – the ream of paper is on a table in class.
2. Every student should get a ruler – have a student volunteer pass one
to each student – the rulers are in the back left corner in the supplies case.
3. Every student should get a handout –
a. READ the handout
with the students
b. measurements are on
the handout for each line.
c. Today, students
should layout the page
d. Then students should use their notes and the
textbook, to find historically significant dates – EXPLAIN: First event –
Outcome of 3rd Punic War. Last event for each branch is on the
e. Students should fold the paper in half and keep
it in their binder.
C. Stargirl – Novel
activity and reading
1. Each student should get a copy of the novel, Stargirl.
2. Students should read silently at their desks, taking notes on each
new chapter (20 minutes MAX)
3. Students must also finish their two postcards, for the events that
they were assigned in their chapters.
If time, show DVD – Barbarians - Vandals. Have a student help you find the
right chapter. Then use the double arrow keys on the remote to skip to the
right chapter. Ask students in each class where we left off.
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