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Monday, August 21, 2017

Welcome Back, August 22, 2017

Week 1, 082217 -
Welcome back. Summer was just yesterday for all of us: Sleeping in, vacations, endless amounts of time, hanging out, open schedules, and personal projects. I hope everyone adjusts to the new sleep schedule, makes some time for relaxation and personal endeavors, so that we all can ease back into the school year.

This year we will do many things, learn several strategies and skills, work together in groups, focus on personal goals, combine art and graphics, and perform in front of the class throughout the year.

We will read, poetry, short story and essay, as well as three novels in Language Arts. We will write using a variety of strategies.  We will keep a writer’s notebook, create several booklets, and use a process that engages students in the writing of personal narrative and short fiction, argumentative essay and controversial topic research, as well the expository and personal essay. Besides writing, we will work on our Oral Presentation skills throughout most of the year.

In Social Studies we will continue the historical survey about the time period known as the Medieval Time Period which includes the study of Late Roman Empire to the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, Islamic Civilization, China and Japan, West Africa, and MesoAmerica. We regularly make connections with the modern world, and examine how recent history helps us understand history in a personal way. We will ask big questions about history and discuss Cause versus Correlation, Historical models, controversial topics, put into context cultures and time periods that are different from our own.

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