Rodgers Homepage

Monday, September 4, 2017

Getting help from Mr. Rodgers AND using vital resources to succeed in class.

Throughout the entire year, Mr. Rodgers is focused on student organization. Over several years students have needed extra support in the areas of organization, and Mr. Rodgers has always been there.

Students are highly encouraged to advocate for their success by Mr. Rodgers. Many students are very successful personal advocates, but other students are encouraged to have a friend with them to help them advocate if they feel nervous about being a self advocate. It is an essential step to maturity that students address their issues. Of course parents should be involved, but maybe as coaches in the beginning in order to allow students to build confidence in dealing with school issues.

In the event that students have sustained difficulties, or fail to do their best in class, Mr. Rodgers will contact parents readily, and parents are also encouraged to contact Mr. Rodgers if they feel that their son or daughter is not doing their best. At times, our Counselor, Julie Auslander, will also be involved, especially if a students is having issues in other classes, or has continued difficulties from sixth grade or throughout the seventh grade year.

Below is a list of how organization is supported, as well as some of the key guidelines for staying organized and doing well in class.

1. The use of the LASS7 notebook reinforces labelling each entry with title, date, and entering entries in the Table of Contents - Notebooks are checked about every three weeks, besides constant teacher monitoring of correct format during writing activities.

1a. Students must print their first and last name, the title of the assignment, the due date, and the class the assignments is for at the top of each assignment that is turned in.

2. The class website is shown in class at least 3 days each week. The website is the OXYGEN for all assignments, supplies, and due dates. Students must review the website in class several times each week. Students must ALWAYS use the class website in order to review important information.

3. Google Classroom will be used only when assignments are required to be typed. Most assignments will be completed in the Notebook, or on binder paper.

3a. OXYGEN PLUS - Unless specified, students must bring the handwritten or printed page to class when the assignment is due. Assignments left un-printed on a home computer, or in the student's Google Drive will be considered late until they are printed. If students want to use a computer to do homework, then they MUST make sure the home printer is working before they start their work. All assignments that students elects to do on a computer must be printed at home. The Library printer is often not reliable and should be counted on to print assignments (it is merely provided as a convenience).

4. Email is the best way to reach Mr. Rodgers. Usually, Mr. Rodgers will not respond to emails after 7:30 pm at night. Emails sent after this time will typically be answered in class, either with the students, or in class as a whole, since many emails pose great questions that can help the entire class.

4a. Emails from parents about student progress are very important

4b. Emails will also be sent to students and parents on a regular basis (More OXYGEN). Students must check email every day in order to get class reminders and helpful suggestions. Email will also be sent to individual students to schedule meetings during recess, lunch, or Advisory as reminders for missing or late assignments, as well as suggestions for improvement.

4c. Parents are encouraged to email Mr. Rodgers with questions about communications, emails, and student progress. I am happy to return your email.

In the subject line - type your son or daughter's full name and your question or concern in the first line of the text.

5. Advisory Classes (Major OXYGEN boost) will be held once a week on Thursdays for 56 minutes. Advisory is the best time for students to meet and have in depth conversations with Mr. Rodgers to deal with missing work, or to go over assignments in order to understand how an assignment was assessed and the grade was earned.  Students may also schedule shorter meetings during before school, recess, lunch, and immediately after school, barring other duties or responsibilities.

5a. Organization clinic during Advisory. When students are having issues getting in work, Mr. Rodgers will engage in a student binder cleaning with the students. This search usually yields completed, yet missing assignments (the most common place I find "lost" work), as well as partially completed work. After an Organization clinic, parents will be contacted about work that was found, and what needs to do to get back on track.

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