Rodgers Homepage

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wednesday Homework support starting...

On Wednesdays, after the first five minutes, Room 601 will be open to Mr. Rodgers's LASS7 students.

Students that need assistance completing assignments or are asked to come to class should their lunch and show up to class no later than the first lunch bell.

When students are invited, parents will be notified of the invitation and that the student did attend.

See you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week of 012615 - Stations: We-Search, Novel, Journal

Due - Detail:
012815 W - Complete 3 stations at the beginning of class
012915 Th - Complete 4 stations at the beginning of class
013015 F - Complete all stations at the beginning of class

Homework this week:
Spend 30 minutes a night working on Station assignments. Stations 4 and 5 can only be completed in class - thus the nights that students have had these specific activities, there is not homework from these two stations.

Stations this week:
1. We-Search topic activity
2. Practice public speaking - Student written typed poem from last week
3. Topic building exercises 3-44, 3-46 received in class

4. Novel (Okay for Now) - read and take notes on each chapter in class

  • For a B - write a one sentence summary and find one powerful quote or passage with page number per chapter.
  • For an A - write a two sentence summary and find two powerful quotes or passages with page numbers per chapter.

5. Short Essay practice activity - issue: Young Children in Restaurants -

  • 300 word range
  • 3 paragraphs minimum
    • paragraph 1 - Introduce and explain the issue (without taking a side)
    • paragraph 2 - Discuss and give evidence that supports the Pro position of the issue
    • paragraph 3 - Two Choices for this paragraph:
      • Write a second Pro argument with supporting details   --OR--
      • Discuss and give evidence that supports the Con position of the issue

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Additional homework due Friday, 012315

Besides this week's homework due this week described in the previous post -

1. Have your parent read these directions.
2. Discuss three issues briefly with a parent.
3. The issues should be important issues that the student comes up with.
4. Each issue should be controversial, having two well supported sides
5. Discuss as follows:

  • The student should name an issue, explain it in 1 - 2 sentences, explain a supporting argument and an opposing argument for the issue.
  • The parent should ask 2 - 3 questions about the issue that the students should try to answer.
  • After 5 minutes the students should introduce a second top and repeat the process.
6. When 3 issues have been discussed and questions raised by the parents have been answered by the student the activity is completed.
7. The parent MUST sign and print their name in the student's Binder Reminder that the the above activity was completed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HW for week of 012015

Due - Detail
01.21 -
Read SS7 text Chapter 9
On the provided 3x5 index card - write one question on each side for two of the three categories below:

  • Ch 8 content
  • Ch 9 content
  • a modern issue related to Islam
01.22 - TDB

01.23 - 
With the six box template provided, summarize six sections from Ch 9 of your choice:
1. stick figure drawings that illustrate a major concept from each of your chosen sections
2. write 1 - 2 sentences about that concept or idea.
3. no color or ink required.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week of 011215

Due - Detail

0113 T - finish first station unless it was started in your notebook
0114 W - finish Three stations complete (+1 option on up to 2 assignments)
0115 Th - finish Four stations complete (no plus option)
0116 F - finish all stations complete.

In class, start stations:

1. Controversial topic research - a controversial topic has two sides of the argument, both of which can be supported by competing amounts of evidence. Some topics are no longer considered controversial - they may have been resolved historically, or now have overwhelming evidence and support for one side of the argument.

  • find three controversial topics that you are interested in
  • for each topic, write a brief explanation of the issue and explain both sides of the argument
  • write this assignment on a separate sheet of notebook paper by hand

2. Map Assignment - group specific map (template: A - Central Asia or B - Africa to India)

  1. Expansion of the Islamic Caliphate to 750 source here
  2. Islamic States in 1550 CE source here
  3. Islamic States in 1900 CE source here
  4. Islamic States in 1100 CE eastern half combine with Western half source
  5. The decline of the Ottoman Empire  - use target map C

3. Write a poem - 12 lines, form is up to the writer - use 3 pairs of your beginning and end lines from last week's assignment.

4. Journal (200 word min, in notebook) - Compare your life to three people from the list below:

  • a parent or older relative
  • an inmate at San Quentin
  • a teenager from a very rich or very poor family
  • a person that lives in a big city, a farm, or a forest
  • a person that has never lived in the same place for very long, or travels for a living

5. Thesis Worksheet

011315 - Work on any station work for up to 30 minutes for HW

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Curriculum Committee - Core 2 (To be introduced on Thursday)

Committee - Timothee, Aaron, Lyle, Monika, Sarah

Read the two stories -
Celia Behind Me (from Who Do You Think You Are)
Baby Sitter (from Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast)

After all members have completed both stories:
1. Discuss the strengths of each story - make a compare and contrast table for the entire group.
2. Choose the story for the class to read.
3. Design an assignment 
  • ideas can be - six box story map, timeline, letter to a character, alternative ending, what happened next scene, or others
  • write the directions for the assignment in a shared gdoc
  • present the lesson to your class
The work of the curriculum committee - reading, discussing, and preparing and teaching the lesson take the place of the completing the assignments that the rest of the class has to complete. 

Committee members may complete the class assignments they created as extra credit. 

Complete this survey after completing all of your station work

Stations Survey is here. 

You will need all of your completed work in order to answer this survey successfully.

Curriculum Committee - Core 1 (To be introduced on Thursday)

Committee - Luca, Anya, Cody, Chloe, John M.

Read the two stories -
X-15s (from No Easy Answers)
Amanda and the Wounded Birds (from Visions)

After all members have completed both stories:
1. Discuss the strengths of each story - make a compare and contrast table for the entire group.
2. Choose the story for the class to read.
3. Design an assignment 

  • ideas can be - six box story map, timeline, letter to a character, alternative ending, what happened next scene, or others
  • write the directions for the assignment in a shared gdoc
  • present the lesson to your class
The work of the curriculum committee - reading, discussing, and preparing and teaching the lesson take the place of the completing the assignments that the rest of the class has to complete. 

Committee members may complete the class assignments they created as extra credit. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of 010515

Due - Detail

Note - some of the activities listed below are completed in class as part of the work stations started in class. If students are finished with any of the assignments due for homework, they may work on other station activities started in class.

Board pics 010515 - with directions HW board pic and Station directions pic

0106 -

  1. Read SS7 Chapter 8. Pop Quiz at the beginning of class (explain three main ideas from the chapter).
  2. Print lyrics of a favorite song (discussed in class) OR a recipe from a favorite food
0107 - 
  1. UPDATED 010615 - Complete two station assignments of your choice before class starts.
0108 - 
  1. Spelling Unit 2 complete
  2. UPDATED 010715 - Complete three station assignments before class starts.
0109 - 
  1. Spelling/Vocabulary Test from Unit 2
  2. SS7 Ch 8 - 3 EQs - Questions (from different sections) and 3 bullet point answer information for each question.
  3. Beginning/End lines activity - 
  • 5 pairs from actual novels/stories
  • 5 pairs made up from short, made up story ideas generated by the student (as discussed in class)