1. Charles Martel, Battle
of Tours - Raul
2. Clovis king of the
Franks - Liam
3. Charlemagne - Nicholas
4. Holy Roman Emperor 800
AD or CE
5. treaty of verdun 843 -
6. Viking invasions -
7. Sack of Rome 410 CE or
AD - Cooper
8. Fall of Rome - economic
decline - Maja
9. Fall of Rome -
political instability
10. Fall of Rome -
weakening frontiers, Germanic migrations, invasions
11. Visigoths
12. Ostrogoths
13. Vandals - Kimon
14. Attila the Hun and the
Magyars - Mateo
15. Constantine moves
capital to Byzantium or founding of Constantinople – Kyle A.
16. Diocletian divides
Roman Empire - Sam
17. Roman architecture -
vaults and domes - modern architectural buildings, give specific example - neo
classical style - Morgen
18. Latin proverbs -
19. Famous Roman Republic
writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing - Emma
20. Famous Roman Empire
writers - name, time period, famous work or type of writing - Raya
21. The Roman Calendar -
July, August and how the calendar worked. What does the name of each month mean
and where is that name derived - Riley
22. Roman Number system
explained - Emily
23. Roman Philosophy -
Stoicism, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius – Kyle B
24. Roman Philosophy on
Education – Cicero - China
25. Justinian - attempt to
reestablish Roman Empire in the west - Carmen
26. Theodosius - outlaws
pagan rituals
27. Council of Nicaea and
the New Testament
28. The Gnostic Gospels
29. The Arian Schism and
30. Byzantine Iconoclasm
31. Roman Catholic and
Eastern Orthodox Church split - excommunication of the Patriarch of
32. Rise of Islam - the Spread of Islam by 850 CE -
expansion into eastern Mediterranean
33. The Fall of
Constantinople 1453 CE -
34. Justinian’s debt
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